The Tongue of Elrios

2016 1st User-Developer talk meet results

May 11th, 2016 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Elsword News | Interviews

Part1: General PvP

▣ Opinion on separating PvP and PvE

There’s no plan to separate all skills and stats into PvP and PvE


We are thinking about having them apply differently for PvP and PvE for the long term,

There had been modifiers in PvP from previous balance patches and such but it didn’t show explicitly in games.
We’re planning to display PvP modifiers in-game in the future update. (Within 2016)

(Summary: PvP damage modifiers are already in place so we are not gonna do that. But we’ll make it so game shows those modifiers soon)


▣ Opinion on Adding Arena 2:2

There was 2:2 before but it was deleted due to problem involving splitting up matchmaking.


But we’re currently examining reintroduction of 2:2 mode.

There are worries of having difficulties in matchmaking with the addition of new modes, so we are planning to not increase the total number of modes.


As already shown on past notice, whenever new modes are added, existing modes will be removed.

Following this plan, we were considering deleting 3:3 when 2:2 was added,

But after receiving player suggestions during the talk meet, 3:3 is currently planned to stay.

(Summary: Sure, but we’ll remove a mode whenever we add new ones from now on)


▣ Opinion on Arena Matchmaking revamp

Elsword is striving for skill based matchmaking rather than simple stats like level and stats.
But through the talk meet, we are now considering some revamps on things such as Rank zones, Star ranks and others that players are recognizing as problems.

Matching Making system is planned to be revamped to fit more with current Elsword’s structure. (Within 2016)

(Summary: Okay we’ll see what we can do)


▣ Opinion on adding Power mode to arena

We are considering adding Power Mode but we are not planning to make any radical changes to the current arena item mode.


We’ll collect players’ opinions a bit more and new mode that will be added after the winner mode will be a new type of item mode that directly uses different items than ones that exist now.

(Summary: We’ll think about it. Meantime, look forward to new special item mode we are planning to add.)

▣ Balance Standards

We already take into account win rates, data, standard table but we do not balance only according to mechanical and numeral sources
Along with the numbers, we also balance after gathering player opinions from player experiences and opinions from various community websites.


For the issue that came up during talk meet of characters having different base damage stats, this difference is not too much because of role distribution in MMORPGS. Rather, it’s because more along the lines of differentiating Elsword’s characters and Skill damages are decided on this.


Currently, we are planning to continue balancing by looking at the situation as a whole and not by making all the character’s base damage equal.

We weren’t considering revealing PvP related datas, but we’ll think about revealing datas that we think should be shared.

(Summary: We’ll continue balancing things like how we’ve been doing. We might share some pvp datas if we feel like it)
▣ Opinions on revamps on PvP  (PvP Gears/Stat modifier/Ring of Fury…etc)

We are considering revamps on elements that decrease fun in pvp due to difference in gears.


We are preparing revamps on PvP gear/stats and skill (within 2016)
We think this revamp update will solve some of the issues players found problematic.
We are also considering changing Ring Of Fury’s effects. We are planning to notify you once we decide on the changes.

(Summary: We do have PvP revamp in the works, hope you like it. We’ll change Ring of Fury)


▣ Direction from now on

1) New PvP modes will continuously be added. PvP contents will be revamped to be more enjoyable.
2) Before we had balance patches 1 or 2 times per year. We plan to make it slightly more frequent.

3) We plan to open test servers more often and for longer time with better preparations. We’ll work on hearing and receive feedback better.

(Summary: more new pvp modes, revamps, balance patches, test servers)

▣ Other

1) Preparing PvP Chat block feature will be provided in options so you don’t have to set it every match.
2) Preparing feature to report ill-mannered players
3) Preparing to provide more details during balance patch notices.4) Issue of weapon costumes all having different reach has currently been fixed. We’ll fix if we get further reports of this issue.

Part2: Character specific PvP

-not out yet

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24 Responses

  • Black People Smells Good says:

    1) Preparing PvP Chat block feature will be provided in options so you don’t have to set it every match.

    Because ignoring the chat is far too difficult and complicated

  • UNub says:

    Ring of Fury might get changed finally? And multiple balance patches are preferred, some casuals on a test server can be WAY more biased in their opinions that when balance hits, stuff goes wrong.

  • Endgame says:

    They’re finally nerfing Ring of Fury?


    Better late than never, I suppose.

    • LimeGreen says:

      But the thing is. I am a selfish person who spend money on RoF and I don’t want my $5 to be worth shit.
      Also, I think RoF should still have the same effects.
      The only reason it is problematic now is because of the imbalance of class and gear. Some people can just RoF first catch and win with one combo.
      If we can fix that, and we will no longer die in one combo, then I don’t think RoF will be much of a problem.

      • UNub says:

        No. We lost power accelerator/magic accelerator, a low MP delay that basically nullified the entire reason to get RoF in the first place. Unless they’re putting skills that do the same effect back (without adding attack power unlike accelerators), then we’ll see RoF get nerfed. And $5? Really? I got that doing surveys man. Completely free.

      • Endgame says:

        But they’re not going to do that. Because:

        -It would hurt their profits if they nerfed the impact of cash shop in PVP. You KNOW those people like DeeRage (Is he still around?) shell out money because they want the power trip of instantly destroying their hapless opponents. And in the free to play industry, these people are called “whales” for being the ones keeping the game running. This is why Maple Story made so many pay2win bosses that less than 1% of the playerbase got to beat. Even with all the power creep I’m pretty sure a free player still cannot solo Cygnus.


        -It would involve major nerfs to favorite child Elesis, the one who was killing in one combo long before everyone else was doing it thanks to all the +12 amulet giveaways. (Well, her and WS. Remember back in the day when Nature Force was the thing we feared the most even though it made kicks COST MP? Good times.) And fan favorite Add.

