The Tongue of Elrios

Anime Premiere Event Q/A

December 10th, 2016 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Elsword News | Interviews - (38 Comments)

Before I start on the interview article, I’m going answer some frequently asked questions.

  • Where can I watch the anime?

You can’t at the moment. KoG says they are working on a way to air it so everyone that didn’t attend the premiere can watch it. From what I recall, they did mark the start of Nexon anime project animes (Elsword, Closers, Arpiel) as later half of 2016 so I’m guessing they’ll air before end of the year. Unless they changed their schedule of course.

There might be a camrip version around but I doubt watching that will be an enjoyable experience for you since you won’t be able to hear anything due to everyone screaming so loudly during the event. People were encouraged to cheer during the event.(They gave out NX cash if you cheered louder.)

  • How long are the episodes?

Around 12 minutes each(Just think of RWBY episode length). There will be 12 episodes.

  • Where can I see it subbed when it comes out?

It really depends on how KoG decides to air them. But I’ll try subbing EP1 when it comes out then see how it goes from there.

  • Will merchandises that was sold at the Elsword Shop be available online(to rest of the world)?

I don’t know anything about that. Go bug KoGGames about it if you play international. For other servers, go bug whoever is in charge of your version of Elsword. Maybe they’ll start selling them if you bug them enough.


Anyways let’s get to the interview


Part1: General PvP

▣ Opinion on separating PvP and PvE

There’s no plan to separate all skills and stats into PvP and PvE


We are thinking about having them apply differently for PvP and PvE for the long term,

There had been modifiers in PvP from previous balance patches and such but it didn’t show explicitly in games.
We’re planning to display PvP modifiers in-game in the future update. (Within 2016)

(Summary: PvP damage modifiers are already in place so we are not gonna do that. But we’ll make it so game shows those modifiers soon)


▣ Opinion on Adding Arena 2:2

There was 2:2 before but it was deleted due to problem involving splitting up matchmaking. (more…)

We’re planning a competitive solo ranking system for all dungeons which will become available after reaching the level cap. Challenging higher difficulties will have better chance of getting better item from the dungeons. There will be timed ranks for each dungeons and difficulties.

We’re currently organizing the game scenarios and trying various things during this summer’s update so you all can understand the game’s story better. We are also considering ways to show story of Elsword outside of the game. We are open for suggestions.

Q: Is Eun Celestial Fox or Great Yokai? I think those two are very different things

A: Eun is an existence that cannot be easily comprehended by humans. The initial setting is that Ara’s goal is to return Ran back into Aren and Eun’s goal is to approach the El(Through Ara) and materialize herself.

A: But as you initially asked, it seems the descriptions do not fit together well. We’ll change her description accordingly.


Q: It seems there’s too much time difference between young Sasha and current Ara

A: It’s correct to think of it in Ara’s timeline. Official setting is that Sasha had an abnormal growth which was the result of her inheriting powers of the priestess. We’ll work harder to solve more stories inside the game.

Current Setting is that Ara joins the El-Search Party after Temple of Water and she acted independently until then. She traveled through same areas as the El-Search Party so they did come across each other before.

Chemi Food Party Q/A

April 12th, 2015 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Interviews - (45 Comments)

Official Summary Post by KOG


Hello this is GM Riel.

Chemi food party event was held last April 4th.

As you might know already if you watched GM Megaphone, we didn’t just only make pizza but also had to Q/A time with the developers.

But since lots of people seem to be curious about the details of this Q/A, here is a summary of what kind of questions and answers were given that day.

▣ When will the hacking restoration support system be introduced?

Our current support is in the form of giving certain items to the hacking victims.
– A system to completely restore all items is in development and it’s planned to be updated rather soon.


▣ Is Choice based Skill Tree(Skill Tree Revamp tree) here to stay?

It’s planned to be removed.
– The concept of skill tree itself will disappear and the method to acquire and level up skills will change.
All of this will be carried out along with the character renewal that will that place this summer.


▣ What is your standard for the balance patches?

Standard for balance is ‘how many users select this?’
– The selection also encompasses skill usage rates which we think is important too.

– It’s important to think about what is the goal of balance patches, and we think that its goal is to diversify the selections. Character’s performance is just one of the many reasons that result in selections. Thus, we don’t think performance should be sole standard for balancing.

– By balancing the game this way, more characters or classes that aren’t selected should become better and the skills that are chosen too much can become weaker.

– There were opinions that older characters are lacking in many ways compared to the newer characters.

