The Tongue of Elrios

Life cycle of a revamped dungeon gear

May 18th, 2016 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Korean Elsword Updates

Once upon a time, an Elite Secret Dungeon Gear pants was dropped during secret dungeon run as a RNG drop. This pants was something that could only be dropped as RNG drop and couldn’t be obtained any other way.

This pants as it was couldn’t be traded to other players and couldn’t be worn. But it had the potential to be exchanged into any type of Elite Secret dungeon pants by going to blacksmith of any town. (Example: Hamel)

After becoming an Elite secret dungeon pants that could be worn and traded amongst players, it now needed to be upgraded into an Unique level 80 pants.

But it needed some materials to do that.

‘El Rewards’ could only be obtained through Secret Dungeon Weekly and Daily quests. They couldn’t be traded with other players.

‘Barrier Shards’ were bit easier to obtain. They were dropped regularly from secret dungeon runs and could be traded with other players.

After going through harsh  troubles of gathering enough materials and being restricted to only 1 type of secret dungeon per day, the Elite pants was finally upgraded into lvl 80 Unique pants. But level 80 unique sets didn’t have the new and fancy 6 set effect.

So level 80 Unique pants decided it had to be upgraded one more time, into level 85 Unique pants. But it needed more materials in order to do so.

After much troubles, the Elite pants that could only be dropped from RNG was now fully upgraded into Unique level 85(Maximized) gear with potential to be used for new fancy 6set effects.

The End.


[Old Secret dungeon gear -> New Secret Dungeon Gear] inquiries —–> Just look at upgrade section on blacksmith.

*This upgrade(old->new) is for event and will become unavailable when time passes.




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20 Responses

  • Kekmaster123 says:

    I can relate to pants…

  • CodeCreos says:

    Can I ask what the new SD set effects are? (6/6 effects)

    • Dimir says:

      2% chance of summoning the respective boss while attacking. For example, 4-x set would summon Type-H. I don’t know whether it stays for a while or disappears right after using Storm Blade.

      It reminds me of Dignity of Commander a lot.

      • MagicSpice says:

        therefore, POINTLESS

        but the new set has stuff that can lower your cooldowns (i’m guessing even in PvP).

        i’m probably gonna jump to that set, just getting the 5 piece effect while retaining my raid weapon

        • UNub says:

          Two things:

          1. It is much easier to proc than Perkisas’ effect, and is still majorly accessible vs. a Raid weapon you could only obtain once.

          2. The damage isn’t bad for what it’s worth. Perfectly usable in place of a raid weapon for players who didn’t give a crap about raid at all.

          You’re being surprisingly negative about these changes after the saltfest despite not really trying it out. Still though, you’re going to have to RNG your way to Lanox SD set unlike the others. Have fun with that ye.

          • MagicSpice says:

            oh, so 20% chance for one stack is harder to proc than 2% chance for instant effect?

            plus, I use a class that does a shit ton of hits…. wut is proc rate to me?

          • scott says:

            2% is really low (you can easily summon perky’s head 2 times b4 any of the 6/6 sd eff proc) you prob just get 5/6 effect/ you get more socket from raid weapon (if you get legend version)/the base dmg of elite raid weapon is already higher than grend weapon (even at lv80)

  • Zazomy says:

    Pants is love, Pants is life

  • Zelda says:

    .. dunno if feel good or not about this changes …

  • Fenrir says:

    What will happenen to the SD coins?

  • Essa says:

    Rip gear calculator

  • Endgame says:

    Yeah, I get it. They have to do this to keep players playing. Carrot on a stick and whatnot.

    …..But seriously. Materials restricted to just ONE quest a day? What’s the point of artificially lengthening it like that when you already have the pants as a RNG rare drop that some players might not ever see?

    • MagicSpice says:

      It’s KOG… logic is lost somewhere….

      but the set I want is totally new (chance of summoning these things that can lower your cooldowns according to elwiki), so…. I’m SOL

      • Croire says:

        I thinking they threw out logic along time ago with their previous development team leaders x_x

        Idk what to think anymore. Or maybe KOG wants me to NOT think. But they be dumb or too high on drugs if they thinkiing im THAT dumb. duh…..

    • Croire says:

      I think that is their damned strategy.
      they can get players with old SD set to upgrade to new one in event period (except some sets are too dam good to do that) and by doing that they save time and effort.
      or so is what i think the kog mindset is nao

      and then to players without sd set : “here’s rng pants at low rate drop, have fun gg looool”

    • UNub says:

      The missing info here is that you’re updating set to lv85, therefore increasing socketing value instead of being stuck at lv80 values. For anyone who already made a set, this is merely an update based on how well you farmed before.

  • Magdain says:

    yes, new set has chance of lowering cooldown, after combo, you preform 14 input command/actives the same way Ara does in Eun mode to gain SE (soul energy), save the fact that Ara does 9 hits do preform this, the biggest difference is that each orb you gain from this (much like Ara’s orbs) also has to be burned to gain an effect (much like Asura, but unlike the others) and the burning effect requires a special active, however unlike Ara these effects have in internal cool down mechanic of 10s, you gain 10 mana per orb gaind and redux cooldowns by 7% per orb used, however both of these mechanics have a 10 second cool down associated with each separate effect. Asura has a 10% cool down reset every single secret art with 0 cooldown, she gains 10 mana per SE used with 0 Specialization B and 20 if Specialization B is maxed, paired with the fact that using orbs also nets either more mana (mana drain) or deals massive damage (any special active/chain ever). It is a set seemingly modeled after Asura and her passives, yet it falls short regardless.

    • Magdain says:

      yes, new set has chance of lowering cooldown, after combo, you preform 7 input command/actives the same way Ara does in Eun mode to gain SE (soul energy), save the fact that Ara does 9 hits do preform this, the biggest difference is that each orb you gain from this (much like Ara’s orbs) also has to be burned to gain an effect (much like Asura, but unlike the others) and the burning effect requires a special active, however unlike Ara these effects have in internal cool down mechanic of 10s, you gain 10 mana per orb gaind and redux cooldowns by 7% per orb used, however both of these mechanics have a 10 second cool down associated with each separate effect. Asura has a 10% cool down reset every single secret art with 0 cooldown, she gains 10 mana per SE used with 0 Specialization B and 20 if Specialization B is maxed, paired with the fact that using orbs also nets either more mana (mana drain) or deals massive damage (any special active/chain ever). It is a set seemingly modeled after Asura and her passives, yet it falls short regardless.

  • Croire says:

    while kog thinking that this restrictive tactic will get more players (it wil def get some, but someone gimme details if can on current situation if its workign)

    buti think alot of people gonna be pissed off cuz well…..restrictive sd………

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