铁血上校 艾丹

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Information: This page features an Epic NPC, they are not playable nor can they be unlocked. More info can be found here.
姓名 铁血上校 艾丹
职业 狂锋武者

铁血上校 艾丹




艾丹拥有所有 狂锋武者的连击,包括以下内容: XXZZZ(....)Z换成——13刀连击过后用瞬闪斩结尾。


职业: 狂锋武者

对战等级: S++(EU) SSS(KR/NA/CN)

对战难度: ★★★★★


图标 名称 类型 前置 取得条件 属性
Born to Blood 特殊称号 在正式对战中打倒“铁血上校 艾丹”一次 在正式对战中打倒艾丹25次 进入异常状态后每秒MP恢复+5 无法重复
被击时15%几率使攻击自己的目标在1秒内处于流血状态 无法重复
追加伤害 +4%


图标 技能名 类型 冷却时间(CD) 描述 特殊效果
强化魔力回复 被动 所有对战NPC都有的被动技能。此技能使艾丹回复MP的速度加快。 所有对战NPC都有的被动技能,这让他们有着约450的MP上限以及1秒约10点的MP回复速度。而且被击时能够获得额外的MP加成。因为这个被动,对战NPC们的技能施放只受冷却时间的限制。此外,对战NPC们理论上都能够无限断魔。
嘶吼 特殊活性 艾丹放出一道强烈的嘶吼,攻击范围达到整个地图。 这个技能将一下带走你33%的HP和400点MP。这个技能的覆盖范围是整个地图,但是你可以预判并且放一个特殊活性技能(抑或觉醒)来回避。Q-Proto_00只有当你在他视野之外时才会使用这个技能(防止女角站立回魔)。
当艾丹倒地时,他可以按X立马起身,并反击(并不会造成敌人击倒)。 当你近身艾丹而他又刚好倒地时,他就会用这招。请小心谨慎,因为这一下并不会造成击倒,而且艾丹起身速度和攻击速度又很快。
艾丹自带饮血刀增益。 艾丹的每一次打击都将为自己恢复HP,并引发异常状态断足
艾丹在你进行绕背攻击的时候有99%的几率发动暗影步伐技能逃跑。 艾丹每次逃跑花费10点MP。
艾丹在暗影步伐中按下Z或X键,能发动迅速的突刺攻击。 此技能100%命中且不击倒。
艾丹快速的用刀往前划过使敌人陷入断足状态,断足状态下无法奔跑,并会微量流失HP。 断足状态持续7秒。
艾丹用刀快速的做出连续斩击。 艾丹的音速之刃无视防御。
File:Wolf Fang.PNG
Special Active
5 Seconds
艾丹用迅速的第一击去猎取敌人,最后在从敌人上方用刀与纳斯德手臂快速的往下做出狼牙般的攻击。 若第一击艾丹没有打到任何目标,他将恢复50MP。
冲击波 - 分割
艾丹朝着前方45度角斜下划出剑气的冲击波进行攻击,可以在跳跃中和高台上施展。 此技能艾丹比较少用;他倾向于使用狼牙斩和音速之刃。你通常只有会在艾丹有足够MP的时候看到这个技能——这货MP经常不够。


Thanks to his ability to escape 99% of combos from behind, constant invincible framing with his love affair with Shadow Step and ability to siphon HP from you, Edan is the most resilient of the Monster Trio (Valak, Edan and Q-PROTO_00). He can also be considered the most punishing thanks to his permanent Bloody Accel buff: just one combo, or even hit, from Edan will significantly impede your movement capabilities due to the Bleed debuff. Thus, one combo from Edan easily leads to another, as you can expect him to constantly pursue and chase you with his Shadow Strafe, which has no chance of knockdown. Fighting Edan can be an extremely frustrating affair in this manner, leaving you with no chance of escape, or even effective counters, as the loss of dashing removes most characters' faster clashes. Staying clear of Edan for long is not an option either: like all members of the Monster Trio, he is capable of Roaring if you stay out of his field of vision for too long, exerting significant pressure on you to stay in the game lest Edan turn the tables with one shout.

Of all three members of the Monster Trio, Edan has the longest combos, and is not very apt to knock you down. However, Edan also has the weakest combo hits, relying on repeated combos to take your HP down rather than any one single combo like Q-PROTO_00 or Valak. However, he does this very effectively thanks to his Bloody Accel passive, which causes Bleed whenever he hits you, drastically increasing chances of him getting more combos off you after he's concluded his first. To null this advantage, it is very important for you to wait for the Bleed debuff to wear off before attempting to engaging Edan again - it takes 5 seconds for Edan's Bleed to wear off. If you are knocked down, maximize your knockdown time by staying still and rolling away from Edan at the very last moment. After getting up, immediately get out of Edan's hit radius. Aisha has this easy thanks to teleport, but the other characters can also compensate by maximizing their air-time strategically, as Edan has a lower chance of knocking you into another combo if you are airborne.

Edan's Emergency Escape also makes him a pain to approach offensively, because of his tendency to Strafe straight out of combos. To negate this, allow Edan to approach you, rather than attempting to capitalize on errors so you have a higher chance of hitting him from the front. Edan is a huge fan of Shadow Step as a mobility tool; however, it has a fixed range, and its final strafe has a limited range, especially vertically. For this reason, it is easy to bait out a Shadow Strafe, awaiting Edan at the end of his Strafe with a set-up once you are used to his range, allowing you to combo him numerous times. Alternatively, if you are a character with a skill whose hitbox can hit in a range far in front (e.g. EM's XZ, BtM's Magical Makeup XX), you can simply corner Edan and spam away as his Shadow Step invincibility wears off faster than he can move. Eventually, Edan should automatically correct himself and face you, permitting you to just continue the combo as usual.

Finally, while his skills are really nothing to note, his Berserker Blade and Wolf Fang is often used when approaching you, so just keep in mind that he may vary is strategy of approach so you aren't thrown off in case he chooses to use a stray 100 MP. Berserker Blade is notable for its ability to ignore defense, so it can still deal a significant chunk of damage, so watch out for that.

Avoid hitting him in the air, or he will retaliate faster than you can react.



  • 艾丹的刀与血之契约有着密不可分的关系。这使得艾丹非常的强大,但是这把刀诅咒艾丹,使他成为了一个吸血鬼——总是饥渴地饮血。
  • 在沛塔作战时,艾丹是一个英俊骁勇的上校——但是,签订血之契约后,艾丹受恶魔力量所左右。
  • 为了找到不让他如此饥渴饮血的办法,他走上了竞技场。
  • 艾丹身穿全套艾尔搜查队制服,以及他有一只重新上色的纳斯的手臂。
