Skill Listings

Well then, I originally was just going to let those admins do the editing but since you kinda got rid of the NA tabs (Which had the NA names for some skills) I decided to take the slightly convoluted route. I made completely new pages with the updated skill listings and changed it so they show instead of the old skill listing. Gameboy224 (talk) 23:18, 20 June 2014 (PST)

About Too many expensive parser functions (Queen's Throne)

At the date you posted that question, I was firstly here, as an editor (I joined Elwiki maybe in May). At that time, most pages did not uses templates and were badly structured -- maybe they want to avoid expensive parsers, but which makes things worse -- codes are harder to change, and things are not as flexible as today. Moreover, this results in lots of junk codes (e.g. every dungeon has lots of repeated, useless, ugly table structures, and they are repeated in all dungeon pages).

I tried my best in making templates, and simplify the code suckness. And, as the revision records, I edited Language navbox on August 2014, right after your post that. And (I think after the language navbox edited), I changed the <tabber> tags to Tabs to meet Kenny's desire to remove <tabber> extension from Elwiki.

And, the Language box and the <tabber> extension are the most source of expensive parser functions. Languages uses too many #ifexist to select from languages. Moreover, the tabber extension calls the id for tab switching, and an ID is considered "expensive". As a result, the page has lots of expensive functions.