The Tongue of Elrios

7/20 Patch Notes

July 19th, 2016 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Patch Notes

# Content

  1. Hero Dungeon Hell mode update
    – Maximum difficulty! Heroic Dungeon hell mode update~!

– Heroic Dungeon Hell mode can be entered starting from character level 90, Item level 150,

Existing Heroic Dungeons are changed into normal modes and can be entered starting from character level 80, item level 130. Their difficulty is also adjusted.

– Various Heroic gears and heroic gear effects added.

– Can obtain reward shards from dismantling heroic gears

– Reward shard requirements for trade reduced.

– Only gears are obtainable from Heroic reward cube.

# Event

  1. Heroic dungeon, Hell mode update event
    –  2016 07 20 ~ 2016 08 11

1) Log in for 10 minutes to get full heroic gear se

– Log in for 10 minutes with character level over 80 to get [Cobo] Heroic Savior gear cube ([코보]영웅-구원자의 장비 큐브)

Log in for 10 minutes with character level over 90 to get [Cobo] Hero: Fury gear cube([코보]영웅 : 격노의 장비 큐브를 드립니다)

2) Clear daily quest to get Heroic gear

– Clear Heroic dungeon normal mode 1 time to get [Cobo] Heroic Gear exchange ticket  ‘[코보] 영웅의 장비 교환권’

# Cash Shop

1. IB(LuCiel, Rose Ignition Caligo)

– 2016 07 20 ~ 2016 08 04

  1. IB(LuCiel, Rose Diamond Yaksha)

– 2016 07 2 ~ 2016 08 04

[End] – 07/21 09AM
1. IB(LuCiel, Rose Salvatore Ebalon)

  1. IB(LuCiel, Rose Gold Falcon)
  2. Enhancement item discount

# Changes/Fixes(Notable)

1. Fixed other characters being able to walk past Asura after specter walk’s duration is over

  1. Fixed Blade Master not being able to revive when dying during evacuation activation
  2. Fixed Rose’s bleeding damage ignoring target’s defense
  3. Fixed Add’s Dynamo Config – Pylon giving manaburn effect to Factory Transform
  4. Fixed screen getting fixed if Storm Trooper gets petrified while aiming Quantum Bomb
  5. Fixed Psychic Tracer being able to get both MP recovery and damage if using Stasis Field in certain timing.
  6. Fixed Noblesse’s Twilight Judgement hitbox lasting longer than visual effect
  7. Fixed Memorize visual not showing up in skill slots properly in pvp


  1. At 8/11 Maintenance, Exchange for old Fluorite Stone, Restoration Scrolls ends
  2. Old [Cobo] Fluorite Stone exchange ticket, [Cobo] Blessed Restoration Scroll exchangeable to new enhancement items from NPC Camila


  1. In-game channel swapping feature stopped temporarily. Will become available again later

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27 Responses

  • Endgame says:

    So, I guess the LK players didn’t complain at KOG loud enough for KOG to hear them from up their collective asses? Because I’m not seeing any modifications to change War God to something more sensible.

    I mean, they switched Armageddon Blade from Vitality to Destruction over a method that makes Armageddon Blade cost MORE MP than using it normally…..

    Well, whatever. Better for LK to be KOG’s punching bag than DW~.

    • The Truth says:

      Shut yo bitchin bitch ass up, bitch

    • MagicSpice says:

      DW wasn’t their punching bag though. VP, Cem, CBS, and CrA had it way worse than DW. even, all classes were still playable. you’d know this if you actually touched the game lately.

      but i will agree with this, i was expecting transcendence changes too. EM honestly is stupid broken now. even more so with memorize now that she does 90% of it’s original damage (can be more with Spec sockets) AND she can use the skill she just memorized a few seconds afterwards (cause it’s cooldown becomes nearly nonexistant)

    • LimeGreen says:

      DW is actually pretty OP right now….well, she is better than VP atm. VP got that hell drop nerf and her mp activation nerfed to 25% for 1 bead, 50% for 2 and 100% for 3. Since in pvp, we mostly rely on that one bead to obtain 200mp burst, so that kind of feelsbad. DW with energetic body is very strong now. I PRAY THEY DON’T NERF ENERGETIC BODY!

      • Endgame says:

        Uh huh. DW is back to high tier NOW.

        But not too long ago, she was the punching bag. After they stopped using CN as the punching bag since the ST Revamp and buffed her.

        And CN became the punching bag after the ST Revamp that buffed NW into the monster she is today. Before that she had nothing going for her whatsoever.

