The Tongue of Elrios

Suggestion board improved

October 9th, 2013 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Site News

Today(October.10th) Korean Elsword website has remolded its Idea suggestion board.

Link to the suggestion board

Hopefully, this means that the Elsword developers are now considering to be more open to user suggestions than before. Because, before this change, their idea suggestion board was basically a place where you wrote down your fantasies knowing fully well that it was never going to be looked at by the ones running the game.

Official notice was posted about this change earlier

 Now Let’s take a look at the official notice


Hello. This is GM Riel 

 Starting 2013, October 10th(Thurs), our ‘idea board’ was reborn into ‘Suggestion board’~!

Here are the changes following the changes to the suggestion board.

1. Board name was changed!

The board was changes so it not only takes ideas from the users but more open to various suggestions as well.

 2. It has Categories now!

When submitting a suggestion, please select the related category for your suggestion~!

Then the person in charge of each category will quickly check and analyze to see if it can be applied to the game.

 3. We plan to give periodical maintenance notice for the suggestion board!

We think until now, our adventurers were very curious if their suggestions were well received.

Every 2 weeks, we will post a suggestion board maintenance notice and inform you of suggestions that were actually patched into the game.

We will do our best to become ever evolving Elsword.

Thank you.


Well that’s what it says.

So with that said, I think right now is a good chance to send them suggestions and actually get them patched in the game. Reason being is that Elsword team would now be all fresh and committed to this new suggestion board than their usual selves.

This is a good news for Koreans who speak the language and can put up a suggestion in the boards without having to deal with the language barrier.

However, I feel that many foreign players are left out of their chance to have their suggestions heard by the people who run Elsword.

I might try to come up with a contest where I can translate best suggestions offered by the English speaking community weekly.








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