Maitre de la Déstinée
Full Name
Maitre de la Déstinée
"Je resterai le Raven que je devais être..

Tant que je suis vivant, les Mercenaires ne s'éteindront jamais , je suis de retour et je vais vous montrer, les Mercenaires vont restauré leur ancienne gloire.

Pour eux ... Je vais de nouveau endosser l'uniforme des mercenaires..."

Maitre de la Destinée


As a weapon, the Nasod Arm requires a strong foundation of intellect, but since Raven was once a mercenary, his body became more combat-oriented instead after much of his experiences. Still, a few hysterical aspects (of the Nasod Arm) have bound to his basic skills allowing Raven to deal more damage at the risk of damaging it; Raven is now able to execute complex attacks by integrating medium-range flame attacks from his Nasod Arm with his combat proficiency.

Flames or fire bullets that are launched from the Nasod Arm explode on target, and for that reason, Raven's Nasod Arm can overheat. However, this overheating system can be exploited as a strategic attack to deal enormous amounts of damage by making use of the increased heat generated by the arm. Raven's Nasod Arm, when beyond overheated, can now withstand the high temperature and is able to continuously attack. The most opportune time for the Weapon Taker to attack is when he has plenty of stamina, but he needs to be well prepared first.


On the road with the El Search Party, Raven finds another reason to fight. He keeps going to honor his comrades, the Crow Mercenaries. He makes adjustments to his Nasod arm and succeeds in giving it the ability to deal explosive hits. The more he uses it, the more powerful it becomes, and when the Nasod arm overheats, Raven unleashes a display of massive firepower.

Yet Raven poses a grave danger to himself, the longer he keeps using this modified, built-in weapon. The Weapon Taker walks the thin line between becoming a formidable fighting machine and causing his own inadvertent destruction.

Premier changement de classe

Maitre de la destinée Peut seulement etre obtenue a l'elromachée: Révelation du maitre de la destinée

Raven Doit etre Lv15 pour choisir son premier changement de classe .
Aprés Avoir finis la quête du Porteur , Raven Peut choisir entre trois classe avancée Sword Taker, Over Taker ou un Weapon Taker.

Maitre de la destinée

  1. Parler a Hofmann L'ancien de Elder.
  2. Obtenir un mécanisme de surchauffe sur Tokar le Boss du 2-4.
  3. Finir le 2-5 en mode normal (☆) ou en plus grande difficulté.
  4. Obtenir un Mechanism Core sur Wally Le boss du 2-5 en mode expert (☆☆☆).

au Lv35, le Weapon Taker peut devenir un Veteran Commander.

Arbre de compétences

Skills Passives
    Level 15
        Level 25
      Level 30
        Level 35
        Level 40
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 40.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 2nd job class.

Combos Additionnelle

Image Description Damage
File:WtCombo1.png Barrage de surchauffe
(Lance la surchauffe après avoir appuyer 3 fois sur x)

Raven lance un missile, puis effectue un sprint qui frappe la cible. Il se met alors en position de tir, et lance une rafale de coup avec son bras. Si vous appuyez sur X à plusieurs reprises tandis que Raven est en position de tir, il va déclencher une rafale d'explosions qui font une grande quantité de dégâts, mais cela va consommer des HP dû à une surchauffe.

  230% Dégâts magiques
  150% Dégâts physiques
  170% Dégâts magiques
  210% Dégâts magiques par coups.

  Frappé et Courir / Roulé et Attrapé

Raven attacks three times with his sword, then does a backstep, firing 1 shot with his arm and another shot, knocking targets down. Alternatively, if holding the directional button, he does a front roll past his enemies and then grabs them with his arm.

Fun Fact: The last hit of "Roll and Grab" is similar to Breaking Fist's animation. In the original teaser trailer of Weapon Taker, it showed that the concept of the Roll and Grab combo was supposed to be rolling behind targets and slashing them.

  100% Phy. Damage
  100% Phy. Damage
  150% Phy. Damage
  230% Mag. Damage
  310% Mag. Damage
   100% Phy. Damage
  200% Phy. Damage

File:WtCombo3.png Feu Aérien

After Raven slashes once in midair after running, he will use his Nasod arm to release some explosive smoke and ignite it, thereby propelling himself and his target higher. This combo is somewhat similar to Rune Slayer's >>^xzz

Fun Fact: In the original teaser trailer of Weapon Taker, this combo launched Raven at a height similar to Chung's >>^x.

  100% Phy. Damage
  210% Mag. Damage
  230% Mag. Damage


Old overheat state; Raven's entire body was engulfed in flames.

Weapon Taker and Veteran Commander has a unique system in which he can increase the effects of some combos and skills by "overheating" himself as well as increasing his damage output by 10% in a similar fashion to Awakening Mode. To do this, one must repeatedly press the skill button for the corresponding skill 5 times or more in succession; if done right, a small text will appear saying "OVERHEAT". However, Overheating will result a loss of HP as well as a recoil that leaves one vulnerable. Whereas Weapon Taker's skills will recoil with an uppercut after overheating, Veteran Commander's skills will recoil with a swing.
Such skills include:

Mise a jour





  • Though not mentioned in his backstory, Weapon Taker improves his arm not by letting it evolve like Over Taker, but instead by taking parts from enemies and integrating them with his arm, improving it without increasing its influence on him. Thus this is why he is named "Weapon" Taker.
  • His necklace appears to be black feathers, which may be a reference to his name, or to the Crow Mercenaries.
  • Though the artwork shows him to look as old as Blade Master or Reckless Fist instead of Raven's other 1st class branches, this is only due to a different artist.
  • In the original teaser trailer of Weapon Taker, at the end there was a combo in which Raven could boost himself upwards like Chung's >>^x.
    • Upon further inspection, this combo is simply the >>^ZXX where the 2nd X propels you slightly into the air. This is because in the original teaser trailer of Weapon Taker, some of the attacks were specially modified. For example, the XX X~X combo was modified so that instead of lauching the initial bullet, an explosion similar to Giga Prominence came out of the ground. This is due to possible balancing reasons.
  • His in-game model loses one of his characteristic scars in his face while his Skill and art at the top of the screen, still show it.
  • During S1 PvP, many moves depleted HP in values where you'd have to be careful of which moves you decided to overheat.
    • Before the Overheat revamp, you could actually kill yourself by using Overheat.
