The Tongue of Elrios

1/31 Balance Patch Notes

January 25th, 2019 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Uncategorized

1/31 Balance Patch Notes

[PvP Revamp and Free Season]

▣ Rank System revamped

▣ Arena rule revamped

1) Item Mode removed

2) 1:1 Match(Best out of 3), 2:2 Winner Match removed

– Can only random match for 3:3. Will decide if 3:3 will be removed during the free season.

3) 1:1, 2:2 Gets different map list

– Henir, Feita, Sander, Lanox maps deleted

– Can veto 2 maps in 1:1 : / 2:2, 1 map in 3:3

4) Parties with same character cannot queue for Arena.

– Can still be partied up with same characters through random matching

5) Additional Damage isn’t affected by defense/critical 

– Additional Damage is not negatively affected by damage increase%

(Additional Damage change is also applied to dungeons)

6) Damage increase per enhancement level is reduced in PvP

7) Placement matches can only be done in 1:1

8) Arena can be entered starting level 75

▣ Rewards

1) Can purchase new PvP Magic stones with AP

2) Amount of EXP and Resonance obtained from PvP increased

3) Sparring gears buffed

▣ Official Tournaments will have same rules and modifiers as Arena

▣ Title

1) Eclipse, Reaper, Oath of Ruin can be obtained again

▣ League ends on 1/31, Free season starts

▣ Arena NPCs

1) Doesn’t drop rank points when losing

2) Cannot obtain rank points when winning if over certain rank point

[Balance Patch]

Character Class Skill/Trait Before After
Shared Lightning Chain Rare, Elite, Unique rank adjustments


287% Multi hit (Physical/Magical Average)



489% Multi hit (Physical/Magical Average)



632% Multi hit (Physical/Magical Average)

Rare, Elite, Unique rank adjustments


143% Multi hit (Physical/Magical Average)



244% Multi hit (Physical/Magical Average)



316% Multi hit (Physical/Magical Average)

Hyper Acceleration Rare, Elite rank adjustments

4s Movement Speed, Jump Speed x1.3


7s Movement Speed, Jump Speed x1.7

Rare, Elite rank adjustments

6s Movement Speed, Jump Speedx1.5


7s Movement Speed, Jump Speedx1.9

Drain Rare rank adjustments


10% HP damage on monsters, 1422% damage on boss monsters


5% HP damage

Rare rank adjustments


18% HP damage on monsters, 1422% damage on boss monsters


9% HP damage

Obtenebration Elite, Unique rank adjustments


5s dash disabled


7s dash disabled

Elite, Unique rank adjustments


4s dash disabled


5s dash disabled

Fog of Death Invincibility when casting

5s duration

666% Damage (Multi hit)


5s duration

159% Damage(Multi hit)

Super armor when casting

3s  duration

1110% Damage

(Multi hit)


3s  duration

133% Damage(Multi hit)

Remaining El’s Aspiration [PvP]
(Physical/Magical Average) : 1561% Multi hit
(Physical/Magical Average) : 780% Multi hit
Sacrifice Title Effect

HPIncrease +12%
Received Critical Damage Decrease -30%
Received damage from Additional Damage Decrease -30%
Critical Damage Decrease -5%
Additional damage Damage Decrease -5%

Title Effect

HPIncrease +12%
Received Critical  Damage Decrease -20%
Received damage from Additional Damage Decrease -20%
Critical Damage Decrease -8%
Additional damage Damage Decrease -8%

Curse of Chaos Title Effect

When hit 5% Chance of 2s attacker’s Damage -90%
When hit 5% Chance of 2s attacker’s Defense -90%
Critical 1%
Additional Damage 1%
Attack Speed 1%
Attacking MP Recovery +1%

Title Effect

When hit 1% Chance of 2s attacker’s Damage -70%
When hit 5% Chance of 2s attacker’s Defense -30%
Critical 1%
Additional Damage 1%
Attack Speed 1%
Attacking MP Recovery +1%

Elsword Knight Emperor Battle Ready [PvP]

First Skill cast effect
– MP cost Decrease : 20%


First Skill cast effect
– MP cost Decrease : 8%

Persistence [PvP]

