The Tongue of Elrios

11/29 Patch Note

November 27th, 2018 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Korean Elsword Updates

▣ Laby 1st Path Pre-Event

▣ What’s happening in the dark  forest?

[Event Time] 2018 11 29 ~ Laby update

For all players

Log in 30 minutes daily to get [Cobo] Mysterious orbs(3 days)


Investigate Dark Forest

[Event Time] 2018 11/29 ~ Laby update

For all players (Lv.10, per character)

Clear chain quests in dark forest outskirts to collect [Cobo] Strong Flowers.

Flowers can be exchanged from Ariel into sage stones and gold seals.


New Cash Shop Item

  1. Avatar : Snow Foxy (Custard/Raspberry)

– 2018 11 29 ~ 2018 12 27



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67 Responses

  • Endgame says:

    KR Elsword Ranking Watch:

    Only went up 2 ranks. It’s almost as if the lolicon demographic only has real influence in Japan.

    • MomoXennpai says:

      Loli for the win yeahhh

      • Lord Aurora says:

        Swear you’re legit trying to get him going LOL Just wanna watch the world burn huh?

        As for the whole Loli stuff… meh, not a fan of them either. Don’t have the hatred that endlevel does but yea… would’ve preferred a female character with more… balanced proportions. Not over-the-top like Rose/Ara/Rena but not as flat as Elesis/Eve/Aisha.

        • CakeLie says:

          but elesis is not flat

          • soren says:

            Elesis gets seriously busty in 2 of her three 3rd job paths, Flame Lord and Bloody Queen have ample real estate. Though Flame Lord’s is the only that enters the realm of constant back pains..
            Empire Sword might too, but have it smothered under her uniform.

          • Endgame says:

            She did have mosquito bites until 3rd Job where she suddenly grew boobs (Probably something to do with the restoration of the El.), and even other artwork released after the fact reflects this. (Her Velder Academy artwork where she’s also tiny.)

            Although the anime gave her huge breasts out of nowhere.

            [i]She’s still fugly with boobs though.[/i]

          • Endgame says:

            Err, dammit. Why is it that only this site and GameFAQs uses instead of []?

        • Endgame says:

          So basically you’re asking for Aisha but still buy into a dumb joke an ancient comic made after the fact cash shop outfits where Aisha’s boobs are in plain sight were released.

          • Lord Aurora says:

            Nono I ask for a character who’s the middleground between having a fairly smaller chest and a rather large chest. Looking at Aisha’s 3rds, sure she’s gotten a bit bigger but still; would be nice to have a character that’s in the middleground to begin with (at base in other words).

            Not particularly flat but not bursting with back pains either.

          • Zygal says:

            i mean for Rena, Ara and Rose isn’t back pain lvl of big, its mainly that people exagerate their actual boob size most of the time, like even Elesis gets that treatment, while in the other hand Aisha gets the oposite and gets drawn completly flats when she isn’t that much

          • Lord Aurora says:

            Oh ye ik ik though they’re definitely on the significantly larger side of things (+ they’d probably have a bit of back pain tbh haha). Yes artists do often overexaggurate whilst likewise for the smaller side of the cast, they get the treatment in reverse (aside from Elesis somehow?! Just like you said haha I don’t get it either)

            Either way I just mean I’d like someone who’s in the middle-grounds between them all!

    • Shinaitsa says:

      It’s almost as if Laby is not a loli.

    • bobby says:

      Pretty good considering she’s not in the game yet.

    • thatguy says:

      it will go back down in when her last job comes out

    • Majestrix says:

      In my country because they don’t make it balance in character. If you don’t play this character, this path. You can’t fight other paths then player go to other games.

    • Oofed says:

      She’s probably 13 like elsword when she starts, let’s just see if it’s actually a loli when age is confirmed.

  • Xander says:

    We have seen a lot of characters over the years through animes and games which falls in line with this ‘loli’ category.

    Like Shiro from No game no life, Illya from Fate/stay, even Umaru from Himouto! Umaru-chan is portrayed in a smaller way to make her look cute.