        And before NW existed, the punching bag was….. LK. The one punching bag who didn’t lose his status by getting buffed, but by other classes being dragged beneath him…..

        • Malle says:

          Nothing going for NW? THAT’S FUNNY!

          IN season 1 through 3 that bitch stacked poison and bleeding of the ass. Now all her traps were reduced to just large hit stuns and annoying catches. Also considering her absurdly low cooleowns. NW has always and will forever have something going for her. ALWAYS!!!!!?

          • Endgame says:

            Fatality was her only source of real damage. And that was completely based on RNG and had a chance of failing completely.

            Her traps were just annoyances that didn’t really do much until the ST Revamp buffed them.

          • MagicSpice says:

            pfft, NW’s trap damage took a dive. only thing saving it’s damage is the increases from job changes and the fact that KOG tossed a hidden add dam buff on everyone (double check your stats and the % on those skills as proof, they don’t match)

            i know how NW is cause unlike you, i own and PLAY one.

            just shut up about how classes play endgame, your comments on that don’t mean shit considering you stopped playing a LONG time ago

          • LuckyDucky says:

            Dude, just shut the fuck up. I still play the game and found your ‘Dimension Witch is good because I say so’ act to be more ridiculous than anything Endgame ever said.

            Also Endgame never even replies to you. At least Flare Kyn eventually figured it out and stopped replying to every little thing he says. :/

          • Malle says:

            @LuckyDucky…wdf are you taking about?

            MagicSpice, if you want to get ignorant, trust me me can. You’re a fucking idiot because NW doesn’t rely on damage buddy. She relies on her infinite catches. Catch after catch after catch. The problem with your punk ass is that you have gone full NA. Damage isn’t everything buddy, maybe you should stop looking for ways to upgrade your damage and start looking for other ways to win in PvP. Such as movement, attack, awakening.. maybe maximize or mp gain. But no, your punk ass wants critical add damage.. blah blah blah. And that’s why you’re a diagnosed retard.

          • LimeGreen says:

            @Lucky Ducky Who df are you talking to? What df are you talking about?
            Are you talking about me saying that DW is OP? I mean, even Endgame agrees that DW is good rn. Just my opinion….
            You know what….I am not going to say anymore without understanding wdf you are talking about.

          • MagicSpice says:

            first off, malle… redirect that shit towards endgame cause i was harping at him. and i do know bleed (hell, DoT in general is a thing). but you’ll still want more damage so you don’t have to go catching someone like 10 to 20 times in one match…

            and as for you luck, read what endgame says closely, he gives no proff or reasoning behind 99% of the shit he says. DW isn’t good because “MagicSpice says so”, DW is good because DW mains actually know how to fucking use her. I’m just one of those DW mains and either way, i give reasoning behind it. for example, gigantic spurt’s range is fucking broken now and transcendence pushes the damage to the point of one shot now. she now has FOUR stuns. light res is a thing, but not everyone stacks it. plus energy road and energy drain can have super armor, PLUS energetic body has 7 or 9.1 seconds of super armor (and that’s not even touching the transcendence passive’s perks). and i’m sure plenty said her staff hits like a truck. only thing stopping DW is her short range, and NOT the fact that aisha has 0 MP at the start of the match (cause smart aisha players sit there and charge about 20-40 mp before you reach them).

            so malle, nothing against you cause you probably misunderstood my post. as for you lucky, shut the hell up and read what someone says next time.

          • LuckyDucky says:

            So saying stupid shit and offering no proof is okay when you do it RetardSpice?

            While Endgame was saying Dimension Witch was bad and you were shitposting while replying to his posts there wasn’t a single Dimension Witch in the KR rankings.

            And every Dimension Witch I fought on both NA and KR at the time was a free win for me. You’d have us believe you are the only one who unlocked the secrets of the class. :/

            Do us a favor and shut the fuck up.

      • UNub says:

        People shouldn’t just believe what they’re being told. Light resistance essentially means DW’s main form of catching and holding people (stuns) don’t work. You just need to fight the right people for her to start sucking. After the changes with Transcendence however, and seeing KR’s lack of caring about building resistances, she’s really strong over there. In NA, it’s a different story.

        Apparently the people here haven’t fought enough Spec A built LK that go Vitality and spew out 3 Armablades a match with Stoic. You literally can’t stop that once his momentum is going. Add +10 or higher meta and RoF, he can easily achieve that. They needed to tone it down.

