The Tongue of Elrios

Elsword:Time Trouble Volume 8 [Series Complete!]

April 1st, 2017 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Light Novel | Lore


Volume8 pdf link

Wow it’s finally done~

Thank you everyone so much for your support and also reading my translations.

I couldn’t prepare a proper April Fool’s joke this year because completion of this series got so close that I couldn’t think about anything else. So I guess this post will be an April fools joke for people that might think this is a April Fools joke :3 (meta)



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14 Responses

  • Random-passerby says:

    Thank you for all of your hard work! I still remember reading volume 1 and actually made me play Elsword again and reminded me why I left but in the end, I really did enjoy this light novel.

  • Anon says:

    Well this was a satisfying conclusion. Thanks for all the hard work translating this.

  • bunero says:

    Thank you for your hard work. Been really enjoying this novels, and even (almost) began to kind-of-like-Add.
    Anyways – gread job 2nafish. You’re awesome.

  • Malle says:

    And I guess that explains the story thus far in the actual game.

  • Shiba says:

    Great translator,but this novel is really a bullshit.

  • Flow says:

    Wow it’s really bean that long? Fantastic job on the translation. I know Korean isn’t a easy language to translate into English. I am hoping for more media content.

  • JustAnotherGamer says:

    Ha~ I really enjoyed this novel. Was also worried about that Lunatic Psyker neglection since I have him as my main but… pulled through for me in the end.

    Thanks for the translations! Was worried I would never be able to read these.

  • Shadow S.R. says:

    Thank you for all those translations, 2nafish.

  • Dundershock says:

    why were there so many bath/beach scenes though..

  • Croire says:

    This was a unexpectedly great ride.
    Now, I think I’m finally ready to try my hand at Add.

    Oh and moody Nightwatcher Rena x Grand Master Elesis was a nice tease.

    the part with Add’s mother reminds me of the moment in Xillia 2 where Ludger goes back in time to see his brother one last time. Admittedly, I cried sympathy tears in both stories.

    Oh and Elsword is such a thin presence I gotta say, but that’s just good for me cause the game should truly be called Addsword

  • bypasser says:

    thank you very much :)

  • zetgeist says:

    I’d disagree with the assessment of eve’s .jp voicework; they aimed for the “expressive pokerface” archetype with it, and that seems to me to be all too fitting for someone like eve whose humanity is obvious to everyone but themself.

    as to the whole fuss about ara, inner conflict, etc… well yes, that’s why shura is the most reasonable path for her in the game, because it’s the one where she IS struck by the reality of things and has to move past it. SD and YR are fine and well for the whole wuxia dichotomy thing, but neither really addresses what’s going on. it’s a fault of kog`, being halfassed in writing and presentation, and being extremely lazy about what to do when the player is offered any agency at all. much like their attempts to go back and explain shit years after the fact only really succeeds at being stupid and causing even more retcontinuity than they’re already prone to.
    and of course, it makes for irony in the novel writer using YR and making ara essentially have a split personality in the “without time shenanigans” alternate universe segment.

    for all the gravitas they applied with taking Serious Rena and turning her into ELVENRAGE Rena, you’d think they’d have considered that sort of thing more.

    speaking of weird path choices, that end scene with add and eve being unpromoted at the tail end of sander… if the whole party’s like that no wonder they’re having a problem.

    aaaand the fact it all ended with a cosmic retcon that means the entire novel series didn’t happen is… somewhat stupid, but ultimately predictable. with the notes of fridge logic that the entire thing could have been cut off to start with since fixing it all was literally just a single session of running systemrestore. glave was literally sitting there watching reality unravel for shiggles, it seems. what a shitty admin.

    • 2nafishisgood says:

      Eve’s voice most likely comes down to personal opinion of what kind of character one perceives Eve so skipping that.

      Umm… I think Asura’s story is basically Ara having a mental breakdown and becoming over-reliant on Eun. That’s not moving past anything. It’s rather giving up and letting someone else take care of your problems for you. But yes, SD and YR’s stories don’t really have much info on what’s going on either. Especially YR’s. For SD, you can at least interpret her answer as willing to punish even her brother for his sins. But YR is… just wanting to becoming stronger.

      For path choices at the end. Everyone’s probably base in the ending scene in Sander for the same reason everyone is base in the story quest(called Epic Quest in KR) scenes.

      Also, a lot of people seem to be expecting too much from Glave. He is very powerful yes, but probably has bunch of regulations he needs to follow.

  • test1 says:

    i love alternative treatments because it is simple and does not have nasty side effects*

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