File:AddSkill10.png [Special Active] Add fires 4 electrical bullets that home in on the nearest target in front of him with his dynamos, dealing magical damage and piercing them. Holding down the skill button will allow Add to fire 4 more shots, each costing 25 MP.
When in DP mode, Pulse Cannon will cost 100 DP and cost 25 DP per extra shot instead.


Class Master Level Required SP Cost Per Level
Psychic Tracer Lv. 20 25 3

Skill Infomation

Skill Level Level Required Damage (Magical)
Per Shot
MP/DP Usage Cooldown
Normal Mode DP Mode
Normal Extra Shots Normal Extra Shots
1 25 329% 100 MP 25 MP 100 DP 25 DP 9 Seconds
2 %
3 26 %
4 29 %
5 32 %
6 35 %
7 38 %
8 41 %
9 44 %
10 47 %
11 50 %
12 53 %
13 56 %
14 59 %
15 62 %
16 65 %
17 68 %
18 71 %

Tips and Details

  • Pulse Cannon can be followed up by job advancements' DP Combos.
  • Shots do not knockdown.
  • After the shots hit the targeted, they will just fly forward in the direction it hit the targeted.


  • 12/26/2013 KR
    • Lock-on range increased.
  • 03/13/2014 KR
    • Damage increased.