        • Fact Check yourself@Endgame says:

          Mfw the first characters that were killing people in 1 combo were WS and RS. Did you forget the major buff RS got at the start of S3 where he could OHKO someone with sword fire? This was when Elesis was still called Elsa and she didn’t even exist on Elsword at the time. This was also way before +12 was even a thing and +11s just started making their appearance. Or were you in a coma for the entirety of S3?

          It’s the stupid shit people say like this which is why certain characters get unnecessary nerfs that make them unbearable to play. While other characters that deserve a hard nerf walk around with +6~+7 gear and hit harder than most characters using +11s.

    • Mothafugga says:

      RoF nerfed huh? So basically ur saying that CBS or Eve in general is completely useless now. Thanks for the constant nerfs of CBS kog, why not just remove the character lol, save urself some trouble on nerfing it.

  • Kekmaster123 says:


  • MagicSpice says:

    well, I don’t know what to make of this…

    for the most part i’m seeing “we hear your suggestions, but here’s ours”

    at least ring of fury is getting nerfed. go earn your fucking catches instead of paying for it

  • Light says:

    In-game report system? That could be really bad if they implement it carelessly, I hope they don’t screw up.

  • Magdain says:

    Much needed changes, nurfing gear, nurfing stats, nurfing ring of fury, systematic and whole range changes rather than specific nurfs and listening to mass community whining, combined with consistent new modes and balance patches, as well as released PVP modifiers? How Elsword is growing up. I love it. 2nafish please let them know for me that they are doing well, if you can.

  • Crasi says:

    “There’s no plan to separate all skills and stats into PvP and PvE
    We are thinking about having them apply differently for PvP and PvE for the long term,
    There had been modifiers in PvP from previous balance patches and such but it didn’t show explicitly in games.
    We’re planning to display PvP modifiers in-game in the future update.”

    ….They could’ve f*king done this with Crimson Avenger and Wind Sneaker, just add modifiers and NOT CHANGE HOW THEY FREAKING SUCCEED AS THEIR JOB CLASSES AND NERF THEIR SKILLS AND COMBOS INSTEAD GODDAMIT.

    • Familiar says:

      You do know CA is almost dead for pvp.

      • Facedesk says:

        thats why they commented this

        translation: instead of nerfing these classes in every way they could have just added pvp modifiers instead of completely changing her

      • UNub says:

        She’s very much usable, not very hard to use either. Main issue is lag sensitivity and skills that honestly aren’t meant for PvP (Dread Weapon, Shade Illusion) yet are part of her main damage. Shadow Edge buff is good enough, but it doesn’t change the fact that Burning Phantom does next to no damage, and she has no special active gap closer aside from Sonic Stab.

    • DudeLove says:

      If they did that for Cem they wouldnt have needed to give her an emergency buff the way they did.

  • eccnec says:

    nerfing of RoF so add and luciel can laugh more
    ppl just want to see these 2 chars in arena more, ok you are smart

    • Ticketo says:


      • Meseki says:

        In terms of getting a free catch from RoF, that applies less to Add and Luciel than most characters, since Add doesn’t have a delay on Awakening (and I’m not sure the starting DP is enough for DE to use a Special Active before interacting with the opponent), and Luciel (especially Lu) has a low frame advantage on Awakening.

  • Rip says:

    We all know the ups and downs of RoF. Lets get to the main problem of the game: Broken skills ;(

  • zetgeist says:

    1) “we are still too stupid to understand that PVP and PVE are not compatible and should not follow the same playbook. we hope you’ll still be stupid enough to waste your time on bad PVP that’s worse for failing to change things that are fine for PVE but no good in PVP, and we hope you’ll still attempt to PVE while we continue looking for ways to fuck it up for PVP’s sake.”

    2)”no, you can’t have nice things. despite trying to shove PVP down everyone’s throat we do not want to increase the variety of PVP content.”

    3)”we still think we can effectively automate matchmaking despite it most always being a trainwreck that feeds wins to the strongest while ensuring the weaker players never meet so that fair fights cannot happen. we do not understand that a weak player can have a lucky break with winning and a strong player can intentionally play badly, and will continue allowing such to interfere with this content because we don’t want people to be having fun.”

    4)”we have something bad in mind, wait for it.”

    5)”we don’t balance logically, we attack popular things and try to force unpopular things. we don’t want to admit to any of the things the userbase already knows regarding PVP, either. we have no clue what we’re doing.”

    6)”we’re going to change some stuff, probably the wrong stuff, but we assume it’s right. also we’re finally going to do something with the RoF that people keep bitching about just to try to shut you all up. it’ll probably be wrong too.”

    7)”disregard our previous remark, we’re going to throw more PVP crap at you. also we’re going to try breaking the game more often to see what happens. and we might actually try to run a test server again, even though we’ll probably ignore most of the data recieved from it.”

    8)”we’re going to implement something that probably should have been a simple toggle from the start. maybe. and we’re going to give griefers a new tool to annoy everyone with, so they can gang up on and remove people they don’t like. because we aren’t smart enough to make a report feature intelligently. If we feel like it. and if we remember, we’ll give you more misinformation when we go breaking balance more. by the way, we don’t like how logical it is that weapons of different length have different reach, so we’ve disconnected hitboxes from models to make PVP even more of a crapshoot. yes, we know that we made more money when people would whale harder trying to get the latest and longest IB weapon skins, and interfering with that is counter to our consistent drive to rip you off. don’t worry, we’ll find another way to fleece you soon enough.”

    whew. trying to translate out of “inept developer” is taxing.

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