The Tongue of Elrios

Adaptability Stat

June 27th, 2018 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Korean Elsword Updates

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65 Responses

  • RandomPerson says:

    Nice handicap lol

  • Rokujou says:

    So basically, this is the Maximize stat for your entire stats.

    k then

  • Katja Eclair says:

    So, do these go in normal magic stone sockets? ‘Cause I’m not keen on gimping my entire build for that.

  • awsed says:

    oh… I knew something REALLY BAD was coming

  • Skyloda says:

    This is…

    Really interesting

  • Noir says:

    lmao kys KoG

  • Shadowmega says:

    Now toss your 8k deleted spec A/B into this :v

    • Flare Kyn says:

      Except that’s not one of the options for conversion. The options are Critical Chance, Maximize, Additional Damage, Damage Reduction, Attack MP recovery, and Attacked MP recovery

  • Skyloda says:


    • RandomPerson says:

      If they did that, people would complain that it isn’t fair lol

      • MagicSpice says:

        actually, that would make sense that it doesn’t apply to demons…

        or any job route reliant on dark el or demon powers….

        • thatguy says:

          there aren’t that many classes that depend on or use dark el or demon powers anyway why gimp the classes who don’t use dark el or demon powers for damage so it makes it harder on this seems like a waste to me

          • Flare Kyn says:

            There aren’t any passives that increase Adaptability, so I think class/character won’t really matter, unless they release 4th Jobs that have Adaptability passives.

          • thatguy says:

            @Flare Kyun that literally had nothing to do with what i or anyone in this comment section said

          • MagicSpice says:

            Cause LOLoG didn’t think this through… again…

            Storyline wise, this makes sense… but this now forces a drop in at least 30% damage (cause I get the feeling future stages would give more of a drop since you are going further into the demon realm). So now you have to kill some of your stats to make up for the damage loss…

            And that still doesn’t include the fact that some players like me have equipment you can’t get anymore (perk raid weapon), so you have to suck it up to some extent even if you get new gear.

            And this is yet again nerfing the characters in a way. That’s not how you fix power creep… hell, they even gave mobs higher stats with the adaptability thing hampering us… That just makes it worse

  • Erzt says:

    LMAO poor free users.

  • Frost says:

    They deleting spec, basicly ruining builds that rely on that for no reason and puting stat that can be useful only in one area, because it has bullsht 30% everything debuff? Wow – KoGs at their best here. Even dark elf on art giggles from that…

  • Endgame says:

    1. I love how the Dark Elf in that picture is smiling. She smug.

    2. This is basically the same nonsense Closers pulled in its current endgame area. (Complete with the lore explanation of humans not being able to handle the area unprepared due to “dimensional pressure”. Similar to what’s happening here) Except at least with that gimmick, it’s based off if iLvl. AND if your iLvl exceeds the stage’s requirement you get to do bonus damage! Does Adaptability boost stats if you have enough?

    3. As Skyloda pointed out, it makes zero sense why Lu, a power demon ruler who KOG has gone back on forth as to her exact position within the demon realm (On several occasions, including the anime, they’ve gone as far as to label her the supreme ruler.), would be weaker in her homeworld than in Elrios.

    So yeah….. lolKOG.

    • Anon says:

      On the 2nd point, having restrictions based on item level makes perfect sense to me. Weaker gear naturally makes higher-level dungeons harder, so there’s no harm in building off of that concept. What’s happening here though is complete BS. Honestly don’t know what KoG’s obsession is with deleting old stats for new useless ones.

    • thatguy says:

      1. Cuz she can smell the salt

      2. i doubt adaptability does that

      3. while im not defending this the only excuse i can think of is her being away from the demon realm for so long her body isn’t used to it anymore i guess but that excuse only works on lu and no one else

    • Flare Kyn says:

      What Adaptability does is reduce the effect of the debuff, which reduces ALL of your stats, except Adaptability itself. I’d personally recommend using the second equip page for a Demon Realm build, and having your first page be for when you’re not in the Demon Realm.

  • Meta says:

    Is this the way KOG is handling the +12 meta in Korea?
    RIP everyone on any other server that isn’t Korean.

    • Meta says:

      Oh wait, who am I kidding. Every other server is practically dead. With one actual server that has been closed down.
      Let’s just ignore the overseas players some more and what the meta is on any server that isn’t KR.
      I’m starting to wonder why I even play Korean games anymore. It’s pretty apparent that they can’t do it right. There’s a reason why games in Korea fail within the first couple of months after all and if you happen to make it as long as Elsword did you’re extremely lucky.