    It’s just a trope that exists in the Japanese culture. It has nothing to do with pedos. Is anyone really ignorant to believe that everyone in the world who adores these characters are supposed to be pedos?

    Why make a fuss about it so much? KOG didn’t take the risk to come up with an original or different than the usual character tropes, so they decided to make a safe bet and in the end came up with Laby.

    Pedos are an abomination to society, they should just end their lives.

    People like End Game have another problem. They are really insecure about themselves. They think that liking a character like Laby will make them a pedo. But in his case, he’s mentally ill. It maynot be even curable at this point. Instead of just ranting about his insecurities all the time he should actually see
    a real therapist.

    Please try to refrain from replying to any of his rotten comments.

      • Endgame says:

        Of course you would support this.

        You know what they say. Pieces of shit stick together.

        • Mogek0n says:

          Well you like that braindead idiot Ara so by the same rule I assume that immediatly turns you into someone who has a fetish for people with brain damage or neurological faults.

          Sounds grossly exagerated and radical, doesn’t it? Well that’s a mirrored version of what you say regarding Lolis, then again people who can unironically make those kind of disproportinated acussations tend to only apply that kind of logic when pointing fingers at others.

    • RandomPerson says:

      Best comment here so far.

    • I'll defend Laby but absolutely not KoG says:

      You realize the “portrayed in a smaller way to make her look cute” is literally what the whole “infantization of asians” thing is all about, right. It’s a fetish that borders into pedophilia and frankly, it’s gross.

      Portray children as children, yeah. But portraying teenager girls or adult women as “uwu precious smol child must protect” is problematic in its own right. Think about it: if you draw lewd art of a child-esque character but “it’s okay because she’s actually an adult!!”, at what point do you cross the line into child pornography?

      Laby as a character is fine, there’s nothing exceptionally wrong about her. But KoG has a history of sexualizing children’s bodies (see: Lu), and given that they’re obviously using her to appeal to a certain demographic… You see what’s wrong here?

      • Endgame says:

        Anyone denying Laby is sexualized should consider this:

        When was the last time KOG released a female character and didn’t lewd her?

        • Cryme says:

          I’m guessing you’re a 10 year old who gets excited when he sees a leg. Tbh, the characters aren’t that lewd other than certain females bust size. If you think it’s lewd then you should go play Soul Caliber or a game where they literally have female chars in thongs and their nipples are basically the only thing covered. Lol

          • Endgame says:

            Okay, you just exposed yourself as completely ignorant on everything.

            I don’t even have to post the pictures showing how wrong you are. Everyone else should know better.

      • Lazard Deusericus says:

        You know how asians do business. They are not complicated like christian or muslim-majority countries, they just do what they think is right for them. And this problem with ageing, or being adult, is a very old one in japanese, and now korean and chinese games. So when it comes to merchandising, they just feed the hype-monster. And if the asian public is going after that kind of… taste… well, companies like KOG won’t care too much, and will give them da faqing ”potentially-lewdable” loli char. You won’t change them ’cause you just don’t agree with that view.

        In the end, the answer is always the same: If you don’t like it, you are free to leave the game. They won’t care that much.

    • Lord Aurora says:

      Now that you mention it, feels like this is the 2018 version of “Video games make you violent.” LOL

      Agreed though; Endlevel should probably give it a rest.
      Liking something cute =/= Pedophilia just like liking a shooting game =/= you’ll start shooting people irl haha

      • Endgame says:

        Of course liking something cute doesn’t lead to pedophilia.

        Lolis are fugly little imps with baby fat puffy cheeks and annoying high pitched voices. They’re not cute.

        Kitties are cute. Bunnies are cute. Baby tapirs are cute. Aisha, Ara, and Eve are cute.

        • Socks says:

          But “Cute” is a subjective adjective. and by definition Subjective is according to the Dictionary:
          “Statement based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.”
          So what you said was a subjective statement. Here are some examples:
          Next time stop pushing your opinion as fact onto everyone, The world doesn’t revolve around you.

