City in the Sky/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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*'''Electron Crush''': Eltrion will use one of his claws to slam the ground from above, creating a shockwave.
*'''Slash''': Eltrion will use one of his claws to swipe the field.
*'''Repel''': Eltrion will bring his claws inward, then smacks players away.
*'''Energy Scan''': Eltrion uses both his claws to fire a connecting laser and sweep the platforms in his range.
*'''Dual Gleam''': Eltrion uses both his claws to fire lasers from above and sweep the field in his range.
*'''Transition - A''': Eltrion will fly to the right of the field, switching positions. He can use Electron Crush and Slash in this position.
*'''空中打击 - A''':艾特里欧将会飞到右边。在这个地点他将使用如下技能。
*'''Searing Laser''': While in Position A, Eltrion will stomp 2 times then fire a laser from his ocular lenses.
*'''Energy Stream''': While in Position A, Eltrion will charge briefly and fire a laser from his core.
*'''Strafe Run''': When leaving Position A, Eltrion will fire lasers from his wings and core while rushing to the left. After he uses this, he will return to his original position or fly to Position B.
**'''波动激光''':当艾特里欧离开时,他将从翅膀和核心处放射激光。他将回到最起始时所处的地方,并发动“空中打击 - B”。
*'''Transition - B''': Eltrion will fly and latch on to one of the hovering objects in the background. He will use 1 of his 2 most dangerous moves in this position.
*'''空中打击 - B''':艾特里欧将飞到半空中并盘旋。在此期间他将会使用最危险的两个技能。
*'''Particle Rain''': While flying away from Position B, Eltrion will launch a vast amount of missiles that home in on players.
*'''Final Exemption''': While moving away from Position B and lingering in the background, Eltrion charges up all his of energy and releases a immense laser from his core.
**The direction the laser will travel depends on what energy Eltrion is charging.
***If Eltrion is '''red''' while charging, the laser will become purple and travel to the '''right'''.
***If Eltrion is '''green''' while charging, the laser will become blue and travel to the '''left'''.

