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How about merging it with the 'Extreme Heavenly Love' document?

Characfar (talkcontribs)

ex1, Extreme Heavenly Love/Bond

     -> Like this page '천상지애/천상지우' -> namu.wiki/w/엘소드(엘소드)

ex2, Soulmate System + Wedding System = Bonding System (인연)

      Character page 'Extreme Heavenly Love/Bond' -> Bonding System's Bonding Skill Tab
     -> I think it would be better
     -> Like this page -> elsword.nexon.com/Info/Guide/View?n4ArticleSN=36
FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

I personally like this idea, especially since they're practically the same thing, just with Soulmate having a few cosmetic differences and not having any character restrictions.

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

Now that it's out in NA, I've noticed that before you unlock either of them, the Skill Tree shows them as "Extreme Heavenly Love/Extreme Heavenly Bond". So it just makes a lot of sense for both of them to be on a single page rather than two separate pages.

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