    • Endgame says:

      Oh wow. Someone named after the worst Fire Emblem character giving a pedo apologist speech. You’re just begging for me to hate you.

      Look shithead, words have meanings. And the meaning of pedophile:

      Says nothing about “Oh, but cartoon girls don’t count bro!”

      It says anyone who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children is a pedophile. That’s exactly what it says. There is no way to misinterpret it.

      Lolicons are pedophiles. That’s all there is to it.

      And you can fuck off with this “he hates lolis therefore he actually loves them” verbal diarrhea. That makes zero sense whatsoever.

      • Xander says:

        Your views about this topic are really skewed in a really bad way, so it’s not possible to like a character without actually looking at them in a sexual way?

        What you really want to prove is everyone who likes loli sort of characters are pedophiles. Usually most people finds these characters cute because it’s chibi and it’s adorable. What he is really saying is liking them will make them all a pedophile. That’s actually really messed up.
        I get it you can’t feel anything but sexual attraction towards females even towards fictional characters.

        You’ve got more serious issues than I first realized. I don’t know what’s wrong with him, maybe he have got some trauma when he was a kid and it really affected him. Yea it’s still better to consult a therapist.
        I was just trying to understand where he’s coming from in this matter, but he’s beyond saving.

        • Endgame says:

          Wow, you’re just as fucking worthless and dumb as the Fire Emblem Xander.

          I’m beyond saving? How about you who is putting words in my mouth? The only way to save you is a lobotomy.

          I said that people who are sexually attracted to lolis are pedophiles. That’s what the word means. I didn’t say anyone who likes a loli for any reason whatsoever is a pedophile. That’s your diseased brain talking, not me.

          But when the lolis exist solely to milk the pedos and have very little in real characterization, that is a really hard sell. Not to say it isn’t impossible to like them for non-sexual reasons. But denying who they are for is pretty fucking disingenuous.

          • Mogek0n says:

            You are just looking for any venue possible to express your hate for lolis while simultaneously shitting on those who don’t agree with you, and that’s honestly pretty sad.

            Instead of being a one-sided idiot who won’t have at least the decency to not be a bitch in public about it, look up any study about if Videogames cause Violent people.

            GTA doesn’t turn you in a car-stealing hooker murder.
            CoD doesn’t make ppl into a mass shooter genocide.
            And watching porn/hentai doesn’t turn people into rapists.

            Again its honestly saddening to see someone as you who not content with skewing things just to try to justify their reasoning, goes out of their way to accusse others of pedophiles (which is a pretty serious claim btw) without having a single idea how fictional media interacts with this, instead only going with a “Da deectionari dun sae exclooshuns for ficction duhhh”.

          • Isn't this a non-argument? says:

            I mean let’s be real for a second. Let’s say someone is attracted to children. Then…
            Wouldn’t it be better and safer for society for someone that’s attracted to children to use fictional characters as an outlet? Rather than actually using real children as an outlet?
            No one chooses to have an attraction towards children. And most pedophiles aren’t about to snatch your child off the street. Jesus Christ, I swear this whole pedophilia scare in the west is really out of hand. And it doesn’t help that the media demonizes and makes a boogie-man out of this group of people to the point that they’re too afraid to go seek help, thus actually increasing the crime rates. It’s like this society is asking for the worst case scenario to happen.

          • Endgame says:

            To be perfectly frank, I deem lolicons more harmful than “IRL pedos” because lolicons are actively ruining Japanese video games, anime, and now kMMOs for non-pedos by getting awful loli characters shoved down our throats. Lolicon is a fetish on the same level as scat, watersport, etc. in disgusting levels that refused to stay in its own disgusting little corner.

            Obviously, pedophiles who act upon their urges with real little girls are in the extreme minority. Like rapists who assault women. And their viewership of Toddlers and Tiaras isn’t really impacting anything since TLC has been the channel for human garbage for over a decade now, and the pedos aren’t harming those kids anywhere as much as their mothers…..

