[Passive] Ever 5 combo hits, gain a buff that increases additional damage for 10 seconds. Upon activation, it will not activate again for 1 second.
(Max 5 stacks)


Class Level Required
Sheath Knight 15

Skill Information

Skill Level Character Level Intense Strike
Per Stack Max Stack Duration
1 15 2% 5 10 Seconds
2 31 4%
3 39 8%
4 83 10%

Tips and Details

  • The buff will circle your character when active in the form of a yellow sword inside a circle, the level of the buff can be recognized based on its size, detail and opacity.
  • The duration of the buff resets when stacked.
  • Hits from special actives and actives can also active this passive.


  • 05/15/2014 KR
    • Buff duration increased.
  • 12/18/2014 KR
    • Added a 1 second cooldown between stacks.
  • 02/05/2015 KR
    • Additional Damage decreased.
  • 10/29/2015 (KR) / 03/16/2016 (NA)
    • Buff duration increased.
    • Additional damage amount increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea ??? Cruel Slayer
  Japan 荒れ狂う力の奔流 ???
  China (Simplified Chinese) 残暴杀手 Cruel Slayer
  France Cruel boucher Cruel Butcher
  United Kingdom Cruel Butcher
