The Tongue of Elrios

New Guild Information Screen

February 4th, 2015 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Korean Elsword Updates

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4 Responses

  • Existence says:

    Neat ! Do you really like icecream though? ;D

  • Exotique says:

    Hi, can any one help me? I’ve lost my account due to some problems and I need a korean cellphone in order to retrieve it, can someone help me? x_x

  • Dillion Freddie says:

    Hey! So I was checking out the title for 9-6, (Oath of Ruin) Very Hard 1000 times. Can you please elaborate more on the effects? Mainly how does it effect crit rate, scale crit dmg (if it does) and does other factors come into play (Such as skills like sharpshooter syndrome, buffs like blade mastery, and effects like annihilation and dragonic set passive when you awaken.) Thank you and hope you reply soon ^~^

  • shiro says:

    they still haven’t raise guild level? .-.

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