          • Mogek0n says:

            Then fact you have an irrational hatred to lolis is your problem, I’m prety sure most without an extremely selfish and self-important point of view won’t go to such lengths to shun those who like lolis.
            And I personally would also say someone with such a disguistingly radical yet irrational mindset is x20 times worse to deal with than just the pressence of an archetype who doesn’t exsctly tickle someone’s fancy.
            (Also the fact you never replied directly in any chain because you ran out of bs to spew back other than your own grossly-exagerated opinnion).

          • Lazard Deusericus says:

            ”To be perfectly frank, I deem lolicons more harmful than “IRL pedos” because lolicons are actively ruining Japanese video games, anime, and now kMMOs for non-pedos by getting awful loli characters shoved down our throats.”

            I agree with this. Back in the days of PS1 and PS2, where i still had my PS1, the few Japanese RPGs i played (like some FFs, Brave Fencer Musashi, and Vagrant Story), you wouldn’t find this kind of… obsession… with lolis and so-under age boys/girls. My sister loved to play many of the Tales Of games, and underage ”combat-capable” children gradually started to appear in the early 2000s, in japanese games.

            Unsurprisingly, the more the new generations of japanese players were becoming increasingly influenced by modern anime and manga (and things like that)… the new japanese games started to change too. And with the coming of the Online Era, that even spread to other Asian markets like Korea and lately China. I really miss the days when i used to play that RPG games coming from the old generation of japanese game developers, creators, and directors. Now the majority of the game, you can find… children fighting?. And the thing gets worse when we talk about the Loli hype, that has made things worse xD.

            When i came to play Elsword back in 2015, it was only because of Rose, ’cause i loved her adult aspect. Even Ara, for me, was almost loli xD… But latter i was absolutely pleased to see the new 3rd Jobs (i play Shakti), because that changed the whole look of Elsword as a game, no matter Lu or Aisha.

            But overall, don’t expect any change for now. It is a very ”Asian Way” approach to the creation of characters. You will always find a little boy (shota, or something like that xD), and a loli… to please not only the asian gamer public that feel attracted to them, but now the growing western gamer base. It is all about the business model, because for them… our debate about ”It is/is not child pornography” or ”that is being pedophile”, don’t really matter that majority of the time.

  • Vidle says:

    So… let me get this straight. Laby is going to be released tomorrow?

    • Shinaitsa says:

      No. “[Event Time] 2018 11 29 ~ Laby update” Meaning that, the event will last until Laby is released. Would it make sense if she was released tommorow..?

      Besides that, it also say ” Laby 1st Path Pre-Event” pre-event, and nothing about the release.

  • XshifterX says:

    so tomorrow will be her 1st pre path release so it going to be like ain where her class will be release every after 2 weeks

    the problem here is that his 1st path will include all the job 1st class to 3rd class

  • RandomPerson says:

    Inb4 edgy class.

  • Rokujou says:

    I like how KOG don’t even bother to give an actual release date.

  • Coki91 says:

    I love how they don’t even bother to add enough filler events to satisfy whoever doesnt care about a new character/is playing endgame… And what’s Dark Forest? we got Shadow Forest and Guardian’s Forest but none Dark Forest

  • Endgame says:

    Buff Aether Sage

  • MagicSpice says:

    We really don’t need Endgame riled up about the loli all over again….

    idk why anyone even puts up with that to be honest, cause anywhere else would have kicked endgame out by now…

  • awsed says:

    I would laugh at all the loli wars above if laby ends being a trap

  • Jenova says:

    I love how people will drool over a anime loli but if some IRL does it, they are marked as a “fucking pedophile”.

    Guys, get over yourselves.

    • Endgame says:

      I do find it pretty concerning how lolicons are willing to throw their pedo brethren under the bus just to try to salvage their image.

      …..Even though there’s no salvaging that since lolicons are now heavily associated with the alt-right.

