[Special Active] Rena shoots a concentrated magic sphere force into the ground releasing a powerful wind explosion that blows away any enemies within it's radius.


SP Requirement
Requirement For
Sniping Ranger
40 SP
Guide Arrow

Skill Information

Skill Level Damage(Magical) Max Hits Mp Usage Cooldown
1 668% 1 100 MP 5 seconds
2 801%
3 935%
4 1068%
5 (M) 1269%
6 1469%

Skill Note

Name: Concentrated Air Technique(NA) / Air Condensation Method(KR)

Description: "Increases the range of Humming Wind by 20%"

  • Skill note is available in cash shop only.

Tips and Details

  • Has incredibly far range, the same as a maxed Binding Circle.
    • Be careful, though. Like Binding Circle, the range is actually smaller than it seems.
  • The blast knocks opponents fairly high and far.
  • Difficult to avoid in PvP when used up close.
  • Returns a decent amount of MP per enemy hit. (8 MP per hit)


  • Grand Archers can utilize smaller, weaker variants of Humming Wind.
