
From Elwiki
Press Key from Siege Shelling mode to switch to Kinetic Bombardment. Kinetic Bombardment uses all remaining Enhanced Cannonballs. The duration changes depending on how many Enhanced Cannonballs are used. Form a Gravity Portal above the enemy and prevent them from moving.

Can use 排气冲击 during Kinetic Bombardment to avoid attacks.
A pulse field that protects your body is formed after Kinetic Bombardment. This field reflects magic projectiles and increase MP Recovery when attacking.
Pulse field damages a nearby enemy once.


职业 所需等级
军团指挥官 99



技能等级 所需等级 Kinetic Bombardment Pulse Field
Gravity Field (魔法) 持续时间 最大连击数 Enhanced Ammo
Pulse Field (魔法) MP Gain增加 持续时间
1 99 163% 0.7~4.2秒 3 ~ 13 1 ~ 6 295% 40% 4秒
  • Pulse Shield will reflect Magical Projectiles


技能等级 所需等级 Kinetic Bombardment Pulse Field
Gravity Field (魔法) Pulse Field (魔法)
1 99 65% 118%


  • With 6 Enhanced Cannonballs, Kinetic Bombardment总共能造成2,119%(对战中为845%)的魔法伤害。
  • The Pulse Field will inflict hitstun.


  • 2018年4月5日 韩服
    • 修复了复活后不能使用重力炮击的BUG。
  • 2018年4月5日 韩服
    • 技能伤害减少。