    • Flare Kyn says:

      No, it’s just the Demon Realm’s gimmick. It’s a %-based debuff, meaning +12 users still have higher stats than lower enhancement levels with the same amount of Adaptability.

      • Meta says:

        You don’t get my point. The final region is what everyone will be grinding. HD is dead. SD is dead. Henir is dead. I’m dead. Rather it’s just the Demon Realm’s gimmick is irrelevant. All the geared users will be in whatever this new region is called for the rest of the year if not a little bit longer. Especially so overseas where the only people that still play the game are in endgame. So when I ask that, I’m asking does KOG not care about the people who don’t fall in line with the +12 meta overseas after making the game easy for Koreans while not cutting slack for other servers? People have been screaming for years to let their own server decide what’s best for them.
        This not only hurts +12 users because it messes with props. (Especially so if you have to sacrifice sockets for one region), but it hurts people who can’t get at +11 or higher even more so than Elrianode did. They can try to put a band-aid over everything by making Void Weapons even easier to get, but a Void Weapon not at +11 or higher still isn’t doing any damage.

  • BidoofSenpai says:

    They took away my FP’s excessive MP reduction… for this?

    Well, I guess if it means that they won’t make all of the everything immune to debuffs with permanent superarmor (unlikely) then it would be less than catastrophic.

  • MagicSpice says:

    i feel like this is the one stat that either doesn’t need to be normalized, or needs to have the same normalization as awakening charge/time so we won’t have issues getting it….

    and 30% loss in stats hits pretty freaking hard KOG… you still didn’t think about players with weaker gear huh…

    no wonder you get successive drop rate increases on void weapons, they figure you NEED those things for this area now..

    • Flare Kyn says:

      Actually, they did. You can enhance to +8 without risk of breaking your equipment now.

      • MagicSpice says:

        No, they thought about money… no matter how you look at it, you pretty much need to edit your current set to work for the new region and the old content, or make a 2nd set… which is where the no break til +8 would come in…

        Except on void weapon and the Elrianode set, you get the better stuff at +9 and above… so you still have to fight breaks. More so, if you’re like me using a legend weapon you can’t get anymore, then you have to suck it up and put more strain on armor…

        It’s geared towards throwing money at the game, not newer players, cause Elrianode already demands a +9 and above or a high amount of skill… the power creep is that strong at that point.

  • Kjelder says:

    it’s the same as the exorcism of DFO

  • Laternchen says:

    A minimum of 2 PVE sets are now necessary, because of adaptability?
    Well that’s one way of keeping people occupied with gearing…

    • MagicSpice says:

      it’s a cash grab too, cause look at the people running around with high enhancement armor and weapons due to how the void/el tear build works…

      KOG: You like that +10 armor and +13 void weapon due to how many effects they give? Well do it again!

  • Flow says:

    My MP reduction is completely gone because of this LOL

    • MagicSpice says:

      there’s still el resonance and el tear effects… which isn’t as hard to get as they used to be…

      but yeah, adaptability is a big screw up by KOG…. cause the stat drop would make a 100% crit and maxi build deal a little over 2 times the damage, instead of 3 times…. that’s one major disadvantage

      and then i hear that your HP and defense is affected too so…. GG

  • salty spitoon says:

    how does KoG expect these updates to draw in new players when all they do is make veteran players wanna quit

  • FundMeDaddis says:

    Imo you guys are being over dramatic, especially considering spec A and B gave huge advantages to some specific chars over others while other classes mainly Raven Eve and Add saw little to 0 benefit from Specialization stats. While in the hands of others like Rena Chung and Aisha who got huge mana cost reductions from their specializations For example My Oz being able to throw out sub 150 mp braveries as well as my Anemos (with around 4-6k spec A/B respectively) . Or the classes that got huge damage bonuses Like rose gaining a maximum 20% damage increase on top of her normal overstrike damage increase. To simply put it these stats were unbalanced and unfair.

    Not only that but this new state is similar to a lot of other MMO’s where a lack of a certain stat means you do less damage or your abilities and buffs do less. An example of this is DFO/DNF (Dungeon fighter online/ Dungeon and fighter) With its exorcism, Sure having high exorcism helps but a large amount of the content towards end game can still be done even with relatively low amounts of the stat.

    To also add to this, the stat will only take effect in new dungeons the rest of the game is fine.

    TL:DR you guys are complaining that your shiny toys got taken away while others did not have them to begin with. And the new stat only applies to the new current end game areas.

