The Tongue of Elrios

3/12 Patch Notes

March 10th, 2015 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Patch Notes

# Content

1. Guild Base and Guild Storage added
– ‘Guild Base’ Small town for guild members and ‘Guild storage’ where you can share items with guild members added.
– More features planned

2. Secret Dungeon Revamp
– Secret Dungeons are revamped. Sander secret dungeon added. Play and rewarding methods changed.

– Difficulty all unified into ‘Hell’. ‘Luto Mode’ entrance method changed.
– Can obtain new Lv.80 secret dungeon equipments. Only lvl70 secret dungeon equipments can be upgraded using provided upgrade method within certain time interval into lvl.80

Postponed for next week

# Event

1. Secret Dungeon Revamp and Sander Secret Dungeon event
–  2015 03 12 ~ 2015 03 26
– Characters in Lv.1 ~ Lv.59 get 150%EXP bonus so they can get to secret dungeons faster
– Characters over Lv.60 gets 3(weekdays),6(weekends) ‘Luto’s entrance ticket'(secret dungeon ticket) per ID per login.
– Secret Dungeon Daily quest clear will give additional reward ‘Unknown Medal’ that can be exchanged for other town medals.
– Clear ‘[EVENT] Luto’s Trace’ daily quest to get Luto’s Tracer one piece item!

Postponed for next week

2. 3rd Guild revamp event
– Event: 2015 03 12 ~ 2015 03 26
– Log in with character in a guild to get ‘Congrats! Guild Base launch’ event title.
– Rewards given to guilds with most ‘Guild coins’ in their guild storage by clearing guild co-op quests






Best Guild Cube

Ariel’s Magic Amulet Lv.8


[Cobo] Ice Burner


[Cobo] Fossil Reader


2 ~ 10

Best Top.10 Cube

Ariel’s Magic Amulet Lv.7


[Cobo] Ice Burner


[Cobo] Fossil Reader


11 ~ 50

Best Top.50 Cube

Ariel’s Magic Amulet Lv.6


[Cobo] Ice Burner


[Cobo] Fossil Reader


3. 3 14 ‘White Day’ event
– 2015 03 12 ~ 2015 03 19
– [Lovelove bear] item that can only be presented sold in cash shop.
Following items can be obtained from dismantling [Lovelove bear] accessory item

Items obtained when dismantled


Lovelove Bear (Can’t Dismantle)

Accessory (Top)

Couple Ring


Rose Hairpin

Accessory Face(Mid)

Red Rose

Accessory Face(Bottom)

Guardian Ring

Accessory (Ring)

Guardian Necklace

Accessory (Necklace)

– ‘Orb of extreme rage’ also given to lonely ppl upon every 10 min login.

# Cash Shop

1. New Ice Burner [Salvatore Gaia]
– Can’t obtain Heavenly Fox shrine maiden avatars after maintenance.
– 2015 03 12 ~ 2015 06 04

* IB revamped so it only gives costumes specific to your character. From 03 12~06 04, melting ice sculptures will give ‘Earth’s energy’ instead of ‘Ice Crystal’. You can craft ‘Salvatore Gaia’ IB avatars by gathering enough ‘Earth Energy’. If you need Ice Crystal, you can exchange ‘Earth’s energy’ for them from Ariel.

2. Avatar: Spring Lolita(Elsword, Aisha, Rena, Raven, Eve, Chung)
– Other character’s avatars will be released on 03 26
– 2015 03 12 ~ 2015 04 09

[End of Sale]
1. All in one IBs
2. Bingo Event. All related items removed, cannot obtain more bingo points. Can still roll Bingo until 3 19.
3. Animal Cosplay(Chung, Ara, Elesis, Add) packages
4. 2015 Hanbok avatar
5. Enhancement Package item


1. Fixed problem where (old) Magic Necklace would apply to both Luciel characters in dungeons when wearing it as Ciel.
2. Fixed pet ‘MP+5’ effect not working as Luciel character.
3. Fixed Dreadlord not getting combination point on his ZZZXZ command on his last Z attack.
4. Fixed equipment visuals not change as Ciel when changing equipments.

1. Fixed  “현재 필드가 파티가 소속된 필드가 아닙니다” appearing sometimes when exiting dungeon alone using ESC.
2. Fixed problem where you can enter dungeon outside the party by entering the sparring or training while dungeon countdown is still going on.
3. Henir resting stop’s, enter next area method changed. Next Area or exit chosen by number of people standing in front of the doors. Dungeon will carry on according to the door that has more people standing in front of it within certain time interval. If number of people are same, it will choose challenge(not exit)
4. Changed so level 80 character only get matched with other level 80 characters in random matching in Henir or secret dungeon.

1. Elesis Dragon Knight Reform crafting ends
2. fixed problem where Ara’s wedding dress appearances in magical wardrobe were exchanged.

