The Tongue of Elrios

11/02(03)/17 Patch Notes

October 31st, 2017 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Patch Notes

Maintenance: 07 AM ~  12:00 (5 hrs)


  1. Event Dungeon : Spooky Graveyard Hide and Seek

– Maximum 8 ppl can enter
Fine other people hiding as either Mummy, Ghost or Zombie

  1. Balance  Patch

* Elsword/Aisha/Rena/Raven [Link]

* Eve/Chung/Ara/Elesis [Link]

* Add/LuCiel/Rose/Ain [Link]

“Skill balance was adjusted based on Arena character ratio and win/loss rates. Additionally, skills and skill damage modifiers that were issues were adjusted.”



[Starting Event]

  1. 2017 PvP Tournament Preliminaries

2017 11 02 ~ 2017 11 14 Everyday 03PM  ~ 11:59PM

  1. 2017 Halloween Event: Spooky Graveyard Hide and seek

– Event 1. Spooky Graveyard Hide and seek

– 2017 11 02 ~ 2017 11 15

– All characters over level 10 (Per Character/Per Server)

1) Spooky Graveyard Hide and seek burning

   : 2x Reward Burning time occurs 4 times during the day

Event Name
Time Starting Time
Ending Time
오싹오싹 공동묘지 숨바꼭질 버닝 타임! 11/02 ~ 11/14 1:00 2:00
17:00 18:00
20:00 21:00
22:00 23:00


2) Spooky Graveyard Hide and seek clear event

   : Clear daily event quest below to get event materials

Quest Name
Quest Type
Detail Reward
[EVENT] 오싹오싹 공동묘지 숨바꼭질! Event Daily Quest Clear Spooky Graveyard Hide and Seek 1 time 원한에 찬 유령의 흔적(x1)

* Rewards deleted on 11/15


3)  Spooky Graveyard Hide and seek reward exchange/craft

   [Event Accessory]

     – Exchange rewards from Ariel for event accessory

– Exchange period : 2017 11 02 ~ 2017 11 15

     [Perm Event Item ]

     – Craft rewards from Ariel for perm event accessory


[Ending Event]

  1. 2017 Halloween Event : Candy Devil Halloween


#Cash Shop


  1. Ain IB: Celestial Master/Miracle Alchemist/Ignition Caligo

– 2017 11 02 ~ 2017 11 30

  1. Ain IB(1+1) : Celestial Master/Miracle Alchemist/Ignition Caligo

– 2017 11 02 ~ 2017 11 05

(Max 3 times purchase per day)



-Dimension of Sinister Intent difficult adjusted

-Fixed Heart of Behemoth’s Mutated Tentacle Monsters not attacking in Heroic Dungeons.



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26 Responses

  • Endgame says:

    Guys, I just learned some mindfuckingly stupid news.

    KOG just announced ANOTHER new game!

    These screenshots are all that exist so far. But yes, KOG just announced this at G-Star. And the graphics look pretty modern too. I guess we know why Elsword hasn’t been getting much besides balance patches, huh?

    Hahahahahahahahaha….. oh KOG, do you never learn? Did the failures of Fighters Club and Aima not teach you a fucking thing? How about how Ultimate Race never got off the ground?

    Well, I think it’s pretty clear 3rd Jobs are just one last attempt to milk the remaining Elsword playerbase for all their worth.

    And just WHY the fuck does the character in the screenshots look like Elesis?! (With lavender hair + eyes. Shiny Elesis?)

    • awsed says:

      oh they did learn from aima, fighters club and ultimate race, so they are gonna do a GC 3.0/Els 2.0, which in turn means elsword is about to die in 2 years or so

      • Endgame says:

        I seriously doubt Elsword’s going to make it past 2019 unless Korean law mandates Nexon keeps the servers running that long after the announcement.

        Once everyone returns for 3rd Jobs and gets over the pretty 3rd Job art and sees how glitchy and imbalanced everything is, there’s going to be yet another mass exodus when all those returning players are reminded why they left Elsword in the first place. It’s going to look bad, more players who have been there the whole time will finally decide they’ve had enough, players who don’t think their class got buffed enough will ragequit, and so on.

        It’s going to be a clusterfuck. If people react strongly enough, it could be what ends the game.

        But surely, KOG cannot keep on royally pissing off the playerbase every year and sustain the game. ST Revamp, Rose, potentially 3rd Jobs, possibly

        • Endgame says:

          Err, oops.

          Possibly the next playable character they rush out in desperation after the 3rd Job exodus.

        • Flare Kyn says:

          Dude… balancing is HARD when each of the characters have different weapons/fighting styles! There’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like how the game is balanced, regardless of how well balanced it is, and same goes with balance changes!