Defense increase per HP lost
– HP 75% : 10% Increase
– HP 50% : 20% Increase
– HP 25% : 30% Increase

Command attack Defense Decrease
– Decrease% : 25%
– Duration: 5s


Defense increase per HP lost
– HP 75% : 5% Increase
– HP 50% : 10% Increase
– HP 25% : 15% Increase

Command attack Defense Decrease
– Decrease% : 15%
– Duration: 5s

Aisha Dark Magician Gravity Ball Jump X, Dash Jump X gravity balls get their MP  recovery rate 60% Decreased.
Void Princess Phantom Breathing [Dark Curse]
– Per second MP Decrease : -6 (5s)
[Dark Curse]
– Per second MP Decrease : -4 (5s)
Energy Discharge lvl4

MP Increase and Recovery rate
– Awakening orb x1: 50
– Awakening orb x2: 150
– Awakening orb x3: 250

Per second MP Recovery rate : +2.5


MP Increase and Recovery rate
– Awakening orb x1: 50
– Awakening orb x2: 150
– Awakening orb x3: 250

Per second MP Recovery rate : +2.5


MP Increase and Recovery rate
– Awakening orb x1: 20
– Awakening orb x2: 60
– Awakening orb x3: 100

Per second MP Recovery rate : +1

Oz Sorcerer [Mod]Ruin [PvP]
Black Hole Explosion(Magical) : 823%
Can be mana broken


Black Hole Explosion(Magical) : 1150%

Oz’s Dream Phantom Breathing : Dark Curse – Per second MP Decrease rate -7(7s), Phantom Breathing : Dark Curse – Per second MP Decrease rate -5(7s),
[Mod]Hell Stone [PvP]
Stone Fall(Magical) : 366% Multi hit (Awakening : 496% Multi hit)
Stone Fall(Magical) : 237% Multi hit (Awakening : 321% Multi hit)
Oz Plasma [PvP]
Dark Portal(Magical) : 119% Multi hit
Plasma Beam(Magical) : 46% Multi hit
Abyss Explosion(Magical) : 486%
Black Hole time decreased


Dark Portal(Magical) : 119% Multi hit
Plasma Beam(Magical) : 31% Multi hit
Abyss Explosion(Magical) : 486%

Raven Over Taker Victor’s Confidence lvl 4

On targets with HP 40% or below, Damage Increase : 20%
KD reduction : 36%

lvl 4

On targets with HP 40% or below, Damage Increase : 20%
KD reduction : 20%


On targets with HP 40% or below Damage Increase : 6%
KD reduction : 20%

Reckless Fist Exploding Nasod Hand lvl 4

Activation Chance : 10%
Explosion Hit(Magical) : 105%
Next 5 hits activate as critical
Critical Damage Increase 10%
– Duration : 10s

lvl 4

Activation Chance : 10%
Explosion Hit(Magical) : 105%
Next 5 hits activate as critical
Critical Damage Increase 6%
– Duration : 10s

Endless Rage Special Active Skill Damage Increase : 23%
Special Active Skill MP cost Decrease : 17%
Special Active Skill Cooldown time Increase : 10%
Special Active Skill Damage Increase : 23%
Special Active Skill MP cost Decrease : 17%
Special Active Skill Cooldown time Increase : 10%


Special Active Skill Damage Increase : 10%
Special Active Skill MP cost Decrease : 3.4%
Special Active Skill Cooldown time Increase : 10%

Enchant Hand 1.5s Mana Break Cancel 0.5s Mana Break Cancel
Arch Enemy MP cost : 150

Nasod Spear(Magical) : 1255%
KD reduction : per 1 shot, 15 Decrease
Duration : 30s


Nasod Spear(Magical) : 306%
KD reduction : per 1 shot, 15 Decrease
Duration : 30s

MP cost : 200

Nasod Spear(Magical) : 1340%
KD reduction : per 1 shot, 5 Decrease
Duration : 30s


