The Tongue of Elrios

Elsword Animation: The El Lady Episode 11

December 29th, 2017 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Uncategorized

Almost done

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22 Responses

  • D says:

    Review time~~~

    FIrst of all
    the very first 30 seconds of thuis episode give me somewhat high expectations
    that vortex part was so satisfying after all 10 episodes of shitty chit-chat :v

    after that, we got a lot of people do few things and well
    it didn’t give scar any additional scar

    that moment when GA shots multiple arrows remind me of that JoJo opening when the lyrics “Aruki tsuzukeru, Crusaders!” singed.
    for a second i expect stardust crusaders come out and suddenly traansformed into stands
    but we know that won’t happen

    back to chung, ara, and ran who still menacing
    finally ara do some movement
    and what is this?!
    aren interfering ran?!
    and suddenly chung got strangled and fall down?!
    didn’t expect that tho

    scar is too strong
    and one thing that i still confused is
    why are there’s no one who noticed about artea’s blessing that make scar stronger until elesis fuckin’ mention it?!

    eve did

    at least she maybe tries to

    and yes
    as we already know
    we got elesis back all of sudden and she blocks scar’s attack

    And Shit!
    Scar backed down when he blocked by elesis?!
    trauma is surely something, huh?
    Even with artea’s blessing, you didn’t even able to overcome your fear?
    even Berthe is better
    even Chloe is better

    Add try to save the priestess but got hit by some rock?
    you will never see that coming, huh?
    and there she is
    Eve-chan save our accelerator’s ass

    now artea is saved
    Scar’s power weakening
    and BOOM!
    the ending song appears

    For next episode, we got some scene where Sult’s hand coming out and Ignia shouting “NOW!”
    but hell
    we already know how this will end, aren’t we?

    so that’s my this week’s episode review

    See you next week!

  • qwq says:

    Welp watching this sure got me bored of the game in general real quick

    • Endgame says:

      Honestly, Lanox in general will do that to you.

      They had to devote most of the anime to the worst area in the game and replace the actual plot with the area with some bullshit “Oh no Elesis is dead!” drama while dragging out the plot with Ignia.

  • DogCopter2 says:

    well another generic boring battle.
    The only thing I want after that? Ignia becomes playable character.

    • DogCopter2 says:

      Ignia isn’t the kinda girl whose gonna sit around and wait like some damsel in distress to kick demon ass
      ALso Scar voice actor sounds like he’s some crude demon in a hentai anime

      • Anon says:

        I would rather we get a large scale balance revamp before we get another playable character. On the topic of playable characters that would be returning characters from the plot, Ran and Solace would be at the top of my list, followed closely by Karis and Chloe.

        I also really want a pure melee martial artist type character. Someone who uses just their hands and feet to fight, rather than holding a weapon. The game is rather lacking in melee characters, with almost every job path in the game giving characters a projectile of some kind in their combos if they didn’t have one already. I can only think of a few job paths that don’t have projectiles in their combos, and even they have at least one or two attacks that can hit a wide enough area that it might as well be a projectile.

        However, before any new characters get added, I would prefer they give everyone who isn’t Rose a 4th path. Everyone else having 3 but Rose having 4 bugs me more than it really should.

        • DogCopter2 says:

          Totally agree, tho I think full scale revamp is in order being implied thought. I mean, Anemos/WS still needs balancing to match up to other charas’ power levels. And the wonky ZZ>ZZZ combos, ugh. Overall she needs complete overview and revamp of her existence (She actually reminds me of CNemesis years back before the chara revamps, she has mediocre damage, and the best thing she does is buffing)

          Ran is definitely a character I can see becoming a player character, maybe as part of his redemption arc (and then a 3rd job path where he embraces demon powers,but still in control of himself).
          Not to fond of Solace (mostly because he kicks my arse everytime in Elrianode), plus I think he’ll go and retire with Hernia, realistically speaking.

          Of course, I doubt we will ever get a new chara that’s already an important NPC since this is KOG, but who knows. Maybe they’ll realize that making popular npcs player charas will just boost game popularity. Not like many people care for the canon anymore, after Elyios. But we can hope and dream.

          I think you’re just abit OCD about the everyone having a 4th job part tho.
          Honestly, the 3rd job lines are already enough for me to deal with right now, the 2nd jobs were kinda made in mind with being “final”… what I would’ve said when Transcendence was all we knew.

          I think a melee chara can have projectiles, or rather needs some wide coverage field clearers (defunct GC’s Jin is great example). WS could definitely use more wide field clearers.

        • Endgame says:

          Ran would have too much spillover with Raven in both weaponry (sword + claw) and backstory. And we already have Ciel for that.

          Solace already has yellow versions of Elbrat skills. And we already have Elesis for being a better version of Elbrat.

          Chloe is practically “Evil Rena” as is. Oh, and her nipples have rotten off and she was copying Wind Sneaker the last time we saw her.

          Karis had potential between a weapon no playable characters use (Even Ain only uses the scythe in some animations and isn’t even a primary scythe user.), wings meaning she could be the game’s first aerial specialist, mind control ability which no playable character has. And so forth.

          But alas, she’s dead….. (It’s easy to write around that. But considering they made the Sander clear video after the fact to show that she’s SUPER dead and the anime flat out skipped her….. KOG’s not retconning that. Even if they retconned Wally of all characters back to life.)

          • Anon says:

            You worry too much about characters being similar.

