Revision as of 02:45, 16 July 2013 by TruShot (talk | contribs) (Accuracy is tons more important than critical; strong hits only matter if they land.)

PvP (Player vs. Player) is a feature of Elsword that allows players to battle each other.


Sparring can be accessed by talking to Camilla, the PvP NPC who appears in every town, and choosing the Sparring option. This will take you to the Sparring Lobby.
Matches in the Sparring Lobby have no effect on your Rank, Rank Points (RP), and neither award nor subtract Arena Points (AP). Consequently, you also cannot gain your rank from Sparring matches.
In the Sparring Lobby, you can either create or join a Sparring Room. Each room can have a maximum of 8 players in it at once, with up to 4 players on each team. When creating a room, there are several settings you can adjust to customize the fights in the room.

Match Type

Team Match: A battle that gives each player one life. There must be the same amount of members on each team in order to start.
Team Death Match: A battle that gives team points depending on the number of kills for each team. There can be an uneven amount of players on each team, but the team with less players will be granted a damage and MP buff.(Currently cannot start without equal teams).
Survival: A free-for-all. The player with the most kills in the battle wins. This mode favors the usage of large area-of-effect skills, such as Generate Black Hole and Wind Ward.

Item Rules

Item Mode: Allows random items to appear on the battlefield which can change the tide of the battle.
Power Mode: Disables random items from appearing.
NOTE: Survival rooms cannot be changed to Power Mode, they can only be created in Item Mode.

Miscellaneous Options

Room Name: Allows you to title your room. You can also edit the room name after creating the room by clicking in the text box at the top of the screen.
Playtime: Allows you to set how long the match will last. The minimum time you can choose is 200 seconds, while the maximum is 1100 seconds. Team Matches only allow a maximum of 400 seconds.
Kills: The number of kills needed in a Team Death Match or Survival Battle in order to win. The maximum kills allowed in Team Death Match is 28, and 12 in Survival. This option does not appear for Team Match.
Number of Players: After creating the room, you may click on character slots to open or close them. In Team/Team Death Match, only an even number of player slots can be opened/closed.
Private Room Option: Normally, your room is completely open to anyone who decides to join. By checking the mark next to the lock icon, your room will become private, and users will be required to enter a password before they can join. The password can be any length from 1 to 12 characters.
Map Select: The Room Leader can click this button after creating the room to choose which map the fight will take place on. If a map is not selected, the map will be chosen randomly once the match begins.


Arena PvP is, in a sense, the "official" PvP. Each match will have an effect on your server-wide ranking, as well as rewarding AP, a currency used to buy items from Camilla's PvP Shop. Winning a match will also reward RP, which is used to determine your ranking within whatever rank you currently hold. Be careful, as losing a match will also subtract RP!

Arena can currently be accessed in two ways: Talking to Camilla and choosing Arena, or simply clicking the Arena tab when in a town or field. From there, you can choose either a one-on-one fight, or a three-versus-three fight. If you are in a party of two or three, you may only choose 3v3.


When you first create a character, they will have no rank. To obtain a PvP rank, you must participate in ten qualifier matches. After the end of your tenth match, you will be awarded your rank. The ranks, from lowest to highest, are E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS. If your character held a rank in Season 1's PvP, you can only receive a rank one higher than your Season 1 rank after your qualifiers for Season 2 (i.e., if you were an A rank in Season 1, the highest you can get in your qualifiers is S). Your rank determines many things, such as:

-The amount of AP you can gain from matches.
-The strength of the players you are matched with.
-The strength of Epic NPCs you can encounter.
-The items you can purchase from Camilla's Shop.

To increase your rank, you must consistently win matches in Arena. Doing so will increase your AP Tier, an unspecified variable that can be determined by finding the amount of AP you receive from winning a 1v1 match. Upon reaching certain AP Tiers, you can rank up by winning a few matches at that tier. Conversely, you can rank down by consistently losing and dropping down AP Tiers. Take note that every time you switch ranks, be it up or down, your RP will be RESET to zero.

Camilla's Shop

You can use the AP you obtain from Arena matches to purchase special items from Camilla. Below are some of the items you can get:

Basic Magic Stones

Name Description Image Cost
Magic Stone Used to socket weapons and armor with a random stat.
  1000 ED

150 AP

Advanced Magic Stone Used to socket weapons and armor with a random stat, with a higher chance of better values than a basic Magic Stone.
  1000 ED

450 AP

Enhancement Stones and El Shards

Name Description Image Cost
Blessed Weapon Enhancement Stone Used to enhance weapons of any level.
  1000 ED

450 AP

Blessed Armor Enhancement Stone Used to enhance armor of any level.
  1000 ED

100 AP

El Shard (Mystery) Used to apply random attributes to weapons and armor. They can also be identified with items from the Alchemists.
  1000 ED