  This problem will also be adjusted in the character renewal that will take place this summer using the balancing standard mentioned above. This way, characters that aren’t selected too much and characters that aren’t selected because of their performance will be adjusted.


▣ Is there a plan to stabilize ED prices?

We don’t think ED retraction method that targets the players will solve the problem. That is actually the form that people who want to sell ED for real currency wants.
– We think the problem lies with in game prices that are based on ED to real Currency exchange. So we will try to suppress real currency exchange the best we can which will help retract ED.

– The ED retraction rate is back to normal and is in good state currently. Please don’t buy items from real currency trades but buy from the market at their market prices. If the market prices continue to be adjusted abnormally there is no choice but to place restrictions in game.
– There is also a method to block all ED personal trade completely to stabilize the game prices. If the prices don’t settle down, there is no choice but to take this route despite our reluctance to carry it out.


▣ Is Auto party matchmaking here to stay?

– Playing together is a big goal for Elsword and is the fun factor of online games. We made our current auto party matching system, buff and reward systems developing that idea.
– There were lots of games that attempted this method but most were lacking or unsuccessful. We think Elsword’s matching system is being used well and is playing a good role in getting players to play together.

– Field is a free to enter dungeon that started along with the auto matching system. It was developed so players can auto match or enter dungeons from there.

– There are people that abuse auto party matching currently. We plan to add or adjust various systems like auto matching item restrictions, boot system and mark systems to develop the auto matching system to become better. There is no plan to bring back manual party system.


▣ Can’t you divide PvE and PvP skill tooltips?

In a game like Elsword where you can enjoy both PvE and PvP contents we think the ideal model is to prevent extra education and adjustment time by having same skill effects for both PvE and PvP.
– But some skills do have different functions depending on PvE or PvP because of the skill’s nature.

– Thus, it isn’t because we can’t that we aren’t dividing the skills. We will continue to work towards having unified skill tooltips for PvE and PvP while dividing them only if we feel it’s necessary.


▣ It feels Henir equipments are harder to make than Secret Dungeon equipments but aren’t that much better.

We will adjust them so they match the effort to obtain them.


▣ It’s hard to understand Elsword’s story and there are parts that feel forced. They try to find El and all they do is fight demons. It was especially hard to understand Elesis’s setting in Lanox movie. Scenario is already all organized very well. Start of Elsword’s journey is to take back the El, but the larger goal of the El search party is to restore the El. If you understand the story, you’ll be able to know why the Lady of El possessed Elesis.
– We think the problem lies with both lack of sufficient explanation in parts that need them and the crude way of showing the game’s story. We are currently preparing to organize the story quest more generally and to have it show the story more effectively. It’s a fun and exciting story so be ready.


▣ There are players that are damaging the game by using IP DDOSattack.  What are you doing about this?

We are well aware and it’s a clear violation of the law.
– We put in a ban according to the ingame records, and are compiling evidences that are suspected to be DDOS attacks and is preparing the lawsuit.


▣ (Old) Magic Necklace is ruining the game balance in Ereda Island and many more.

– We stopped selling old magic necklaces long ago because we thought it would ruin the balance too. But there’s still lots of them in circulation and is being sold in very high prices.
– We plan to do something about this issue soon. We ask for many user’s cooperation and understanding regarding this matter.


▣ Why isn’t space and time scroll tradeable?

We made most items purchasable by cash tradeable long as they have no problems.
– We’ll look into why that item wasn’t tradeable and if there is no problem with it being tradeable, we will adjust it so it’s tradeable.
(Carried out on 04/09 update.)


▣ Is there a plan for Shared account bank?

It might look different but we do plan to develop a feature that allows moving untradable items within same accounts.


▣ Is reaper title planned to return?

Reaper title was the title you could obtain by repeating the max level dungeon at the time so it had the ability that was appropriate to the effort.
– At the time you had to repeat the max level dungeon but since the level cap was increased we couldn’t give it the same ability.

– The current title that can be obtained by running last max level dungeon is a title that replaced the Reaper title. If it’s determined lacking compared to the reaper title, it will be adjusted to be a match for the reaper title.


▣ Timestop for skills was removed for the boss monsters, we want it back.

Timestop feature was a double edged sword that concerned the developers since the time of Elsword’s development. Timestop makes a stage for fancy skill execution but has a downside of stopping the flow of the online game that’s supposed to be played together.
– 4 players were using unnecessary time stops in a dungeon frequently. So first, timestop for the party member’s skills was removed.

