[Special Active] Aisha releases an oval shape of energy, hitting both upwards and downwards.


SP Required
Required for
Battle Magician
50 SP
Super Nova

Skill Information

Skill Level Damage(Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
1 (Level^2 x 19) + 530% 1 200MP 15 Seconds
2 (Level^2 x 22) + 630%
3 (Level^2 x 26) + 740%
4 (Level^2 x 29) + 840%
5 (M) (Level^2 x 35) + 1000%
6 (Level^2 x 41) + 1160%
7 (Level^2 x 46) + 1320%

Skill Note

Name: Ring of Energy (에너지의 링-"Energy of the ring")

Description: Increases the range of Energy Spurt and its MP consumption by 10%.

  • 220MP Special Active
  • The damage is dealt to any monster within the ╋ shaped ring around the caster
  • When noted the sideways range is a bit wider than Guillotine Press' second stomp.

Tips and Details

  • The level-based part of the damage cannot be reduced or raised by any debuff/buff, defense/attack, or damage reduction/additional damage effect\socket.
  • When fighting monsters that are 5+ levels higher than you, this skill's damage multiplier is nerfed.
    • When fighting players that are 3 levels above you, this skill's damage multiplier is nerfed.