            Elesis hasn’t been a “Better Elsword” for quite some time, but since people keep saying you quit playing I assume you wouldn’t know that. She doesn’t even have her old iron body advantage anymore, it’s just a slightly different version of Elsword’s version. She can’t even use it to replace mana break, and it doesn’t KD enemies anymore. Even her combos when they would look like they would be better than Elsword’s equivalents, are actually rather weak to make up for it. Grand Masters sword rain combo which I have seen you complain about before is actually rather weak and not worth spamming over using other combos.

            Chloe has a lot of potential for unique and interesting differences from Rena considering her knife. She might be somewhat similar in base class, but if they made proper use of the differences between them in the job paths then they could easily turn out quite different. As for the Wind Sneaker copy thing, it’s not like they couldn’t mix it up a bit for the actual player character. Raven doesn’t play exactly like his boss fight, for example.

            Honestly, people compare Ciel and Rose to Rena a lot, but neither of them do what makes Rena good better than her on her respective job paths. Grand Archer makes much better and more practical use of her arrows in game than the Royal Guard path can, as well as any of the guns Rose makes use of on her various paths, and even on the Chillarch path Ciel never does kicks better than Rena’s Wind Sneaker path.

            Ran has a ton of potential to be different from Raven. If anything, he would be more like a hybrid between Raven and Ain, with an interesting difference in mobility options.

            Solace really isn’t much like Elsword at all. A few of his attacks are vaguely similar, but he can do a lot of things Elsword can’t and his ground combos don’t really seem resemble Elsword’s. If anything, they would just have to nerf him a bit to be playable and he could be really unique.

  • Rokujou says:

    Add: “Let’s get this started.”
    *immediately smacked by a rock*

    That was pretty fucking funny.

  • Rokujou says:

    Okay, at this point, KOG, Nexon, or whoever’s in charge of the anime is just actively fucking around with the credit to Scar’s voice.

  • Endgame says:

    -Man, why couldn’t Scar actually be this powerful in the game its self? He’d actually be a fitting final boss + main villain (Before Solace and the Henir cult were pulled out of nowhere.) if he could actually put up a fight. Oh? Ingame Artea is saved BEFORE they fight Scar? Oh.

    -Do the animators remember that Raven has a sword? And what’s up with RF shooting fire from his claw like VC? Or is he using an lolbase job skill?

    -Ciel fired a bullet at big blue steroid guy….. and he just turned to dodge?

    What is the takeaway from this? That Ciel is a bad shot?

    -Did Scar just fucking belch at Lu and knock her back?!

    -“Puny humans!” He says after only two humans attempted to attack him followed up by attacks from an elf, a half-demon, and the former demon queen.

    -Aisha is using an ice attack when Scar is already surrounded by flames. Uhh, guys? Aisha is supposed to be the SMART one.

    -Was that single spear supposed to be Eve’s contribution to the group attack? What?

    -Ran was able to just attack Chung without moving and knock him out with inexplicable shadows? Uhh…..

    I mean, yes. This is probably a reference to his shadow clones. (PROBABLY. I’m having doubts if anyone involved has actually played the game at this point.) But they couldn’t even fucking animate a shadow Ran showing up behind him and attacking him?!

    -Oh look. Everyone was struggling against Scar but main character Elesis shows up and blocks his attack and makes him start cowering like a little bitch. He fucking teleports away from her attack instead of blocking it with rocks or something. Seriously?!

    -Elesis knows that Scar is using Artea’s powers. But Ignia who is actually friends with Artea couldn’t catch on?! Well, I guess painting Elesis as the smart one comes with the Mary Sue territory…..

    -Wait, so why didn’t Elesis free Artea when no one was looking?! It would have even made Scar’s sudden cowardice once Elesis showed up make more sense.

    -“Let’s get started. *Gets hit by a rock.*”

    -A second group attack!….. Wait, did they reuse the same animation frames from earlier for Raven and Lu + Pedo Raven? Eh, I guess it’s progress considering that EVERYONE except Chung is actually doing something in this episode….. (Even though Eve just fires spears and electroballs off-screen and isn’t shown actually moving.)

    -And this is how they’re writing Ran out of the anime: he has an identity crisis then runs away.

    -Uhh, is Scar even aware that Add was up there? It doesn’t seem like it…..

    -Alright! Artea is free! Let’s retaliate! *Cue credits.*

    …..Only one episode left of this shitshow. Who’s ready for SSJ Elesis~?

    • D says:

      much more rant than mine and you mentioned all that things that i forgot to mention
      last time i saw recycled anime scenes that used more than once in ONE episode was (if i remember correctly) when i saw the 1975’s UFO Robo Grendizer

      Or even 1972’s Mazinger Z

      But still
      i appreciate this week’s episode since they AT LEAST make everyone on screen

  • Endgame says:

    Guys, I just came up with the perfect way for the anime to end.

    Scar dies in the first minute of the next episode. SSJ Elesis. Exposition. Say that they have to gather all the priestesses to open the way to Elysion.

    Then suddenly Artea says. “Wait, where’s Andudran?”

    Cue credits.

    After the credits, show Karis at a beach. With the Behemoth in the water in the distance and mind controlled Anudran serving Karis a drink.

    The camera pans to Karis. She turns to the camera and winks.

    The end.

  • Dundershock says:

    Elsword Animation: The El Lady
    *el lady only pops up at the end of the anime*
    *or maybe she doesn’t appear at all and at the end the elgang just walks into the light to atlas station*

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