The exhibits are alive!
Night (?) at the Museum
Night (?) at the Museum
Discovery Clear Palace of Gold Medovine once. Obtain Clear Palace of Gold Medovine 50 times.
Adaptation +2% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
When attacking, 5% chance of summoning Medovine's Thorn (Cooldown: 30 seconds) (Dungeon)
Damage in Palace of Gold Medovine increased by 18% (Dungeon)
A title given to those who defeated the beast from the underground den.
Beast Master
Beast Master
Discovery Clear Hunter's Hideout once. Obtain Clear Hunter's Hideout 50 times.
Adaptation +2% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
+5% chance of poison (when using poison attributed weapon)
+200 points of resistance added to nature attributes.
Damage in Hunter's Hideout increased by 18% (Dungeon)
A title given to those who defeated every opponent in the arena and became the champion.
Legend of the Arena
Legend of the Arena
Discovery Clear Torta Arena once. Obtain Clear Torta Arena 50 times.
Adaptation +2% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
Item Drop Rate +15% (Dungeon)
Damage in Torta Arena increased by 18% (Dungeon)