The Tongue of Elrios

Windy’s Cartoon EX: Add’s Energy Fusion Theory dungeon

September 9th, 2016 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Comics


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18 Responses

  • Zeh says:

    I can’t help but feel Grand Chase nostalgia when I read this…good ol’ Nexon never fails.

    • Croire says:

      I love my weekly dose of Kog BS, it makes me feel everytime that there are better things in life than to be playing a kog game :D
      It even makes playing simple games like 3d pinball and solitaire awesome

  • awsed says:

    so true it is pointless to comment anything

  • Endgame says:

    You know shit’s gotten real when 2nafish is posting anti-KOG comics on Babel.

    But the funny thing is that the Closers playerbase is up in arms over a similar issue the very same week KOG pulls this shit.

    …..Funny if you don’t play Closers at the endgame level, that is. I was working on the top end staff that requires lots of materials to farm for when they suddenly released new ones that drop from the new raids. And I’m feeling burned out after I just had to solo Mephisto for 26 of his HP bars this morning for a shot at the lolrare drop new weapons. (Literally burned out as I died from a fire patch Mephisto left behind during his death animation.)

    I think I’ll play Arpiel for a while. There’s no English community and I haven’t reached its endgame yet. So for all I know it could have a wonderful endgame that doesn’t make your gear obsolete too soon.

    …..But mostly I play it for the dragon girl who looks a lot like Aisha would if Elsword had better graphics~. (I think she even has the same voice actress as Aisha.)

    • EternalDream says:

      It’s really not KoGs fault for once. Nexon forced this upon them. There’s a reason Closers got a similar problem just now, as well as DFO, Maplestory, Kritika and ToS.

      Don’t blame the wrong company, even if it does seem very similar to crap KoG can pull at times, lol.

      • Endgame says:

        Yeah, I’ve heard of the theory that Nexon’s forcing everyone to try to milk the players to make up for the losses from Sudden Attack 2 that’s going around.

        A few things on that.

        -Maple Story getting new equipment has nothing to do with this. They’re drops from the latest endgame boss who has an entire area + storyline around her. It’s just a normal content update. (Granted, Maple Story’s endgame is entirely pay2win to begin with…..)

        -It’s not just Sudden Attack 2. Nexon was also hyping the hell out of Maple Story 2 and Tree of Savior, both of which basically flopped. And Peria Chronicles which we’ve only recently learned was not silently canceled and also has the potential to be a massive flop when it does finally release. (Players are going to have to learn code. Too much work for most players.) Nexon’s been losing out pretty badly as of late.

  • Siegflan says:

    they really havent learn that overpowered weapons are the one crushing this game dont they…

  • Laternchen says:

    “How do we kill this game the fastest so everyone can switch to the new game and we don’t have to waster ressources to maintain servers?”
    random employee:
    “How bout we just do all we can to piss players off then throw in a couple of nice things to suck the last bit of money?”
    “BRILLIANT IDEA. Make this guy the new director for KOG!”

    • Endgame says:

      Huh. It’s not very often that I see someone who remembers Aima is a thing.

      They also added Ronan as a playable character. Maybe if he generates enough interest in Aima they might add Ronan to Elsword in a last ditch effort to milk the players, I mean, save Elsword. Yes. That’s totally what KOG intends to do…..

  • Astrea says:

    Soo this makes the sparring gear enhance kind of useless right?
    Well with that weapon and those stats it’s like the no life with money players
    will be unbeatabel…

    I have been playing since Chung release and this is really the “gota que derramo el vaso”
    T.T i really feel sad for this game

  • falken says:

    the sad reality is .. some players are going to get and upgrade this weapon even if they already have a planet destroyer gear… (i saw a guy in my oor run in NA kiling scar on a single hit -,-!) well for me I just going to wait for servers to close while i play from time to time… the good memories is something that a greddy company will never take.

    • Endgame says:

      To be fair, Scar is undertuned compared to other Lanox bosses. Even as soon as 9-6 was released the videos of people without +10 weapons had him going down faster than the previous bosses leading up to him.

      …..At least KOG warned us he was going to be such a fucking joke when the first thing he did when introduced into the storyline was get his ass kicked by loli Elesis.

  • Shadow S.R. says:

    This is ironic.
    Right when KoG is trying to save Elsword and repair their mistakes, Nexon KR step in and destroy all of this hardwork just because of something they did wrong on a another game they have.

    Maybe KoG is just fated to end up being forced to repeat the same mistakes.

    • Endgame says:

      KOG hasn’t been trying very hard to save Elsword. Outright announcing the end of the storyline (We’re still waiting KOG.) and a “final level cap” while trying to pretend that they’re going to continue the game afterwards was a huge mistake as it confirmed that Rose dealt a fatal wound to the game. (What everyone pretty much suspected after the PR disaster that was her reveal.) And Transcendence making EM and DE more broken than ever? The two most whined about classes throughout the game’s history being put back on top? Yeah, KOG hasn’t learned anything. (Granted, Aisha deserves to be overpowered for she is super cute.)

      Nexon may have told KOG to do this because of all their newer games but Closers underperforming (And even with Closers it can be argued that it was underperforming until Tina made its popularity explode.) and Peria being an expensive game that still doesn’t seem to be near release, but let’s be honest: they were going to do it anyway.

      • CriticalMake says:

        I will give KOG some credits here. They actually trying to save this game and repair their mistake. The newest dungeons in NA Elysion 10-5 and 10-6 is a revolution for pve mode which is used to be dead boring and repetitive. Also, heroic mode is a brilliant idea bringing real challenges to the game: “Oh yeah? You think you cool with those gears of yours? Try this mode”. Also, every classes recieve transcendence upgrade, no one get left off and no one get underpowered. There still no proof DiE or EM will become too broken like before. Its transcendence, they just getting their shares like everyone else. I am more concern of Raven and Eve trans, they are more likely to be complete broken.
        Rose is indeed a mistake, but we can just ignore them.

  • Argly902 says:

    This cartoon looks fairly accurate. Sadly.

  • CENA says:

    The best part is that KOG removed this comic for “insulting the company”

    • Endgame says:


      Photographic evidence:

      …..But as far as we know, none of the other games that released new top end gear at the same time have taken any action against dissenters.

      This is why we’re more willing to go after KOG than Nexon KR. (That, and this is something KOG would have done anyway…..)

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