The Tongue of Elrios

LuCiel Animation

December 11th, 2014 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Korean Elsword Updates

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45 Responses

  • thatguy says:

    this reminds me of highschool dxd for some reason

  • Telstel says:

    Lol, love the ending and seeing Lu attack.

  • Existence says:

    I liked it u

  • Endgame says:

    So let’s review here:

    Karis: Nearly killed Ciel.
    Ciel: Got owned by Karis.
    Lu: Fired an attack that Karis dodged.


    KOG can’t even hype their characters properly.

    • Sdhorm says:

      I do believe you mean

      Karis: Killed Ciel
      Ciel: Got owned and struggled for survival
      Lu: Blows Karis away with 1 hit.

      • Endgame says:

        Ciel was about to die, but the contract saved him. And Karis flew out of the way of the attack (Why are so many people missing this part?) so no. I stand by my original post.

        • Nagiisa-San says:

          u sure she doged that? the impact of lu’s attack hit her u know…

        • MallePanda says:

          Hi. Me and my friends just got done watching this and we decided that karis got hit 2 times, 1minor hit and the second huge hit. Also, you can hear her screaming after the huge hit….

          • Endgame says:

            And I have it open in another window right now and have looped the ground pound scene over and over again.

            Karis getting knocked back from the attack deflection does not count as a hit. It did no apparent damage. Just like Distortion causes a bit of knockback but does no real damage.

            And when Lu does the ground pound, Karis is clearly leaping back and flapping her wings (This is the important part here.) before Lu actually slams the ground. (The video gets blurry when paused at this point, so I can’t take good screenshots showing it.) She is not actually shown in the next scene, even before the energy blast of the attack so there is no indication that the attack hit her.

            The scream that seems to be throwing you people off happens BEFORE the energy blast and after she starts flying away.

            So no, Karis got out of the way.

          • MallePanda says:

            To clarify on what the guy nelow my original comment said, do you honestly belueve she could have completely gotten away from the attack when she had just started opening and flapping her winds 3 seconds before lus attack hit her….no…also fwi she did get hit cause lus umpacts hit forward and karis attempted to fly backwards…js

        • Anon says:

          Because you actually scream when you ‘dodge’.

          OH. OKAY.

          • Endgame says:

            You’ve never seen someone leap back and scream over a bug, mouse, etc. that hasn’t even touched them before? Or someone scream then run away from something they think might hurt, even if they manage to avoid it?

          • L says:

            For me, the scene where Lu hits the ground, Karis isn’t blown away by the attack, but rather it seems like the shock wave is pushing her away and the flapping of her wings was her way of avoiding any damage from the shock wave. Her scream seems to me is just her struggling to avoid the damage. So it could be both. I wonder if Ciel will be able to dress like Ciel.

          • Alexias says:

            It was a suprise attack, so Karis may have dodged the attack, although she didn’t get out of it unscathed.

            By the way, when is the lock for the Time Tracer page gonna be lifted so people can start editing it?

        • Sdhorm says:

          I have went to it and watched it as close to frame by frame as youtube can allow through repeated super fast double tapping of the space key. At 1:00 right before 1:01, during the shockwave, you can see a blurred black line. Everyone know Kari isn’t THAT fast. So the only other explanation is that she ATTEMPTED to fly away, but the shockwave was too powerful, causing her to be blasted away like a rocket due to her wings being open and catching the blow, therefore the shockwave hit her and sent her flying. Proof of this is near the start of 1:00. Yes, you see Karis getting ready to fly away, but if you watch Lu REAL CLOSE, you notice that she AIMED FOR THE GROUND IN FRONT OF KARIS. Her goal wasn’t TO hit her. But to BLAST HER AWAY. Therefore: attack classified as “hit”

    • blank says:

      well i don’t care about it, to me its like 1BM used GD seismic and another BM used sonic slash to dodge it…done

  • Stalker-Chan says:

    Why does Karis sound like a whore? I mean ofc she’s a succubus bur could they AT THE VERY LEAST hire a decent VA who doesn’t use an erotic voice AND get rid of her boob physics?

    • Endgame says:

      The real question is why the hell Karis, Chloe, and Dark Elf Sentinels don’t have jiggle physics ingame.

      They are not wearing proper support, so they should be just as jiggly as Rena and Ara. And yet, they’re so stiff and non-moving…..

      • Stalker-Chan says:

        I’m annoyed by jiggle physics anyways. Whynawt just get rid of everyone’s jiggle physics ┐(´д`)┌

        • Endgame says:

          You’re a monster.

          • MallePanda says:

            I agree….i may be an asshole when i say this but: you dont want the jiggle cause you hav err not had a first hand experience with the jiggle. ….if you get what i mean! :D

          • Stalker-Chan says:

            In the name of EQUALITY

          • L says:

            Because there seems to be some form of prejudice against antagonists in biased one sided stories like this. In the recent retcon, it seems the dark elves took care of the gate or whatever to the demon world and years later the people thought the dark elves were evil and etc even though they were just doing their duty. If we take into consideration how the dark elves joined forces with the demons, it seems like they were sick and tired of the way the people in the game treated them.

            Back to the point, yeah no jiggle physics for the female enemies it seems.

        • blank says:

          go for it, its kinda annoying to me as well

    • thatguy says:

      yea i dont like her voice in this she sounds off

  • Redpandagirl says:

    Ciel’s face when Lu shows up at 1:09 is priceless! XD

  • blank says:

    lol why do i feel like confused. Lu suppose to be a demon lord who lost her pride, and i feel like she is some kind of a kiddo that is babysitted by ciel

    • zetgeist says:

      she’s probably the sort to have always been cheeky.

      • L says:

        When she was coming out, I thought she was going to be a copy of Astarotte Ygvar from Lotte no Omocha!

        • Alexias says:

          It’s hard to create a new character without it being compared to another character nowadays. This isn’t like the time when Dragon Ball was created. So yeah, we gotta deal with it.

          At least they didn’t make the contract a cliched “Contract must be done with a kiss” like how it normally is in anime.(Not that I hate it.)

          And “Every baddass has a loli” really is becoming famous. Why haven’t they done a trope relating to this one in tv tropes?

          • Endgame says:

            They don’t have to create a character that can be likened to a character from another game or series. After all, what are Elbrat, Aisha, and Rena if not proxies of Elesis, Arme, and Lire?

            …..They just have to create a character that can’t be likened to an already existing playable character within Elsword its self.

            As in, no swords, wands, bows, plant based traps, claws, floating nasod weapons, cannons, guns, or spears. There’s hundreds more weapon choices to choose from. Some are even used by enemies in the game. Fist weapons, hammers, flails, shields, alchemical weapons, (Flasks of poison, flash bombs, etc.) throwing stars/razor discs, scythes, etc.

          • zetgeist says:

            and you’ll whine about all of them so what difference does it make?

  • Anima says:

    Endgame, Zetgeist is right. No matter how creative KOG is with the next character, like if they made a narcissist angel healer, you’ll just find something to complain about.

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