File:BHTrans4.png [Passive]
Enhances self by increasing knowledge and resistance to fire.
When hitting targets that are burning with command/actives, certain chance of ignoring enemy's guard/defense/reduced damage stat.
A percentage of your Fire Resistance is also added to your magical attack power.


Class Level Required
Blazing Heart : Transcendent 70

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Ignore Guard/Defense/Reduced Damage Stat
Activation Chance
Magical Damage Increase
(% of Fire Resistance)
1 70 15% 0% ~ 10%

Tips and Details

  • The damage increase for magical attacks is calculated by (Current Fire Resistance / Maximum Fire Resistance) * 10.
    • For example, with 150 Fire Resistance, you gain a (150 / 500)*10% = 3% damage increase.


  • 10/13/2016 KR
    • Fixed issue where Magic Attack Increase (% of Fire Resistance) effect not working.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 해방된 의지 : 블레이징 하트 Liberated Will: Blazing Heart
  China (Simplified Chinese) 解放的意志:炽焰之心 Liberated Will: Blazing Heart
  Brazil Transcender: Coração Flamejante Transcend: Blazing Heart