The Tongue of Elrios

3/03 Patch Notes(Client Patch)

March 1st, 2016 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Patch Notes

No maintenance this week

# Event
1. Elsword 3000! Day anniversary pre-event (Event page opens Thursday)

-2016 03 03 ~ 2016 03 10

# Cash Shop

1. Accessory: Master of Trick 3 kinds(Cape,Trump deck, Party)
2016 03 03 ~ 2016 03 31

1. Summon Stone: Perkisas
2. Avatar: Celestial Messenger/Lady of Dark clouds

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22 Responses

  • eccnec says:

    came to take 2 bunny Eves home
    no any left for you all here

  • Person says:

    Oh come on! KoG this would of been the perfect moment to release luciel’s final job path!

    • Rhenan says:

      And make an job exchange event, plz.

    • Malle says:

      It’s not going to happen this spring. I think I can guarantee it.

    • Endgame says:

      At this point, I doubt that there’s going to be a Lu/Ciel third path. And if it ever gets brought up at an event, they’ll just use how the already existing ones worked with Lu and Ciel getting advancements seperately as the excuse for not coming up with a third one.

      • Malle says:

        I think Lu/Ciel will get 4 paths like Rose because I can’t see the logic and making 2 second job advancements for 1 char and not the other. (Example: Ciel gets 2 job changed, DL and the next theoretical 2nd job, while Lu only has 1 second job which is Noblesse. If that makes any sense.)

        Also, I still follow the rule I always have followed over the years. Elsword,Rena/Aisha release then we get their third path. Raven/Eve/Chung release, then we get their third paths. Ara/Elesis/Add release, then we get their third paths. LuCiel/Rose/???? then we get their….um 4th, 5th, and third path. (Rose and Lu/Ciel foked up the order k. This is BS)

        • Mememan says:

          It was right after Chung that the first 6 third paths came out. And I don’t think Rose will get a 5th path, considering that all of her classes are based on the classes she has in DFO

        • Endgame says:

          Why are you splitting Elbrat, Aisha, and Rena, then Raven, Eve, and Chung into two seperate groups?

          ShG and TT were released within two to three months after the release of ShK and IS. They were all released around the same time the very moment third job paths became a thing.

          So of course, the expectation was that KOG would do things properly and give Ara three job paths within a few months of her release because surely they had put thought into all three of her paths while designing her…..

          Just because KOG has proven they do things their own fucking braindead way doesn’t mean we’re not going to hold them to the standards of a proper video game company. There is no excuse for how long they made us wait for Ara’s third path only for them to hastily put out a half-assed job path with a bunch of skills that are just recolored versions of already skills. Especially when the things they made us wait for were rule 63 improved versions of already existing characters. And don’t get me started on how gimped LD/YR were on their initial release. The Koreans apparently still think she’s terrible because of that first impression.

          There is no excuse for how long they’re taking for Lu and Ciel when they’re already pure rehashing with new animations. They could slap together their third path in a week. And no one would be able to tell because KOG always puts out extremely buggy content out there then fixes the bugs the week after.

          • Flare Kyn says:

            … How is waiting on Ara’s third path a braindead decision? Sure, I expected her third path to be out within a short time, but I see nothing braindead about waiting until Add was released.

            Rehashing? I can get that some skills are similar, but rehashing? Sorry, but unless you get me side-by-side comparisons of the so-called “rehashed” skills, I’m not gonna buy that.

            No excuse for waiting on Luciel’s third path? I’m sorry, but after how they released third paths in the past, I would have been surprised if they DID release LuCiel’s third path already.

          • Malle says:

            Well tbh my theory could be debatable because I think the Raven/Eve/Chung third path release came out after ShG and FG because they had already finished Aisha/Rena/Elsword’s third paths since they have been working on them since they were in beta. So technically, if the next 3 classes (Raven/Eve/Chung) Came out a few months later, my original theory, 3rd Classes getting released every time a trio is fuly released, would have been correct. But Raven/Chung/Eve kind of messed it up since Nexon/KoG crammed their 3rd paths releases because of funding.

            If any of that made no sense, don’t worry about it. It’s irrelevant to the real problem in this game.