  • Endgame says:

    Honestly, we’ve gotten way off track with the argument over whether or not pedophilia is pedophilia or not. That is not something that is up for debate.

    The real problem is that Laby is just plain awful as a character even without factoring she exists to be pedobait just like Lu did. (And Lu is hot once delolified, so…..)

    -She’s just plain uninspired and heavily rips off Lu who already heavily ripped off Raven and Chung in gameplay and then Eve and Aisha in story.

    -She’s hideous and her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

    -Since this is KOG we are talking about here, it is highly unlikely that she will have more than 2 original skills with everything else just being a variant of an already existing skill but with a new animation. (If EVEN that. Let’s not forget how lazy they got with Asura and gave her Mana Steal but colored yellow.)

    -KOG releases new characters to essentially try to distract people from all the other problems with the game. Let’s not forget how they blatantly did that with Rose and it backfired on them spectacularly. People want actual balance patches and not the poor efforts KOG spams, more meaningful content, bug fixes, etc. NOT another new character released intentionally OP at first to add to the clusterfuck.

    -Her backstory is now apparently causing plotholes since the forest she lives in is in Feita. Which is….. how the hell do you resolve that? The group is currently deep in the Demon Realm but….. they randomly decide to go back to Feita and encounter a little girl then drag her back to the Demon Realm? Of course, after Ain we can’t expect anything less than confusing nonsensical messes for character backstories.

    It goes way beyond just pedophilia. Laby has zero redeeming qualities whatsoever and is unlikely to add anything of value to the game.

    • Cryme says:

      Or maybe they just designed a char without the intention of baiting pedos. You’re retarded to jumping straight to that conclusion. Her illustrations aren’t even sexual so you have no actual point. And I know you’re that type of person that bitches even if nothings wrong but…..

      “-KOG releases new characters to essentially try to distract people from all the other problems with the game. Let’s not forget how they blatantly did that with Rose and it backfired on them spectacularly. People want actual balance patches and not the poor efforts KOG spams, more meaningful content, bug fixes, etc. NOT another new character released intentionally OP at first to add to the clusterfuck.”

      Umm… they release balance patches constantly, bug fixes, and major updates at a decent rate. And this is at the same time they are working on a new game. They know they are losing people and the community is down so the best thing they can do is release something flashy and new to bring people back in. Also, the whole Rose thing is your opinion, their are plenty of people that enjoy her. No it’s not perfect but… no matter what, people like you will always find something to bitch about because of how miserable they actually are. Kind of like your whole argument with the pedo loli thing. Hell, you’re like a crackhead. You claim you hate the crack but yet keep coming back to smoke it. Yeah, I see you posting the Elsword rankings even thought you act like you hate the game. Lol it’s just sad.

      • Endgame says:

        Why is it that people who actually call others “retarded” are always completely fucking braindead and objectively wrong?

        You’re Trump supporter level stupid if you honestly believe I’m retarded for thinking a company that relies on anime tropes released a little girl to pander to pedos. ESPECIALLY after the precedent set by Lu.

        Or you’re just plain ignorant of the subject matter (Just take a look at Chiliarch and Diabla/Iblis. Also look up the Timoria concept sketches where she just wore a bra and pants.) and thus have no right to speak about it.

        Or are you going to deny Lu is sexualized because you’re just that god damned stupid?

        • Cryme says:

          Seriously? Lol that’s the best you got? No wonder everyone on here thinks you’re dumb af. GG though, I knew you would get triggered and missed all of the major points I made. XD

  • AegisClavis says:

    So her weapon seems to be a mirror? o.o

  • Wavedashing says:

    We did it bois. Fighter character. Big win.

  • Metal says:

    Wow, 2019 is near, Endgame still complain in everything, i though you already quit in this game long long time ago so why are you still here?? Elesis rants here and there, obsess with the rank of Elsword,rant here and here that sound you are The Expert ? Or maybe in real life, ypur are just a loser, bullied and wants to listen to you that people around act as you didn’t even exist so thats the why you are still here. please hang yourself and die

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