– But there was still a problem. If 4 players go around taking turns using skills and drinking potions, dungeon boss monster wasn’t even allowed to move. This problem with having useless bosses got even worse when the Ara character was introduced as her skill chaining stopped the game even more frequently. Ara’s skill chaining system even made developers think about timestop issue in pvp too.

– Later we tried removing the timestop in a 12 player content Boss raid and determined that having no timestop can give more fun.

– So we removed the timestop from boss monsters as well. There were lots of dissatisfied users because of this but we plan to fix the problems associated with this by giving more hitstun time and
– One of the recent solutions was to add a counter to the super armor that prevents hitstun.
When users purposely continue to attack the boss in super armor, while they don’t stop completely, they can counter the super armor patterns. You might already know, but some bosses became even weaker because of this. But we think that’s still reasonable than the unfairness that results with a timestop.
– There were lots of opinions about Ara’s secret art usage. Even if boss’s timestop was removed, Ara’s secret art system is a big advantage that only Ara has. Thankfully, boss monsters aren’t smart as you users. If you use secret are after analyzing the boss patterns bosses won’t be able to dodge it.


▣ Cube open animation seems too long and unnecessary. Can you remove it?

We will first remove it from cubes that have no random elements.
– We will think able less boring animation time for cubes with random elements.


▣ Is there a plan to compensate the Giant Boss raid weapon?

Concept of raid boss weapons is that it’s a luck based item with less emphasis on effort. Thus, we made it +9~10 when it was acquired. So since it was developed with a thought that there were no efforts to acquire them, there should be no effort that should be conserved.
– But there were users that put in additional enhancements on the raid boss weapons. It’s regrettable but there is no plan currently to conserve that effort. We regret that we should have made them unenhancable, or made them drop with highest enhancement values.

– In the future, revamped Raid boss rewards will be very different and level 80 raid boss weapons will be last of their series.


▣ Equipments make too much difference in PvP and it’s unfair.

Elsword is not a pure PvP game. It’s a game that puts more factors other than control into consideration like level, growth and collectibles and deems all of them important.
  But we don’t just use PvE stats like some other games. We only allow 10% increase in attack that result in level and equipments.

– There are lots of effort involved in collecting and enhancing equipments in Elsword and we believe there should be a feedback to those efforts.

– It’s hard to determine how much advantage should be allowed. If a 10% standard is determined to be too much, we think it should be changed. We will look again into this issue. Still, we believe that if there are no large difference in skills between the players, the one who put in more effort should win. Our revamp standard will be based on this idea. Alternatively, we believe that even if there are slight difference in skills, the difference should be manageable long as they have good equipments.

– Example : There is a SS rank and S rank with same equipments. S rank with a even better equipment should be able to manage the rank difference, and only players with both good equipments and skills can become SSS rank.


▣ Why did you remove apples purchasable from AP? We’d like them back.

– Many rewards obtainable with AP was overlapping with other content’s rewards so they were removed all together.
– But the rewards obtainable with AP aren’t very diverse at the moment and the dungeons that require more consumables is increasing. There isn’t much ways to obtain consumables at the moment, so we think apples will be good way to spend AP. We will make the purchasable again with AP soon as possible.


▣ When will you do Wardrobe ticket event, job change event and jumping event again?
No plans at the moment.


▣ When will the next character come out?No plans at the moment. 


▣ What is the chance of IBs? It’s so hard to get anything.

We are optimistic about releasing the percentage of chance items.
– There were lots of considerations for the development team involving the sale of ice burner avatars.

– Currently players must go through trades to obtain the IB avatars they want and unnecessary price changes occur during the process. We are planning to better this problem by trying many systems of selling Ice burner avatars that won’t result in the loss for users that are willing to pay appropriate price for them.


▣ If there’s problem with the trade environment because of hoarding large amount of money, how about running a ‘buying’ board?

It could be a good way to introduce good buyers with good sellers. We will think about developing this feature.

