Template:Infobox personnage File:Camilla mini.png Listen to Camilla: it's a good day for sparring! ~ Camila

Commonly known as the PvP NPC, Camilla is the sole way to access the Sparring Lobby. She also sells various items, so long as you have the AP!


File:Camilla mini.png I am selling items that can make you stronger! You can buy them with your hard-earned AP! ~ Camila

For items that require AP to purchase, see Camilla's Shop

Item Image Name Type Cost/ED
  For Low-Tier Skill Quest (Basic Training in NA) Special 20,000
  For Intermediate-Tier Skill Quest (Intermediate Training in NA) Special 100,000
  For High-Tier Skill Quest (Advanced Training in NA) Special 140,000
  For Advanced-Tier Skill Quest (Expert Training in NA) Special 300,000


File:Camilla mini.png "Hey, I want to ask you something. Hehe." ~ Camila
Camilla provides all four Skill Quests to unlock the skills in your skill tree. She also has a few quests to get some basic Skill Notes, as well as daily quests that reward you with Victory Coins. Victory Coins can be exchanged for various temporary PvP items from Camilla's Exchange option.



  • Camilla appears in every town except Ruben, standing on a pedestal with flags to either side of her.
    • Prior to the Field Update, she also did not appear in Feita.
  • Camilla has more options in her Chat menu than any other NPC in the game.
    • Most NPCs have four at most, while Camilla has six: Quest, Arena, Sparring, Store, Free Training, and Exchange.
  • An ongoing gag is that the Skill Quests that Camilla sends you on are actually errands she is too lazy to do herself.
    • Another is that her quests are known to be the most frustrating and some calling her quests "trolling" instead of training.
  • While never actually stated, Camilla may very well be an employee of COBO Services.
    • She wears a hat very similar in design to Ariel and Luriel's.
      • After changing her appearance, however, she no longer wears the hat.
    • She appears in every village besides Ruben, just as Ariel and Luriel do.
    • She mentions several times in her quests that she was supposed to be doing something for either Ariel or Luriel.
  • Camilla wrote the skill note Endless Beatdown.
  • Les souhaits de Camille pour la nouvelle année 2015 étaient :
    • Un soldat d'entraînement.
    • Des cheveux souples.
    • Un petit ami.

Région PNJ de village PNJ secondaires
Ruben LouHagardAnneEsprit purifié et Esprit timide BendersTokarAncêtre Porou
Elder HofmannLeliaEkkoLennart BendersTokarLord Robo
Besma SolèneChachabukRichardToma BeurkeKayaLord Robo
Altera AinaAronAmonAgda Roi Nasod
Parte AlvarLentoPane Berrut
Belder MossHannaGraoulNoëlVanessa ChloéPyromar
Hamel PenentioHoratioLucieDenkaDaisy Comte HagenAvalancheHeinrichComte BelmezArenShasha
Sander RosannaEmirReykaDafarr AnedranKellaynoTraktaKaruBeigaKarisBéhémoth
Ranox Bernie SteinÉdèle et SébastienPochettesurprixStalaAmbroise DurenklumIgniaMay et Mace GloriaNoireluneSirenaJin et InIplitanArtéaScarShashaAnedran
Élysion Yuno et NonoDurendaHugoBernardThéodoreOiseau nasodArbre d'énergie d'Eldrit DécaMayaHerbaonAdrianSolaceHarnySigmundIlunisAgaur
Le monde fantastique de Laby Élios Est Source des souvenirsBibby somnolentePokko tranquilleOokiee vivant BellondCapitaine
Naios Nord MaoKallonGénéral de la défense du palaisGunthorAncien lordDéborahNenya
Naios Centre BellondAmi de Laby
Élyanod Affineur d'alchimieAffineur d'équipementAffineur d'accessoiresIgniaArtéaAnedranAgaurVentusLinaGajarShashaGloriaNoirelune HennonSolaceHarnyRossou
Varnimyr Petit esprit ChloéCommandante sentinelleEdithSeigneur NéphilRossouVentusLinaNéroStirgaben
Rigomor Winster
Ambulants ArankaLurielCamilleAdanGlaveHélèneMiyu LudoFanatique rouge
Autres PNJ

Autres PNJ
AegirphAlter EgoAméliaBargatBarzackBatonBerngartBêtes sacrées gardiennesBethelBouddicaBranderkBranweClarisseComte HagosCornwellDynamoElkashuEliaEskerEthanFredGaïaGénéral CornwellGénéral TestarossaGraceHécateHenirHergéIshmaëlIsilladJohannKeyperaKorkusLianaLilliaNevaOwenQ-Proto_00QuenbaranRoi des démonsRuaSurrutTedTereVictoriaWolvernian


Armée aux yeux noirsArmée des démons rougesArmée des espritsChercheurs d'EldritChevaliers-gardiensChevaliers pourpresKorbaksLégion démoniaqueNasod dominateurOrdre de HenirSept toursService CoBoYeux de la nuit
