[Active] Aisha summons a statue of her next to where she's standing. The statue blocks all enemy attacks and blocks enemies themselves.


SP Requirement
Elemental Master
70 SP

Skill Information

Skill Level Mp Usage Cool Down Damage Duration Statue's HP
1 40 MP 9 Seconds 100% magical damage 7 seconds Summoner Level ×180
2 150% magical damage 8 seconds Summoner Level ×260
3 200% magical damage 9 seconds Summoner Level ×340
4 250% magical damage 10 seconds Summoner Level ×420
5 (MAX) 300% magical damage 11 seconds Summoner Level ×500

Tips & Details

  • While the statue counts as a target with its own HP, mobs will typically not attack it unless there is another target nearby. Therefore, Statue of Glory can be useful in stopping fast mobs that have a tendency to charge straight ahead such as Spriggan or Type-H.
  • After the 29 March Korean patch, the statue will reflect magical projectiles.(E.g: Fire Balls, Arrows and Electron Balls.)
