The Tongue of Elrios

9/26 Balance Patch Pre-Notice

September 19th, 2019 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Patch Notes


Character/Class Name

Skill/Trait Name

Before Update

After Update


Elemental Master

Elemental Affinity

Maximum 3 stack

Maximum 5 stack



Sweep Rolling

KD part of the attack is applied in later part of the skill


Empire Sword


Stigma Explosion(Physical) : 1748%
Damage reduction increase : 15%
Cooldown acceleration time : 5s

Stigma Explosion(Physical) : 699%
Damage reduction increase : 7.5%
Cooldown acceleration time : 5s

Stigma Explosion(Physical) : 1748%
Damage reduction increase : 15%
Cooldown acceleration time : 3s

Stigma Explosion(Physical) : 699%
Damage reduction increase : 7.5%
Cooldown acceleration time : 3s


Blazing Heart

Soul Ignition

Activates on command and active skills only

Change to Annihilation


Blazing Heart

Ignis Crusher

Changed to Gale


Flame Lord


Ignis Crusher

Changed to Gale


Diabolic Esper

Mind Control

Cost recovery rate
– Awakened DP recovery : 100% Chance to recover 60%
– Unawakened MP recovery: 100% Chance recover 60%
Debuff Duration 60% Decrease

– Awakened DP recovery : 100% Chance to recover 10%
– Unawakened MP recovery: 100% Chance recover 10%
Debuff Duration 30% Decrease

– Awakened DP recovery : 100% Chance to recover 40%
– Unawakened MP recovery: 100% Chance recover 40%
Debuff Duration 60% Decrease

– Awakened DP recovery : 100% Chance to recover 10%
– Unawakened MP recovery: 100% Chance recover 10%
Debuff Duration 30% Decrease



Communication – Duet

Physical/Magical Defense Increase per soul stack: 12%
Critical Damage Increase per soul stack: 8%

Physical/Magical Defense Increase per soul stack: 12%
Critical Damage Increase per soul stack: 8%

Physical/Magical Defense Increase per soul stack: 6%
Critical Damage Increase per soul stack: 4%





Projectile range increased

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52 Responses

  • Tai says:

    Mad Paradox nerfs, nothing too new

    • Z-Drive says:

      Good, he REALLY deserved it this time.

    • just a chung says:

      real talk
      DiE release, was hella broken. he got nerfed.
      Transcendance was released and renewals as well, he got broken again because of bugs happening with his phase shift and his >>^XZ >>^ZX allowing non-mid-air skills being usable in well, mid-air.
      then 3rd job was released, he got so broken they had to nerf him day one.
      then they released mod mind break, 1 combo kill PVP (and to these days they haven’t nerfed it, they instead decided to remove 2 of his skills that have evil trait)
      and now this. where a 60% refund seemed like a 90% refund, making him pretty much infinitely spam skills and + that CD decrease

      it’s true, sometimes they just nerf him pretty horrible.
      but they also buff him horribly.
      it’s just a cycle man.

  • Soren says:


    Charge! now only reduces THREE SECONDS!!!??? As if it wasn’t bad enough that we had 1748% damage locked away when soloing.. But now the only use it had is nerfed…??? Bruh………………….

    F-flame… Lord…. M-my baby girl… What have they done to you…. q-q
    Soul Ignition now back to pre-reboot only activating on commands and actives and is now an annihilation skill… THAT’S LITERALLY THE STUPIDEST THING THAT COULD POSSIBLY BE DONE TO THAT SKILL OMG AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
    Ignis Crusher is back to a Gale skill… Welp it was nice having a decent, quick useful annihilation skill… Now we have to use the Blazing duo, Infernal Blade and now Soul Ignition for annihilation huh… Honestly stupid as hell….

    On another note, good that AeS and Nisha got a bit of attention, Add got the long awaited nerfs since that’s the meme of this whole game, Innocent got a truly well deserved tone-down.. She’s now just that less of a beast..
    Guys, get ready for the return of the Sweep Rolling meta..

    • Katja Eclair says:

      Nah, Sweep Rolling will still be dead.

    • KaidouSea says:

      they cant make it work on special actives that’s why they removed it. if they made the effect proc on hit it would do stupid amount of dmg, if they made it only proc on skill use it doesnt mean anything cuz the flame ball deals so little dmg to be considered, not to mention the short ass range of it. so removing the proc on special active part is not really a nerf to be honest

    • Norigatsu says:

      About the Innocent thinghy, it’s just a pvp thing, (tho I don’t play pvp myself I can see those numbers be a big deal to people) but I wanted to mention something fro quite a bit of time. Has anyone ever noticed that since reboot gave everybody 400 MP, the Innocent Passive Comunication – Restoration is just an upgraded version of Catastrophe’s Comunication – Amplification? Before reboot the +mp of Amplification would’ve offset the lack of mp bonus on Innocent but now that both classes have 400 mp is there a need for Restoration to give bonus mp regen? To my eyes Inno has just an upgraded passive. (also I am one of those people that think that passives make a character and should be taken care of more than active and special active skills)

    • QWQ says:

      Dam stop crying other classes/characters have it worst then your female Elboy

      • youdumbdumb says:

        are you retarded? are you one of those special needs?