1. Random matching buff ‘Hero’s gathering’ buff enhanced and will apply even if you are matched alone. Buff increased if less players are matched.
Ex. When you are matched alone due to lack of players, the buff will give Maximum 223%(+123%)
It should be lacking compared to playing with 4 people but we decided it will help. We plan to continue looking into the problem of lack of people in dungeon random matching.
2. Fixed Guild Skills ‘Midas hand’ and ‘Comrade’s cheer’ skills not working.
3. Henir Launching event ends. Powerstone shard required for crafting Powerstones changed from 30 to 60.

<Update Item Preview>
– Salvatore Gaia –

– Spring Lolita (Elsword, Aisha, Rena, Raven, Eve, Chung) –

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32 Responses

  • Unknown says:

    So we finally going to know what Sander SD is. And did KR just get a free give away Luto Trace costume suit there?

  • TehFoxSays says:

    Someone leak the sander SD now

  • ShadowsFortune says:

    Good news everyone! Seems that KoG has postponed this patch until the 19th (Next week) It was written on the Elsword KR Main website….

    Are you fucking serious KoG?

  • Endgame says:

    “We’re going to release the last stage, and thus, the last actual content update you’re going to see for another year now this week!”

    “Oops, sorry. We’re postponing it until next week!”

    KOG at its finest.

    • UNub says:

      Keep complaining scrub lol. Salt is too real.

      I’ll be taking that custom Raven arm people have been asking for tons of years ago.

      • L says:

        Well KOG does take a long time to update content. It must have took them awhile to process the idea that some people wanted a custom nasod arm for their IB. Looks awesome. Thinking of getting an IB for my BM if this comes out.

      • Endgame says:

        Complaining? Oh no my dear. This shit amuses me.

        I’m not playing this hollow shell of a game anymore. I’m playing Closers, made by the people who made Elsword good in the first place. I’m just following Elsword news to enjoy the trainwreck.

        • Anonymous says:

          And who exactly made that happen? Elsword being good, I mean.

          • L says:

            I think Endy means the members that worked on developing Elsword when it was still new. The guys who made the game more difficult with traps and annoying stuff. The new dungeons are from the current KOG who doesn’t make traps and you just spam your skills.

          • Endgame says:

            The original team. They worked on the game from the beginning to Velder to form Naddic, leaving us with this new team. (Hence the shift in tone of both design and story after Velder. The demons went from fighting as an organized army to being a bunch of not so competent monsters led by people with horns.)

            Or perhaps, there was a second team between the original team and the current team. I don’t know how to explain it. Chung, the Transform classes, and Ara (LH/SD at least. LD/YR was CN levels of gimped at launch and still has some design problems and Asura is just recycled skills slapped onto Ara.) were actually well done. Which makes it pretty hard to believe that the same geniuses that came up with mounts, the ST Revamp, Elesis, Add, Lu/Ciel, and poorly designed Sander and Lanox stages also came up with them.

          • Anonymous says:

            I’m pretty sure Ran’s the overall leader of the Demons. He was just holding back on us (Maybe even just toying with us) in Hamel. Karis may have just been a ‘general’ Ran appointed for the Sander evasion.

            Even before Hamel, I’ve noticed that every town’s dungeons try something at least slightly different. They probably just did the same with Hamel, Sander, and Lanox.

            If I recall, character design is done by DIFFERENT people than dungeon, gameplay, whatever. Perhaps there were still some of the old designers left, making Chung, SD, and the Transform classes likable to you. As for Elesis, Add, LuCiel, YR, and Asura, I liked them as well. Elesis was similar but different to her little bro, Add was easy to control but harder to master (partly ’cause some of his job change combos can only be used in Awakening), and while LuCiel could have been done better, I like the idea.

            As for the shift in tone… I figured it was actually more like Feita and Velder were distractions while the rest of the demons went for their true goal. I mean, I felt something was up as soon as I started Feita’s dungeons for the first time.

          • Endgame says:

            Ran is Ara’s brainwashed brother. (And was clearly not screwing with the group. The Hamel ending cutscene is all about Ara stopping Chung from killing him.) Scar is the leader of the demon army. (And is an absolute joke. Couldn’t touch loli Elesis, no real military leadership skills, even Banthus puts up more of a fight to low level players than Scar does to those high enough to fight him.)

            Apparently as of the latest edition of the story, they invaded Velder to kidnap the Nature Priestess. And Ignia was the one who opened the portal so they could sneak in. Then Ignia mind controlled Artea to make a giant hole in the ground so the demons could revive their god. Why they even went after the other priestesses let alone tried to take control of the Behemoth is not made clear. Because KOG sucks at writing a coherent story.

            …..So we’re probably going to go down the route of Ran taking over the demon army now that Scar is dead and then they focus on trying to unseal the Demon Lord.

          • Anonymous says:

            I’m already aware that Ran is Aren. But it’s already been a while since he was corrupted by Dark El by the time the Elgang fights him, which is evident by the gang being in their second job at the time.