Here are collection of information that were revealed from this live event meet:
-Gate of Darkness revamp planned for this year
-Choice Skill Tree Revamp removed this summer. Introducing Skill gain/Enhance system, Balance patch planned as well.
-Balance patch will be based on ‘how many players play this character’
-No plans to re-introduce party list system, Random matching was introduced to reduce players getting left out.( and matching rate have actually increased since then)
-Still debating on Party benefits and boot system
-Preparing solo player advantages, solo play ranking system, solo play specific dungeons planned
-Story revamp planned. Changed so there are lots of shocking developments
-They don’t think inflation is because of lack of ED sinks.
-In worst case, developers have to intervene with game economy and they don’t want to.
-Crayon-Pop collaboration was asked by them not Elsword. It’s good profit.
-But they know about lots of negative opinions on Crayon-Pop collaboration so they will think about it on next collaboration event.
-Add nendoroid figure not planned for sale, will be just given out for events
-They didn’t know T&S scroll was untradeable. They will change it so it’s tradeable. Identification option revamp is in process.
-Account storage, Hacking restoration support before Summer.
-Aisha, Raven, Rena performance&visual renewal planned within this year
-Preparing evidence to punish ‘PvP Attacker'(ex엘프리스마을). Refused question on preventing the attack.
-Preparing many ways to obtain limited avatars. (Also added they make most of their money from ‘Limited avatars’)
-They are not separating PvE/PvP skill functions because they can’t. There are skills that has PvP modifiers. The reason they won’t separate them more clearly is because they don’t want players to learn two different informations that arise from separating PvP/PvE skill functions .
-Planned to release title similar to ‘Reaper’. ‘Reaper’ title not planned to be obtainable in the future.
-No plans for new character at the moment.
-goal when making ‘LuCiel’s’ was to make perfect character but they think it’s not the case right now.
-LuCiel 3rd line class and Skill Notes for characters that don’t have them yet will come out within this month.
-Reason they stopped selling Magic Necklace(old) is because it breaks balance. They didn’t think it would still be in circulation up to this point. They realize the seriousness of this item they think it’s not only a serious problem in Ereda, but in pvp and dungeons as well. Since it’s a serious business, they said they have to make an important decision(Since it’s a cash item). After finishing to deal with the old Magic Necklace, they will give compensations. Old Magic Necklace treatment planned before next season.

※ Personal stuff on Kwon Ohdang team leader
Entered KOG on 2008. He planned Chung update and likes him very much. His main Character is Lord Knight.
He looks around communities broadly, most places he looks is official website’s free board.
He only gets summarized details that suggestion board admins send him.
Grand Chase end of service confirmed(Date unknown)
Character that has the most level cap is Add. Character that has the most population is Elsword.




March 31st, 2015 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in April Fools | Interviews - (22 Comments)


▲ KOG Kwon Ohdang ‘Elsword’ Development team leader
  • What was the response from fans after releasing Lu Ciel?
A: After the initial release of LuCiel, we hit the record of most players playing Elsword ever for this Winter Season. I think the driving force between Elsword’s growing popularity is new characters that cannot be played in any other games. I’m glad LuCiel also played their part in this.
  • Which character was more popular between Lu and Ciel?

A: It was different depending on personal tastes of the players. There was a tendency for male players to like Lu and females players liking Ciel, but I think what players are most enthusiastic about was the two character’s relationship. There are players that like Lu’s powerful and accurate play style but there are also players that like Ciel’s fast and skill focused play style.

  • How does marriage work in game for Lu and Ciel? (What gender is the character treated as?) 
A: Since Lu and Ciel combined can marry any other character in the game, there is no restriction in marriage for Lu Ciel. Only Lu or Ciel, the character that is being married can enter the wedding event. It does feel strange thinking of Lu/Ciel watching their partner marrying.
  • Will there be any more Duo Characters?

A:  I did mention the possibility of more pair characters during Elesis update, but I was surprised that some players thought every character that’s released from then on will be pair characters. Of course if there are enough players that want them released, I won’t discard the possibility. Still, just like how only pair character that currently exist is Elesis, only duo character that exists is Lu Ciel. We developers want players to know that we always want to present something new to our players.

  • There are opinions that Lu and Ciel’s settings overlap with other characters? What do you think about this?
A:  It could look that way when considering from regular character’s perspective as Lu Ciel are fighter and gunblade concept characters.But the core concept for Lu Ciel is duo system that combines these two different battle styles. There are too many characters now to distinguish characters by just their weapons. Lu Ciel was a character born from desire to give different experience to the players and if you actually try the character, you’ll see that they are clearly different from other characters.
  • Last words for ‘Elsword’ users?
A: From the start we wanted one thing. To provide for the current users that enjoy Elsword, a game that they can play proudly and to have them meet with even more new friends inside the game. We worked towards releasing characters and contents that cannot be seen in other games. Through more updates, we will continue to work hard so many people can play and enjoy ‘Elsword’.

Part of Eltype Season 3 Volume 2

Never truly hated Elsword for having too many characters until I started working on translating this. Took entire night, sun is coming up.

