User talk:Shironsaki

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Thanks for sorting files!

Lires (talkcontribs)

Hello Admin! I have found files extracted from the client that haven't been uploaded to the wiki yet.

Thank you for sorting them so quickly! I was overwhelmed with the fact I would have to both upload and rename and sort onto pages.

Enjoy the Add images I find! :)

"Deactivate Appearance" isn't just for Awakening anymore

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

It also deactivates the appearances of transformation Skills like Magical Makeup, which are not awakening appearances. That's why I added that trivia to Diabla and Demonio.

Also, it's now just called "Deactivate Appearance", not "Disable Awakening Appearance".

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

magical makeup or great birth doesnt change the character model. Diabla and demonio model entirely change to a "mount" type model. That makes it obvious that the disabled awakening appearance wont do anything.

CloudReport (talkcontribs)

Abyss Existence Rate is missing a accessory, the face top, the rate is 0.45%

CloudReport (talkcontribs)

I separate the rings in two, is there a way to prevent N/A from being displayed on empty rows and to avoid having a row at all?

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

Cant seem to fix it, just leave it as that ig

CloudReport (talkcontribs) There is the rates Both hairs have 0.685%, could u add them to Template:BurnerCostumeRates? I tried but tbh it gives me headaches, If you think it's too complicated or it looks ugly (many N/A) could you go back to how I did it before you changed it? I think it was easier, simpler and there was no N/A

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

no point re-adding the same table if values are mostly the same. Fixed the alt hair with %.

CloudReport (talkcontribs)

Could you add the officer's hat rate? it is 0.6%

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

done. will change the naming after archdevil Ver.Dark hair rate is out

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

It looked like one of your attempts to edit Module:SkillTable came kinda close. While it did drop the mod arrows for the Mod A Skills, it did recognize the Mod E skills separately from the base Skills. I think it just needed to be put in its own search to avoid adding "/Mod" to the link. Doing this might also prevent it from messing up the mod arrows on the Mod A Skills as well, but I don't know enough about this stuff to say that for sure.

Summary by Shironsaki


G123u (talkcontribs)

I'm a little bit late but thank youuu (*'▽'*)わぁ♪

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

Nyx Pieta's sickle has a resemblance to the relics he uses.

Morpheus' sickle reflects his blood moon power through its black and red color scheme. I didn't say anything suggesting it wasn't a sickle as Morpheus.

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

Its very vague. It already pretty obvious 3rd job the design of the sickle will be like designed based on the class aesthetics. You cant expect to look at morpheus icon and expect a white weapon...

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

If you really want to put that trivia, it should at least be on clamor page as he is the weapon. Something along the lines like “Clamor design as a sickle changes in each of noah 3rd jobs to reflect the power of moon that that class focuses on.”

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

Can't really put it on Clamor's page 'cause of Nyx.

As for everything else, I guess you have a point.

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

Just put except for nyx as he broke at 2nd job

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

That doesn't exactly work because it's the sickle that's changing, not Clamor himself. But I think I figured something out.

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

The tabs weren't interfering with the links, it's just that some of the things that should've been links didn't have the brackets around them. Also, Laby, Noah, and Lithia have different EXP/ED rewards than Elsword~Ain for their Basic/Intermediate/Advanced/Expert Skill Quests.

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

I havent changed the trans skills, please go to any character lvl 90 locked passive and press on the link and see if it works. also the difference in exp ed reward is insignicant, can just easily add in (Elsword~Ain only) or (Laby~Lithia only) because from what i see, its either 1 side have while the other side is a zero.

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

They are working. I also checked a past version of the page from before you made the edits, and the links worked there as well. As I said before, it was just that some of the things that should've been links didn't have the [] brackets surrounding them to turn them into links (for example, the "Underground Prison" in the description of Laby's Expert Training 2/2).

Edit: Actually, thinking about it, maybe it is better this way. I also just noticed that you colored some of the links to the same color as the in-game text, which is good.

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

I'm not talking about the links in the Skill Quest pages. I'm talking about the laby~lithia lock skills pages where the skill requirements has a link to the skill quest page. Before, pressing the link will not link it to the character tabs. As the tabs would be at the top, the link will send it to the section by will always be for elsword~ain

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

Oh! My mistake. I misunderstood what was going on.

Tsubasa16 (talkcontribs)

Some of Demersio's Path's skills references "The Abyss" directly as a place instead of just as a sort of power, and the original KR background even referes to Lu as the "Emotionless Lord of the Abyss". Their Master Class skill is also literally described as them "materializing the Abyss". It is clear there is a connection between their power and the Abyss pits, specially seeing as the Abyss's Demonic Energy is a denser, stronger version of Demonic energy, which is pratically what they use.

Not counting how this was also mentioned on Turbids's trivia beforehand, linking it to Innocent path.

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

Denser, stronger version of demonic energy is still demonic energy. ID also mentioned that they use a power born from abyss, which manifest as ID.

Also according to lore, abyss is a area where demonic energy flows out, in this case from both lu and ciel. Thats why they can create an “abyss”.

Tsubasa16 (talkcontribs)

Still i think it's worth nothing on their trivia the connection between them and the Abyss pits, since essentially, they themselves became "abyss pits" that manifest the abyssal demonic power from within themselves.

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

Even so, the way you worded it makes it sound like they draw their power from a source instead of them creating it.

Tsubasa16 (talkcontribs)

I might have worded it badly yeah lol, my badt. My intent was more to connect the abyssal power they use to the abyssal pits since they're obviously related in essence.

It kinda also makes sense for them "Becoming" abyssal pits since one of the demons mentions that the abyss pits are more like a biological entity instead of just a natural phenomenon.

Shironsaki (talkcontribs)

I rewrote it abit and moved it to emptiness since thats where the contract started and already got some skills with abyss

Tsubasa16 (talkcontribs)

I saw it yeah, thanks for adjusting it!