            I don’t even know Lanox’s story because nobody’s translated it yet. And who’s to say the other priestesses weren’t important to the plan?

          • Endgame says:

            Because they weren’t. Lanox’s story was translated by a few people on the NA forums and 2nafish made a post that backed up their translation.

            The whole make a hole for the Demon Lord is the entire plan in Lanox. The Light and Dark Priestesses are just there. It’s not even explained how the hell they’re even reviving the Demon Lord in the first place if they couldn’t even kidnap a single Priestess (Without using them as a battery for a mind control device. If Karis forgot all about the Behemoth, Anudran would have been the demons’ prisoner.) or even get Hamel or Sander’s El.

            There’s also something about Ran taking off with a “Water Seal” and Karis mentioning “angels” in her death speech, but there’s been no follow up on those either. KOG literally has no idea where they’re going with this. (Or anything relating to the game for that matter. The Void Elsword team even says that the game code is an absolute mess because the team working on the game is a revolving door.)

          • Anonymous says:

            Personally, I think these are all just seperate plans they came up with and execute one at a time incase the previous one fails. And let’s not forget, they only failed because the El Search Party were there to stop them.

            Or maybe kidnapping the priestesses is how they got the El of Hamel and Sander, and maybe the El is how they revived the Demon God.

            Also in the clear quites for Heat of Behemoth’s story quests, Karis mentions that she wanted to ‘Surpass Ran’. Question is, why would she want to do that if she’s harder to fight than Ran back in Hamel?

            Answer: Simple. Ran held back, as he saw no need to go all out. He then left because he got what he needed already. In truth, he’s MUCH more powerful than Karis, AND OF HIGHER RANKING! And yes, Karis does indeed mention Angels, but that’s her own PERSONAL objective.

            And just because the other priestesses weren’t mentioned in Lanox’s story quests (or so I’m assuming, I’m still waiting for them to be translated) doesn’t mean they weren’t important.

          • Endgame says:

            The Light and Dark Priestesses are there. They’re even in the background of 9-2 during the boss fight. But there’s no reason for them to actually be there. They’re just….. there.

            They didn’t get Hamel and Sander’s El. They’re the crystals in the background of both the fights against Ran and Transformed Karis. Or rather, Karis DID get the Wind El and corrupt it, but it was recovered after they killed her.

            As for the “surpass Ran” line, I have no idea. And I don’t think the writers do either. There was no reason for Ran to hold back. Especially not after Elesis was retconned into being a part of the group at that point and Scar couldn’t even touch her as a child. Why would he hold back against someone his superior officer tried to kill and failed?

          • Anonymous says:

            Superior Officer? What?

            You know what, forget it. I’ll get back to you once Lanox is in NA so I have an official translation.

  • Anonymous says:

    What…? WHAT?!



  • L says:

    Is that you, Sorey? Why did you ditch Alisha for Rose? So much rage from people who thought Alisha was the main heroine! Oh and the custom arm is nice. Hope they revamp for all sets. That and update older characters to be stronger even if they are terrible at balancing.

  • Nagiisa-san says:

    why isnt add and ciel shirtless?

  • RandomBoy says:

    So finally able to have better chances of getting our own IB pieces, this could be our savior…yet cannot even fathom [NA] function of this. Look at the [Cobo] IBs we have. All in all, I super hype for Guild updates.

  • zetgeist says:

    >hey guys we’re gonna make secret dungeons even more of an obnoxious slog!
    >oh wait, we’re putting it off a week. we realized it wasn’t going to be a shitty enough experience
    >and fuck all of you filthy peasants who don’t want to cash for your hypers.

    • Anonymous says:

      How is that dissing those who quest for Hypers? They’re not making our current Secrets unavailable.

      I think it’s more that they discovered a glitch the day before the patch that they couldn’t let into the actual game.

      • L says:

        When have they ever discovered a glitch before the patch day or after and fixed it if it was very big. We still don’t have the agility passive for GM.

        • Endgame says:

          STILL?! Hahahahahahaha…..

          Well, as hilarious as that incompetence is, Knight’s Destiny is so much better than Enhanced Agility anyway. It makes her incredibly broken and very hard to kill in PVP, and is very much abusable in a coordinated group in PVE with a party member on low health since it’s easier than ever to avoid getting hit altogether. (All three Ravens get at least one passive where they get boosts from being low on HP.)

        • Anonymous says:

          Agility passive?

          Y’know, maybe a GM was just going through the dungeon for the heck of it and discovered it by coincidence? They do have their own version of the game to test out the updates, as I’ve seen in GM streams of unreleased classes.

          And you still haven’t answered my question.

          • Endgame says:

            Enhanced Agility doesn’t work at all. And hasn’t for well over a year.

            Odd that they’d leave a favorite child Elesis skill non-functional like that, but Knight’s Destiny is much better anyway…..

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