The Tongue of Elrios

10/29 Patch Notes

October 27th, 2015 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Patch Notes

# Content

1. 2md Character Balance revamp!
– Details of 10/28

2. PvP HP adjustment
– HP in PvP increased


1. Luriel’s History Note 2nd!
–  2015 10 29 ~ 2015 11 05

#Cash Shop

1. Summon Stone: Lord of Inferno
– 2015 10 29 ~ 2015 11 05

2. Custom: Sitting motion (Sit on the moon)

-2015 10 29 ~ all the time

3. Accessory: Death Slayer package

– 3 set effect
– 2015 10 29 ~ 2015 11 26

4. Avatar: Halloween Party Cosplay
– 2015 10 29 ~ 2015 11 26

1. Summong stone: Optimus
2. IB Booster Pack
– Bonus still available until 12/30


4. Fixed Void Princess’s Seal of Acceleration not working

1. Dance Motions now doesn’t show weapon attribute effect
5. Fixed skill icon not lighting up at right MP amount when using decreased MP cost effects

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17 Responses

  • ShadowsFortune says:

    Nerf DiE pls KoG. ;'(

    • iverson says:

      kog translate: BUFF BUFF BUFF

    • Endgame says:

      SPOILER ALERT: He’s getting buffed.

      Add has his own light novel series now. (Aisha, Raven, and Chung aren’t even in it. Figures.) And (Dark Knight) Elesis is the VILLAIN of it.

      KOG’s beginning to figure out that trying to shove Elesis down everyone’s throat isn’t making people like her. The remaining playerbase is mostly rallying behind Add though. So why not go for what’s most profitable and make Add the new main character? Why, the next area’s going back to being about Nasod instead of finishing up the loose ends with the demon storyline! (Velder’s still under glitter occupation, Ran’s still out there, there’s still those “angels” Karis mentions before dying, there’s still a sealed demon god just waiting to break free…..)

      “But but but the game is named after me!” -Elsword

      “At least you have three job paths.” -Luciela R. Sourcream

      • Endgame says:

        Oh yeah, and I forgot the important detail: Add is Time Tracer in the LNs. And I think we all know what TiT ends up evolving into…..

        • blank says:

          well all the ADD should class should have been related to some sort of time travelling, but KOG messed, its like KOG didn’t have any thought about it. and so comic came about of ADD is related to time travel. as for Elesis DK, its particularly another mistake made by KOD, just like the mistake they made for ADD. normally elesis would be the heroine -__-. but since they messed it up by following elbrat, to make his sistar look in similar way, and that was the mistake and in then it turned out that DK turning into villain, by fusing with dark el. well in simply then wanted to follow a similar story like other few classes where they had to store dark el power into moon stone to use powers.

    • hehe says:

      pls DiE KoG? :v

  • MagicSpice says:

    character rebalance 2… here we go again…

    i honestly love ara as a character (almost as much as DW). but they’re making her far too absurdly broken lately… she’s not the only one needing nerfs tho, practically every class that came after TT needs it except CrA.

    also, more pvp HP, it’s the first good idea they’ve had in a while. why even nerf your HP in pvp if they got damage on par with S1 anyway?

    • dudelove says:

      I agree. Characters with great HP like Eve would still get one shot in pvp for no reason. Hopefully chars that are supposed to be hp oriented will shine more than chars like DiE who can eat you in seconds.

  • Channels says:

    Well who’s ready to sit on the moon?

  • iverson says:

    Please don’t nerf CN KOG ¬¬

  • eccnecc says:

    2. Custom: Sitting motion (Sit on the moon) << THIS IS THE MAIN UPDATE, my recorder is ready

  • AddFan392945 says:

    Please kill DE

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