500 AP

Stat-Specific Magic Stones

Name Description Image Cost and Requirements
Sparring Magic Stone [Additional Damage] Sockets your equipment with Additional Damage (Match-only)
  1000 ED

606 AP
S Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Damage Reduction] Sockets your equipment with Reduced Damage (Match-only)
  1000 ED

606 AP
S Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Awakening Time] Sockets your equipment with Awakening Time (Match-only)
  1000 ED

294 AP
D Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [HP] Sockets your equipment with HP (Match-only)
  1000 ED

234 AP
E Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Awakening Charging Speed] Sockets your equipment with Awakening Charge Speed (Match-only)
  1000 ED

294 AP
D Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Movement Speed] Sockets your equipment with Movement Speed (Match-only)
  1000 ED

234 AP
E Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Critical] Sockets your equipment with Critical Hit Rate (Match-only)
  1000 ED

450 AP
B Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Attack Speed] Sockets your equipment with Attack Speed (Match-only)
  1000 ED

450 AP
B Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Accuracy] Sockets your equipment with Accuracy (Match-only)
  1000 ED

234 AP
E Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Evasion] Sockets your equipment with Evasion Rate (Match-only)
  1000 ED

234 AP
E Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Jump Speed] Sockets your equipment with Jump Speed (Match-only)
  1000 ED

234 AP
E Rank or higher required to purchase

Dual-Socket Magic Stones

Name Description Image Cost and Requirements
Sparring Magic Stone [Explosion] Sockets your equipment with Additional Damage and Reduction Damage (Match-only).

1000 ED
2280 AP
SS Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Destruction] Sockets your equipment with Critical Hit Rate and HP (Match-only).

1000 ED
2280 AP
SS Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Agile] Sockets your equipment with Attack Speed, Movement and Jump Speed (Match-only).

1000 ED
1824 AP
SS Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Combustion] Sockets your equipment with Evasion and Accuracy (Match-only).

1000 ED
1368 AP
SS Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Wrath] Sockets your equipment with Awakening Time and Awakening Charge Speed (Match-only)

1000 ED
1368 AP
SS Rank or higher required to purchase

The new Season 2 PvP gear can also be purchased from Camilla, see Arena Sets (S2) for information on the sets for your class. Buying these from Camilla is unnecessary, as you acquire them during the story quest for free.

Tips and Tricks

The Arena is a cut-throat competition that takes hours of practice and perseverance to master, but there are some basic tips that every character should follow:

Establish good baseline stats before PvPing: The main stats that are vital to PvP are your three speeds, your critical, and your HP. Having a minimum of 20% in your speeds allows you to both move and attack at a brisk pace, staying one step ahead of your enemies. This is the most important thing you should work on with sockets, as low speeds will allow other players to easily catch you and even slip out of your combos. Having around 30% critical will greatly help your damage output, and stacking HP will increase your overall durability. If you don't have accuracy at around 20%, it is recommended to get it there before upgrading critical and hp.

Aim for "End-game" gear: Most of the higher ranked players sport one of the so-called end-game gear sets, and you should aim to do the same. Which set you should use is dependent on your character and your own play style. Until you acquire these equips, the PvP gear you get through the story can be a nice alternative, as they are easy to socket and attribute.

Don't do 3v3 for your qualifying matches: 3v3 can be a fun, fast-paced battle mode as you advance in your Arena career, but don't try to dive right into it. A large element of 3v3 is luck, so you should stick to the more reliable and predictable 1v1 until you feel confident enough to attempt 3v3.

Know your attributes: Attributing your weapon and armor can mean the difference between life and death. Certain characters and classes can utilize elements better than others, refer to the Elements guide to see what some options are for your setup. Furthermore, remember to add resists smartly. All elements can be deadly if used correctly, so learn which ones you're most vulnerable to and attribute your armor to resist them.

Aim for a Magic Necklace: While not necessary, a Magic Necklace can give you a serious leg-up in Arena. 30% extra MP from attacks both dealt and received adds up quick, and lets you both break more often and dish out more damage with more Special Actives.

Consider a B-Slot: Another unnecessary item, but it can be a nice tool to have. More skills available to use at once will increase your versatility and unpredictability.

Mana breaking is not a "noob" tactic, use it to your advantage: Contrary to what the ragers would have you believe, mana breaking is an incredibly useful technique that can save you from losing a match in one catch. There are plenty of players who know how to reset the knockdown counter, and have no qualms about killing you in a single combo. Of course, there are some situations where it's better to simply take some hits, but when those are is something you can only learn through experience.


-Before the PvP revamp, all matches took place in the Sparring Arena.
-In Roman mythology, Camilla is a famed virgin warrior, which may have lead to the NPC Camilla's name.
-Prior to the Season 2 revamp, 2v2 mode existed in Arena queuing. However, it was removed due to its unpopularity in Korea. Despite being much more popular in the North American server, it was also removed there due to coding conflicts.