          • Gameboy224 says:

            This is highly unlikely. The concept for 3rd path, or at least the actual development for them most did not come to fruition till probably at least Chung’s release or a little before. Originally characters were only mean to have 2 paths but somewhere down the line the 3rd extra path was decided upon leading into the development for ShK~ShG which were all most likely made at around the same time. It is clear that ShK~TR were made post early game since their models are vastly more up to date then previous models and their art were made by different artists since by that time Ress had probably left.

          • Flare Kyn says:

            I like how people aren’t acknowledging that Rose is from a different game, while the other playables originated from Elsword (with the exception of Elesis, but I’m honestly not seeing a ton of Grand Chase in Elesis’s three paths).

            Rose getting four paths already isn’t anything special because those paths are based off of her DFO classes, which ALREADY EXIST! And since Rose originated from a different game AND a different company, AND her paths are based off of her DFO classes, I do not see her as part of the pattern.

        • Gameboy224 says:

          Besides one getting a costume first there is at this point no difference between characters upon job advancing. Both receive new combos, skills are shared as always. Lu/Ciel is highly unlikely to get a 4th path and KOG I believe has even stated that Rose is the only character to receive a 4th path since that just matches her source material. Lu/Ciel are a single character, not two. The both advance by 2nd job anyways and a bigger complicated wrench will probably make its way here if KOG proceeds to advance to 3rd jobs.

          • Flare Kyn says:

            When did they say that Rose will be the only one to get fourth paths?

            I know her getting four paths is because she had four different Awakenings on DFO, but I don’t recall ANY mention of her being the ONLY one to get four paths. If anything, Rose getting four paths unlocks the door for the others to get them as well.

    • Gameboy224 says:

      It really isn’t, this is definitely not the time frame to release Lu/Ciel’s 3rd path. For one, we’re still in the middle of releasing Rose’s jobs with her last one dropping in on the 31st. Next off Lu/Ciel’s will most likely be released in some other time where there is less definite stuff coming up, maybe during a high tide like Summer or Winter. Even then, there’s also the possibility they’re holding it off till there are more characters so they can couple Transform released like they have for the past two batches.

  • Coldhearted Dropkick says:


  • Flare Kyn says:

    Okay, for you guys raging about LuCiel’s third path not happening, I’d like to point out that Elsword, Aisha, Rena, Raven, Eve, and Chung did not have their third paths until after Chung’s release, and Ara, Elesis, and Add didn’t get theirs until after Add was released.


    • ElmntNinja says:

      But everyone had their two job classes by the time Chung was released, AND Chung recieved his two classes BEFORE the third path update.
      Before Ara, Elesis and Add get their third class, they recieved the other classes first (Despite Elesis being released after Aras first class path).
      Lu/Ciel only got two classes to pick (With the third one “in development”… yeah right) while Rose is getting four classes.

      My arguement here is that the guideline we (And KoG Games) follow is a new character is released, they get two classes, then a new character is out, they get two classes, rinse and repeat and then they start releasing third classes, but Lu/Ciel is left in the dark while Rose is getting all the special treatment and still leave Lu/Ciel in the dark after the Rose updates.

      Would be nice if KoG plans this stuff out.

      • Gameboy224 says:

        Rose really doesn’t fall into the typical equation since she’s a complete outlier. She’s a collaboration and like 95% of her concept is pulled from per-existing material. There really isn’t a reason to drag Rose’s class releases since there’s nothing surprising about her classes, they already exist. Lu/Ciel however is a completely original character and whatever her 3rd path will be is something new with no foresight.

        KOG does have everything planned out. They just don’t plan to release Lu/Ciel’s 3rd path yet.

        • Flare Kyn says:


          Rose gets all four of her paths because they’re all based on her DFO classes, which all ALREADY EXIST! Lu and Ciel, however, are NOT from a different game, THEY ORIGINATED IN ELSWORD, UNLIKE ROSE! I do expect them to get a third path eventually, BUT I’M NOT EXPECTING IT TO BE SOON! It would be nice if it was soon, but I’m not getting my hopes up!

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