          And glitchy? You do realize that even the BEST games have glitches, right?! Besides, these glitches don’t happen a lot in normal gameplay: you have to be TRYING to find them for a lot of them to happen! And even the ones that do appear when you aren’t trying are both really uncommon and not super detrimental to the gameplay!

          • Flare Kyn says:

            Also, them having another game could just mean they got another team on board, enough for another game! I’m pretty sure KoG wasn’t the first company to have multiple MMOs, after all!

            Also, Grand Chase died because PEOPLE WEREN’T PLAYING IT! Elsword and this new game look different enough for people who don’t play Elsword to play the new game, and not all Elsword players will go to this new game, or maybe, MAYBE, people will play BOTH!

          • Endgame says:

            First of all, Grand Chase died because KOG pulled the plug. Go read up on it. The Taiwan publisher confirmed that KOG didn’t want to renew the contract while they wanted to. The Brazil publisher tried everything in their power to keep the game alive. Including buying the rights from KOG and developing it themselves. And then there was the Long Live the Chase fan campaign where Grand Chase players rallied together to show they want the game to live on. Only the NA version was really dead at the time they announced shutting the game down.

            Even you can’t believe that the Elsword fanbase would get a movement even half as big when they announce the game is shutting down.

            Second, every game has glitches. Yes, we know this.

            But when we have shit like one NA exclusive update where Ara went crosseyed or that one KR update causing the actions of Z and X to be reversed on the other player’s screen in PVP resulting in Eves being able to spam >>ZZ quickly to instarape the opponent….. it’s pretty clear the code of the game is fucked up beyond belief since the game has gone through three different teams with different coders. The Void Elsword team has commented on it. KOG is incompetent as fuck.

            Third….. there are games with more characters than Elsword but better balance. There are things that have gone live that never should have gotten off of test servers. (As soon as I saw Add’s original ^^, I just knew it was going to be used to cheese PVP maps like the Sander one with the tornado lift thingies.) KOG is uniquely terrible at what they do. They had a great team once. It was pretty much a fluke. And now they’ve left to make a rival game.

            KOG fucked up. KOG is continuing to fuck up.

            If you want to say KOG is competent, then explain to me how they’ve had more chances and more games than most Korean developers ever get (Wizet developed Maple Story, the all time most successful kMMO worldwide. And THEY couldn’t even get a second game past CBT. It’s rare for Korean studios to develop more than one game at all.) and out of the four games they’ve had to even get a publisher, three of them are now dead? The newest one only lasting 14 months?

          • thatguy says:

            “Dude… balancing is HARD when each of the characters have different weapons/fighting styles! There’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like how the game is balanced, regardless of how well balanced it is, and same goes with balance changes!”

            no its not if almost every single mmo can get the concept of balance right while elsword still fucks it up.

            stop being delusional and see it for what it is

            “you have to be TRYING to find them for a lot of them to happen! ”

            i guess so are youtubers when that happens to them as well you sound like one of those dumbass console fanboys

          • Qij says:

            “almost every single mmo can get the concept of balance right”

            “stop being delusional and see it for what it is”

            You’re serious. You are… actually serious. Okay. Yup. Balance issues and complaints about them are unique to Elsword apparently! Every other MMO out there is completely fair and balanced and nobody complains about them at all! You heard it here folks.

            “i guess so are youtubers when that happens to them”

            Uh, yes? You actually think most of them are found by accident? Wow okay. By any chance, would you like to buy this snake oil I happen to have?

          • UNub says:

            Legit trying to argue the point that “every other game has balance right” is quite a joke. Even League which has numerous balance patches over and over doesn’t have their stuff in perfect condition because it’s always balanced in favor of a certain playstyle/meta. MMOs aren’t that different. Can’t say every char/class is viable in every situation unless the game state largely makes everyone play similar or practically the same way.

          • Zetgeist says:

            for as questionable as the arguments are, they still have a point – tardkyn is an imbecile who can’t seem to get his head out of kog`’s ass. he’ll defend anything kog` does. as if he thinks he’s gonna get brownie points from them for rabidly defending them on a blog they most likely couldn’t manage to care less about.

            balancing is hard, yes. some devs suck at it more than others. and in kog`’s case you all have to remember that by their own words, the actual balance is irrelevant to their “balancing” “effort”s; they have admitted they buff and nerf entirely based on popularity. I’ve seen that shit elsewhere – it never does anything good.

            and if you guys really think every person recording their gameplay on the tubes is seriously trying to trigger every bug ever on purpose, you’re just as stupid as he is. some of them certainly are trying to make shit obvious, but the very implication that nobody encounters bugs in games without actively seeking them… is pants-on-head retarded.