        • MagicSpice says:

          people also forget that not every shoots for as much light res as possible

          you pour resistance towards one element and it limits how much you can throw at the rest. and not every class has passives for element res anyway.

          plus some skills lower element res, just party with a class that can lower it

          also, power stun shouldn’t be affected by it. kudos to any class that does have access to it

  • Croire says:

    I think the making everyone OP in order to gain balance is a good method of balancing. But usability and certain advantages over other classes just seem…..unbalanced. Or rather, that’s the appeal of having diff charas and classes.But i still don’t see anything balancing ENOUGH.
    Must there always be a victim class or character for KOG to balance things? come on……….

    • MagicSpice says:

      it’s not a good PvE tactic either. sure, we can all go one-shot with 300 MPs like S1 PvP, but people complain tons about how PvE is easy

      if they’re gonna buff us, they need to buff mobs and bosses again. you can have armor only and survive all of lanox now..

      • L says:

        Yeah, when everything gets too easy, they try to revamp stuff. Then they might increase defense or hp on bosses. Then when you bring it over to other servers, developers may not change it back.

        For instance, if the main server of a game gets the highest enhancement for free consistently and demands harder content, that content will be brought over to other server. If their secondary servers do not have very many people with that level of enhancement or give away just as much or as close enough to not pose an issue, they may run into a problem with player clear times. Then it can add up like compounding interest.

        So whether they buff us to 1 shot everything or give out a lot of +11s, the complaints will cause them to ramp up difficulty more than they should.

        • MagicSpice says:

          it’s worse on that scale seeing KR can now reach +13 at all times. we don’t have that and KOG was stupid once before in giving content out of order or something that unintentionally made the game harder to play

          for instance 75 skill tree for NA when 70 was our max, but we also had the henir bosses buffed in the sander version so even having +10 made william fucking phoru a 2-3 min fight. and let’s not forget the MANY hamel bosses that one shot at the time, which to shadow master and coral serpent killing me as much as ran then. soloing WAS. A. BITCH. whenthey did that back then

  • zetgeist says:

    >In-game channel swapping feature stopped temporarily. Will become available again later

    I wonder just what they did to break it.
    then again, this could be another “control how people play” measure, like when they forced the automated party matching queue shit that to this day will randomly let you sit for several minutes despite having plenty of people in the queue because it has a bug up it’s ass over something. and then lock you out for five minutes if someone’s connection shits where it eats during stage loading and forces the party to disband. kog` are retards like that.

    croire> they do not aim for balance. they don’t even aim for “perfect imbalance” like what Extra Credits rambles about. there will always be at least one victim in kog` “balancing” because by their own admission, the doctrine is not “improve what isn’t performing well, and tone down what’s too strong”. it is “if it’s popular, nerf it, and if it’s unpopular, buff it”. I keep having to point this out, it was in one of the Q&A sessions 2na translated a while back.
    yes, this is a stupid and obnoxious way of doing things. no, kog` doesn’t care. no, kog` doesn’t recognise the fault in such practices.

    • L says:

      Ah, you also know extra credits? They seem to be the only group outside of formal education and guides on game design.

      KOG tends to focus more on changing the balance at a consistent rate to encourage making alternative characters. The perfect imbalance works well with MOBA since you can switch characters easily, but once you try it on RPGs, it tends to get harder. KOG seems to be the only developer working with Nexon to focus on popularity than the statistics from the characters.

      Does anyone have a link to KOG’s contract with Nexon?

      • MagicSpice says:

        either way, it’s obvious they need to go learn how to do shit right. LK and VP’s new passives are usable but could be FAR better, what thell is aisha’s new “ring” skills for given the short range (even energy drain has more reach than it), and there’s still the obvious connection issues and bugs they neglect like zetgeist said (we can spawn inside a grey wall in NA, which I call “getting clouded”).

        and also a side note, but NA’s CS team SUCKS ASS. someone can report a player for lag or something but CS doesn’t realise the the lack of flinching comes from super armor. hell, i doubt they even play the game at times… it’s like KOG fucks up on everything but the GMs, cause they’re actually really decent from what i can tell (it’s just that they have to pick up some slack from others a lot

  • falken says:

    well i see too many people talking about balance or how easy is the game now whit transcendence patch… well in my oppinion transcendence is good now that hell mode is out…. obiously a normal dgn is now boring whit all those OP skills…also i think there is a way to put more balance and challenge to the game but KOG will never do it since it will be a storm of rage from the players, that is removing the +11 and +12 upgrades… if the max upgrade stays in +10 ..i think the game will be more balanced ….and sorry for typos im still learnig -w-

  • Luna says:

    *sigh* Elsword, where the developers need Reps. for characters and where the KR forums are complete with people arguing about subjective skill strengths and weaknesses.

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