      • Soren says:

        First: Being told to stop crying from someone named QWQ is kinda funny XD

        Second: I am well aware other classes have it worst, but that has nothing to do with what I’m saying, Elesis didn’t deserve any of this, and the ones that are a bit more understandable are just stupid, if they were going to make Soul Ignition no longer activate with spec. actives, why make it do so in the first place, and of all things why make that skill Annihilation… Annihilation skills are meant to be damage buttons, Soul Ignition does deal significant damage… if you’re in Gale mode and mashing the z key on a single target for 30 sec….
        Making Soul Ignition an Annihilation skill is plain stupid, and taking away Ignis Crusher’s newly given Annihilation is just cruel, its like giving a kid a shiny new toy and then taking it away from the kid… Its just cruel….

        • Norigatsu says:

          Can we also add on the fact that new annihilation isn’t even THAT good. Like, 10% def ignore. Yeah it’s good but, can you even campare it to Elsword’s Way of destruction that is a straight up 50% dmg boost?
          The 100% crit chance I don’t even value it cuz you’ll always need to be at 100% crit trough passives and sockets. Annihilation got changed but it still sucks really bad, most enemies really only have high HP and not really high defense, and even if they had high defense 10% def ignore isn’t really much, along the fact that we have defense ignore traits if we really need it.
          Also elesis annihilation says it gives a 50% dmg boost before crits but it only does so on commands. I bet that if you were to test idk Infernal blade before and after the annihilation changes on any given mob you might do what? 1% more dmg to a mob?
          I still think annihilation sucks major ass compared to elboy. While people might complain about gale being objectively better than Vitality, that might be true but vitality isn’t useless, it still gives a really nice mp cost reduction and an absurd mp gain. Meanwhile Elesis’s annihilation only really offers is 10% def ignore

          • Norigatsu says:

            I may have used a bad example using Infernal blade because it already ignore defense based on your fire resistance so let’s say you use scaldic sword for that before/after annihilation change

        • En. says:

          “its like giving a kid a shiny new toy and then taking it away from the kid… Its just cruel….”

          KOG has been doing it for a long time, nothing new. (*meme flashback to MP on release*)

          Not trying to be an asshole but, the tears you are shedding now, they have been shed before by all the other characters/classes mains at some point. . . Except Chung, that bitch is privileged.

          But anyways, you still see them around. And FL is still kicking ass in PvP with that over-top damage.

        • QWQ says:

          *Elesis didn’t deserve this* Said evry fucktard in the Elsword community ever,yeah yeah we all heard it before Nyeeeh Elesis dosen’t deserv this nerf,nyeeh LuCiel,Rose,Ain etc didn’t deserv those nerfs
          Yeah ok same old bullshit evry year nothing new

    • Veteran says:

      To be fair, any FL popping Soul Ignition and spamming commands while they were 2/3 platforms above or below you to get a catch was pretty stupid. While it’s a large mp investment, if your opponent did not have stoic or enough i frames, its a guaranteed catch.

      It deserved that nerf, at least in PVP. As for PVE, I don’t think so. But KOG doesn’t know how to split nerfs.

  • Wanderer says:

    The MP nerf is justified tbh since that passive pretty much made MP free of pots-spamming meta with his pretty much 0 cost for skills in pve. I’m glad that the nerf this time doesn’t seem to be too excessive nor just outright kill him again.

  • Glint says:

    Laby getting a single buff hurts me a lot.

  • ifloppsy says:

    Fix Gottvergessen
    it’s been years

  • Erzt says:

    Thank god it wasn’t number nerfs to Mad Paradox, otherwise I’d be exploding by now, those changes to Mind Control were justified and expected, he’s still not going to need to spam consumables but hopefully he won’t just perma-spam bravery skills without using more than 150 from his resources.

  • iX says:

    No surprise on the MP nerfs, idk why people are making a big deal out of it.

  • sam says:

    oh, i see a herrshy buf)?

  • Smokey says:

    why don’t they just nerf Twilight Her damage in pvp is insane, MP nerf is justified I’m not disregarding that, but you let this class dodge two nerf waves so far and she still one-shotting niggas in pvp with 60% damage reduction, whats up with that?

  • Reg says:

    MP nerfs are to be always expected. It’s not just KoG but the community itself is always fired up whenever MP gets something new. I do believe a lot of people will still want him to be nerfed to the ground. What a full load of bull.

  • alvion says:

    Aes got improved, long live KoG

  • MP_Main_Stop_Nerfing says:

    Give MP a numbers buff or make the original Dark Matter Explosion a Mod skill. MP literally does no damage compared to other Adds and has a slow cast time for skills

  • Fu says:

    what about? doom bringer unlimited Dp?

  • Meow says:

    Still waiting for a good balance for Rose after that fantastic “reboot” :)

  • Akazhi says:

    Nerfearon al bastardo de Add, bien hecho

  • Diabolias says:

    Fix my Ain please

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