            every game has bugs, even the actually good ones out there, yes… at the same time, those good games, if they’re online, -usually- have someone actually test shit before it goes to the “live” servers so that the main population doesn’t wind up with gamebreaking bullshit; that’s especially a big deal to PVPers, and kog` keeps thinking elsword’s PVP is good, yet they manage to fail to prevent shit like what endykins is babbling about like that Z/X thing, among other stupidity.
            and while I’m on the subject of kog`’s bad code and PVP, remember when they announced f.gunner? as the “n-no, please d-don’t leave!” thing that actually made most of the people at their offline event leave, since they were already pissed about how there was supposed to be a PVP tournament, but kog`’s shitty netcode couldn’t even keep stable within the venue and the tourney had been delayed for like, two hours or something because the computers that were basically all next to eachother couldn’t stay connected to eachother? yeah. how the shit do they make online games for a living and still fail at netcode?

            and as for the grandchase thing, yeah. endgame summarizes well enough. companies were willing to pay kog` loadsamoney to keep the game alive, but kog` wanted it gone. they came out with some excuse about it’d be “like selling their son”… so I guess they’re the kind of parents that would sooner kill their children than put them up for adoption. there’s some perspective to be gleaned from a mindset of “better dead than in living someone else’s family”.

          • TardkynFC says:

            Don’t trash tardkyn too hard. He just wants to be the last white knight of KoG

    • thatguy says:

      while i think it does look generic the character we see in the screenshots might not even be in the game

    • Konyuna says:

      To be honest, I like the new game. In depth character customization and a 3D space combined with Elsword esque gameplay looks neat.

      Why can’t you guys just learn to enjoy things instead of whining when things don’t go your way?

    • Kishio says:

      So your expecting balance patch ever month? No we dont need balance patch ever so often. So your assuming the game would die just because of that? Oh Stfu.

      • BlueSickle says:

        Kog Said they where going to do it every month. They promised that. If they go back on their promise you can pretty much assume they dont care that much about the game anymore. So thinking that it will die although it may sound exaggerated its understandable.

        Although i personally think kog reduced the balance patch frequency because of how they set up pvp with season prizes. They prob dont want ppl whining about how x patch dropped from getting 1st place. KoG started doing balance patch every time a pvp season ends now.

  • Rokujou says:

    Another Halloween themed event dungeon? And right after the end of the first dungeon’s event? Why?

  • Mark says:

    Hahaha, i always go in the comments just to see what endgame will be mad about, or how will be the next vision about when the game will get shutdown, before was 2016, now is 2019, i wonder when is the next one.

  • Endgame says:

    KR Elsword ranking watch:

    Dropped to #41. This free ride on nothing couldn’t last forever.

  • xLunatix says:

    All threes people trashing the game… like if you think it’s that bad then don’t play the game. It’s quite simple!! I agree that kog is making mistakes and fking up a once fun game but yeah there’s no use complaining anyways.

    • Zetgeist says:

      >hey you stop having complaints, go hide and let me have a hugbox echochamber!
      this is going to be an alien concept to you, I’m sure, but people complaining about a game having problems are very likely to be doing so -because- they like it and are upset that it’s being screwed up.

      >there’s no use complaining!
      on one hand, it is true that the devs ain’t listening. on the other hand, that’s never, ever been a valid reason to not voice one’s grievances.

  • Endgame says:

    Besides, why do they have all these Halloween events?

    …..The real holiday is the day AFTER Halloween! 50% off all the Halloween candy! Kit-kats that are basically the same as normal Kit-kats but with ghosts on them, now half the price because it’s Christmas season. (Why does that fucking day get bigger every year? Why is Thanksgiving now about Christmas shopping?)

    I got a great haul this year~.

  • MagicSpice says:

    eh, i’m pretty much just here until the game shuts down at this point… no need to bitch about how stupid KOG is or whatever…

    just gonna milk more gameplay out of my DW… speaking of…

    not sure why there’s a 2nd halloween dungeon…

  • UNub says:

    Definitely more interactive and less grind heavy halloween dungeon. Just amazingly unfavorable for the taggers when dealing with good monster players. Cable pulling is also an issue but I guess that’s always going to be an issue in p2p.

    Spent like 3 hours not even realizing the time passing.

  • Endgame says: updated.

    So on the left we have purple Arc Tracer with some braids, Elbrat with yellow eyes, and blonde Lowe. (Well, at least some NPCs are getting some love now…..) And in the middle right, pink Aisha!

    …..I thought it was more old fashioned KOG Elesis favoritism when it’s actually just KOG rehashing and recoloring everyone! Silly me.

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