    • FundMeDaddis says:

      Cant edit but i meant to type stat instead of state*

    • awsed says:

      yes, but we already had one of that stat (maximize), why a new one? oh right, because they don’t know how to balance the metga!

      • Flare Kyn says:

        It’s not Maximize, though? It’s resistance against the Demon Realm debuff, which reduces EVERY stat, other than Adaptability itself.

      • FundMeDaddis says:

        What flare said, this simply only applies to the new end game content which is the demon realm. and unlike maximize does not effect the entire game only end game areas, that mind you most players wont bother with after they finish the story, since i’m pretty sure 80% of the games population just sit in sparring or arena most of their time.

        • FundMeDaddis says:

          At least for NA

        • awsed says:

          of course, but that IS exactly the point: why bother and release a new area where people won’t bother playing it because of this sort of handicap

          and to explain it: it is already mandatory to build crit and maximize as high as you can to deal reliable damage… having to reduce both of them to build a new stat only for a new area is a no, and again refers to the point before: who would even go a play the new area then? oh but wait! they will then find a way to force people because they will release some *new* enchantment/stone/item/skill that can only be dropped there and will affect the meta…

  • SkyVR says:

    I’m kinda interested.
    Everyone is probably wailing because they wanna overpower themselves as much as possible and then put the blame on KOG for making things 2 easy or hard.
    I think that while dis stat (If dis stat is socketed) is stupid for gimping ppl to nerf their whole builds just for the debuff in Vanimir dungs, it seems 2 be a decent leash on the power of Whales, ofc the higher ur %, the more it drops in value, so ppl who don’t Socket 2 much of a stat will not be that affected while stupid single-stat builds are punished.

    In concept I approve, although again, if its socket JUST FOR THE DUNGS OF A SINGLE REGION, its kinda dumb.

    • MagicSpice says:

      Problem, it also throws a leash on non-whales, making the game harder for them

      Or did you think this wouldn’t affect the free players?

      • MagicSpice says:

        Also, if you introduce something, there’s likely people a few people abusing it, which leads to more doing so.

        Since, KoG wanted to throw more ways to get stronger, they sped up the rate of the power creep.

        If you really want a leash on the “broken” players, normalizing stats to lv1 for that content. That’s how you put people on a more even field, cause class balance is the only issue then

  • Shadowmega says:

    No one remembers that debuff is a thing now which means wind orb/freeze cheese also returns. Isn’t that powerful enough? If you cant rush to this new area, take your time in elrianode as you can still grind for the best gear in the game there, the new area is just for min-maxing

    • MagicSpice says:

      So, put up with 70% of the damage you could be doing, instead of all of it?

      Sure…. That sounds fun… not…

      • Shadowmega says:

        Debuffs returning means that elrianode and prior stuffs become irrelevant, there is no reason not to change your current set-up for this. Besides, seeing how demanding the new area is, it is obviously not for new users who think they can come here within a few weeks. Elrianode will not be dead any time soon just because of this new area as long as el tear is still the most strongest set in this game.

        • MagicSpice says:

          you do realize how long it takes for the average player to min-max their sets right? especially given the randomness of heroic/tear IDs….

          oh, and you can’t trade the tear set…. so enjoy doing that for multiple characters

  • Mishani says:

    Welp, RIP Rena. Renewals gave Rena a terrible, borderline dysfunctional design and the only things keeping her afloat have been bandaid fixes where they just change her numbers around (hello 50% damage reduction renewal Rena). Rena’s spec B was one of those bandaids fixes. Although, I probably shouldn’t be talking about PvP in a dress up PvE game…..

    • Endgame says:

      Dumb bandaid fixes is all KOG knows how to do.

      Way of the Sword and Core were dumb bandaid fixes for Elbrat and Raven that did nothing to address their core problems. And all they managed to do was give people new excuses as to why they lost to them instead of trying to learn how to play.

      • MagicSpice says:

        Alright, I’ll give you credit on that. cause most players do complain a ton about losing to a character than… i don’t know… LEARNING HOW TO USE THEIRS BETTER?!

        there’s cases where balance can be blamed, but not usually. the real issues of PvP is power creep (KOG feeds into that one with skill stacking and such), and players wanting stuff fed to them down their throats like some spoiled kids

    • Shadowmega says:

      100 mp unmanabreakable bravery is not okay, though

  • Croire says:

    This is how KOG does it, throw out a mixed received update and pair it with elven boobs lady

  • Lelouch says:

    I just wonder whether this Debuff affect all your stats include crit and maxi or just attack power and defend.

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