Translation From the Game Pokers Interview: Original Link

Elsword’s Kwon Oh Dang director promised his users a new type of experience after showcasing the concept of the new ‘Duo Character’. Duo character is a character that’s played by exchanging between two characters of completely different play styles.

Kwon director showcased the new character ‘Lu,Ciel’  during the ‘Elsword: Hero’s Tournament Season 3’ which was held in the Nexon Arena on 12/06.  Elsword is a popular MORPG  developed by KOG and published by Nexon. Director Kwon is KOG’s head of development for Elsword.

This new character is Elsword’s first duo character and is divided into Lu and Ciel. Players can exchange freely between Lu the female character, and Ciel the male character during gameplay.

Kwon Oh Dang director explained the reasoning behind making a duo character instead of making two separate characters as follows: “We always made each character with different battle styles. We had lots of trouble thinking up a new character because if we tried to give the character one advantage, it always ended up having some kind of disadvantage”

“Thus we thought, what if we tie in two characters with different advantages into one character so they can cover each other’s disadvantages? This was the thought that got us started on Lu,Ciel.”

Users can play as either Lu or Ciel in both towns and dungeons, and change between them whenever they want. Depending on the user’s preference, it is even possible to play only as Lu or Ciel all the way until the end,  but it will be more fun and effective to change between characters depending on the situation. Kwon Oh Dang director said “We didn’t put a cooldown into the exchange mechanism. You battle as whoever you want at any time. And its designed so it’s possible to get both characters to fight together if you gather enough resources,

Lu and Ciel shares equipment but have different avatars. Kwon director said “continuing from the Pair character Elesis, we showcased a Duo character Lu,Ciel” and “We just thought duo character would be the most fitting release for this winter and there are no further plans for any more duo characters.”

He also said “We need to find something new to update after this” and emphasized again that “If users want to see more duo characters, we will comply but currently we don’t have plans for more.”

Elsword Winter updates starts in upcoming 11th of December and the new character Lu,Ciel will be updated on the 18th. Today’s event only showcased Ciel’s appearance but Lu’s appearance will be revealed on the 11th when the winter update starts.


*Not feeling like translating every single line that GM Mackerel says this post. Maybe Later.

1. Implemented Suggestions

  Rena Aero Tornado Skill note malfunction error

was fixed.

② Raven Swimsuit Bottom Image Error

– fixed in 10/02 maintenance

③ Rena 1st job Character image revamp

– Was revamped through 10/16 maintenance. Play with more prettier Rena~!


2. Popular Suggestion

① Adjust Gate of Darkness’s hitbox and revamp GoD Accessory crafting mechanism

> [Go to Suggestion Post]


3. Registered Suggestions

① Character

– Character Balances

:Code:Nemesis Buff (Increased Queen’s throne duration, buff MEB hit stun)

: Buff damage of Rena’s weapons

: Buff Ara’s Steel body stun chance

: Nerf Dark Knight, Crimson Avenger passives and commands.

– Fix Raven’s attack hit boxes when becoming Giant of Dwarf state.

– Make Accessories visible during 3 bead awakening for Ara

– Make special visuals for Ara and Chung’s 3 bead awakening modes ‘optional’


② Item

– Character expression custom items (Crying, laughing etc…)

– Colored Name, Colored Chatting, Text Bubble custom items

– Special IB exclusive titles

– More detailed hair avatars

– Make ‘oddeye’ custom item’s eye colors adjustable

Michael Jackson Moonwalk avatar and dance motion


③ Dungeon

– Feita Secret Dungeon

– Gate of Darkness Hitbox and revamped GoD accessory crafting

– Buff Time and Space Transcender title


④ PvP

Mount PvP system (translator comment: wtf, stop suggesting this. I’m scared that they will actually make this)


⑤ System

– Skill Note Pages to go along with Skill Tree Pages.

– Search Feature for Magical Wardrobe

– Fix character’s name showing up when consuming field ‘meat’ items

– Ingame report system


⑥ Pet

– Make Pet appearances adjustable for adult pets. (appearance of infant, teen stages)

– Tree Knight Mount

– Revamp Larva mount skills

– Make players be able to feed other people’s pets.

– Support Type pet that recovers HP and etc

– Pet decoration feature


⑦ Other

– Remove Eve MEB charge sound effect

– Special skills for professions as they level.

– More couple skills and couple system skill tree

– Family system

– increase Larva avatar motion volume

– Revamp mentor system. (Increase level range or add content that can mentor and pupil can play together)

– Nickname feature


Next Suggestion board update: 5th week of October.