The Tongue of Elrios

Elsword: Time Trouble Volume 4 Chapter 3 Translation

May 8th, 2016 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Light Novel | Lore


Volume4ch3 pdf file

Enjoy~ Phew….. 61% complete.


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8 Responses

  • Sheriny says:

    Cheers! 2nafish is good indeed~! (ノ>ω<)ノ

  • Malle says:

    So I see add becoming Diabolic Esper first. If emotion triggers the evolution then I definitely see a lot of emotion in add.

    • Person says:

      Idk, I think they also need a strong, powerful resolve. Like with Eve who wanted to be together with everyone instead of running away. Adds resolve as he is desperately trying to convince himself is to steal Eve’s core without anyone’s death. Maybe when he realizes that he doesn’t want the core anymore he’ll become DiE. But for now, although he’s having a lot of emotion, Add’s feelings isn’t even near how strong Eve’s was and she’s a Nasod

  • Ice Phantom says:

    I haven’t started this yet because I had a question. Is Add the main character of this series?

  • Shadow S.R. says:

    Add can be “edgy” here too….I’m surprised.

    Thank you for the chapter, 2nafish.

  • applespy says:

    Elesis on demon’s side in this version and wants to elp destroy the elrios because this is the Elesis from Grand chase and wants revenge against the sister game elsword for having made it shut down from lack of popularity comparison and now as only survivor of the apocalyse, she is trying to kill elsword the game

  • Anon says:

    It’s hard to predict who will advance next. Add assumes that it’s emotion that triggers it, but this might be true only for Eve. It’s possible that the evolution is actually triggered by making mature, selfless decisions. In Eve’s case, this was choosing to ignore her sense of Nasod pride for once and save her friends, even if this meant showing off her emotions.

    If this theory proves true, then while Add is bursting with Emotion right now, it’s not enough yet for him to advance. The emotions he is feeling are starting to get a bit more mature, but he still feels selfish desires and isn’t yet fully mature in battle. I feel that it will be a little longer before he finally starts to act selfless more often and develops an explosive desire to protect his friends much like Eve.

    Ara is a likely candidate for who might advance next, due to her already existing desire to protect her friends and mature personality. The only thing holding her back is her naive innocence that makes her not really understand the world very well. It’s possible that the harsh realities going on around her might force her to come to grips with how the world is and she will be forced to make a decision involving her brother. The mature choice would trigger her advancement.

    Alternatively, Elboy is also a likely contender for who might advance next. After Ran is dealt with, they will likely decide they are strong enough to return to Velder and defeat Elesis. Once again, Elboy is going to be faced with making a mature decision in the fight against his sister. His desire to do what is right no matter who his opponent is could be the trigger that finally allows the El to transform him into Lord Knight.

    My guess is that the mature decision that would trigger Add’s El would be the decision to abandon his past in favor of protecting the friends he has now. This of course would mean that he would need to decide to spare Eve. This reflects the Canon variation of Diabolic Esper in a less violent and tragic sense, where he realizes how unlikely it is that he could ever return to the exact timeline he came from to begin with.

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