The Tongue of Elrios

Elsword Animation: The El Lady Episode 4

November 10th, 2017 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Anime


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17 Responses

  • Rokujou says:

    So, is there any reason why NPCs from the older villages are just randomly placed background characters in Lanox?

  • Azulai says:

    Best girl have a near entire episode nice.

  • D says:


    Frankly speaking, this is much better than the last week’s episode
    To think that Elesis would bump into Scar so fast and Scar would confront her this early is such a nice surpise
    Fighting coreography? Same pattern with last week but better. IDK why but i think this episode is cool. Maybe because the Scar’s surprise?
    from the first episode we already know Elesis got some badass best gurl trait in this anime, but to think she would be nerfed this fast?
    Furthermore, from this episode, will we got Elysion or even Elrianode story included in this anime? because there are some signs about it already lol
    Story? from now on i think it would be wise for us to treat the anime as a spin-off rather than an animated version of the game. It would be better that way
    still wondering will Ignia betrays too or will we got some sander story too
    Characters? Animated version of the game but i think it’s better
    That Edel part was so good. I love the way they rise her ignorance trait while adding a “worrying about people’s stigma” trait (?)
    “Tsundere Aisha-chaaannn!!!”
    *got hyped
    maybe 8/10?
    we got some easter eggs here and still i’m here wondering why the NPCs didn’t even greet Elsword even though they are so close
    not to mention Hagus got thinner

    that’s all from me
    any opinion?

  • Flow says:

    Ignia is a cute!

    A CUTE!

    • Endgame says:

      Interesting to note that although I just commented on how the anime doesn’t use exaggerated anime expressions last week, that they bothered to give Ignia the “:3” face. (Probably focusing more on animating Ignia since she’s apparently a top waifu amongst the Koreans. Yet they hate Ara who is the superior spear girl?…..)

      It’s more subtle, but at least they’re using SOME anime expressions.

  • awsed says:

    next episode lu and ciel will appear in front of elsword to help him it seems

  • Whereisendgame says:

    Where is Endgame when you need his opinion about his nemesis named Elesis being rekt by scar himself.

  • Vidle says:

    Did i just see Solace?

  • Endgame says:

    Nice to see this anime is keeping up the video game anime tradition of completely disregarding the source material in a very big way.

    Just like Pikachu regularly OHKOs Ground types with Electric attacks, Elesis lost to the one enemy it would have been completely acceptable for her to bitchslap into oblivion: Scar, the easiest boss in all of Elsword! The guy puts up less of a fight at level 80 than Banthus does at level 15. But here? He’s an actual threat. Against Mary Suesis none the less. Oh dear…..

    Well, at least this anime bothered to explain its nonsensical display by saying Scar is tapping into Artea’s power while ingame, Artea is liberated by the time you get to the blue Demise knockoff. (Yeah, Demise from Skyward Sword. He too was the swole master of the demons yet somehow had tutorial boss level difficulty….. why’d you have to rip-off the worst Zelda villain KOG? Why not good old fashioned blue pig with a trident Ganon?)

    So what’s going to happen next episode? Is Lu going to somehow instill fear in Scar and make him retreat? Why the hell not? A little loli (and her pedo butler) scaring the big bara demon away would be less ridiculous than what we’ve just seen happen.

  • Falkend says:

    I bet that Lu and Ciel will save Elesis from that fall, then join the elbrat and make scar run away…Then another short greeting with the rest of search party and ep end… Since they show some ecenes of solace and elrianore.. will the anime last till elysion or elrianore arc?.. also I known and everyone knows KR hate rose for petty reasons but i hope she apeard in this anime alongside witj Ain

    • Endgame says:

      I’m going to go ahead and guess that Lanox is going to last 3 episodes, Elysion is going to be 3 episodes, then Elrianode will be the remaining 3 episodes. Just like it took them 3 episodes to get through Hamel.

      …..Even though episodes 2 and 4 were mostly filler. (This entire battle with Scar was unnecessary. Should have just saved him for the end and gone straight to the brainwashed dwarves plot. Also, these episodes are devoting too much time to Elbrat and Aisha’s arguments.) They could have condensed Hamel and Lanox into two episodes and then worked in Sander in 2 episodes.

  • WakeMeUp says:

    Soo there no Add,Eve,Rena,Raven and meanwhile Elesis gets her ass beated by Scar with our Elshort being mad making a kinda tiny Armagedon blade holy shit the El search party don’t seem like a team at all just a bunch of idiots going alone

    • Endgame says:

      Well to be fair, the story has painted the El Search Party as idiots since day one. (Granted the new story quests, ending videos, and anime take it to the next level.)

      Elbrat tried to fight Berthe, which was dumb enough on its own, and was so unaware that he didn’t even realize that someone was fighting alongside him AND that Berthe was talking to her. (Meaning if Berthe had backup….. dead Elbrat caught unaware.)

      And Rena was shown listening to Banthus and his men in a prime position to get a headshot on Banthus right then and there. She could have prevented EVERYTHING. But she decided to try to warn Ruben instead of taking action. And despite her heightened elf instincts, she couldn’t find those two bandits that were hiding…..

  • DIO says:

    Which episode is this?

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