Nasod Spear(Magical) : 407%
KD reduction : per 1 shot, 5 Decrease
Duration : 30s

Chung Deadly Chaser Intense Showtime lvl 4

Skill MP cost decrease in Berserk Mode : 20%

lvl 4

Skill MP cost decrease in Berserk Mode: 12%

Tactical Trooper Cannon Strike MP cost : 80

Cannon Attack(Physical) : 889% ×2


Cannon Attack(Physical) : 190% ×2

MP cost : 100

Cannon Attack(Physical) : 1112% ×2


Cannon Attack(Physical) : 237% ×2

Centurion Gravity Shelling Dungeon targeting range 30% Increase
PvP targeting range 20% Decrease
LuCiel Chiliarch Dead Hands [Encroaching Terror]

Debuff apply feature removed

Encroaching Terror Terror from behind : Special Back Attack Damage Increase
– Increase : 15%
Encroaching Terror
– Damage Decrease : 2%
Exploding Terror
– Defense Ignore
– Damage : [Encroaching Terror] stack  ×87%
Terror from behind : Special Back Attack Damage Increase
– Increase : 15%
Encroaching Terror
– Damage Decrease : 2%
Exploding Terror
– Defense Ignore
– Damage : [Encroaching Terror] stack  ×87%

Terror from behind : Special Back Attack Damage Increase
– Increase : 15%
Encroaching Terror
– Damage Decrease: 2%
Exploding Terror
– Defense Ignore
– Damage : [Encroaching Terror] stack ×34%

Diabla Altar of Evil Duration : 30s (PvP 12s) Duration : 30s (PvP 9s)
Demonio Transcendence Duration : 30s (PvP 12s) Duration : 30s (PvP 9s)

X, XX Command MP recovery rate halved

Diangellion Codex Gigas Duration Increase : 10s (PvP 5s) Duration Increase : 10s (PvP 3s)
Rose Valkyrie Battlefield Angel lvl 4

Musket Fire MP cost Decrease : 50%

When using Nitro Motor over 3 times, consume 10 MP per 1 used

lvl 4

Musket Fire MP cost Decrease: 25%

When using Nitro Motor over 2 times, consume 10 MP per 1 used

Laby Laby Awakening Skill Awakening Skill’s afterimage time reduced
In Aurora Delay time  Decreased
Sparky Child
Ping-Pong Big pong loses hitstun after 2s
Rumble Pumn
Wheelwind Kick Black Hole removed
Mystic Delay time Decreased
It’s only a blunt weapon Dungeon Only
Eternity Winner
[Mod]Endure! MP cost : 50

5s Super Armor

MP cost : 75

6s Super Armor (PvP 3s)

[Mod]Ka-Pow Punch Hitstun time Decreased.


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57 Responses

  • Abeyll says:

    A slight copy paste from my previous post :
    Finally Oz is effin nerfed in pvp Hallellujah ! Along with EW. That’s a freakin good news.
    Return of old titles are meh. Add damage is now… weird.

    I don’t like what they did to CoC and Sacrifice to be honest.
    I’m curious to see how +11 will impact arena now.
    Fog of death changes is … Meh.

  • RandomPerson says:

    Huh they are trying to make pvp less crazy… nice
    And that OZ nerf was justified.

  • Katja Eclair says:

    “6) Damage increase per enhancement level is reduced in PvP”

    Is this what I’ve been waiting for? It’s finally happened? *tears of joy*

  • Coki91 says:

    The only thing i can see from this Balance is Oath of Ruin, but the hope for it becoming acknowledged on Combat Power is way too low

    • Blazing says:

      i mean Oath of Ruin never gives CP anyway xD

      • Katja Eclair says:

        True, but it lets you stack boss damage in place of crit sockets, potentially more than doubling your damage output in raid dungeons/Drabaki/new Henir’s.

      • Coki91 says:

        That’s exactly what i meant, like it would be kinda fixed if the sole titles gives x1.5 CP multiplier or something since that’s exactly what it does but no the most usable potential title will remain ”Potential” by the sole fact we can’t Argue it’ll proc consistently since we can’t even do it with Awakening neither. My point is OoR taking away CP is right but is more dumb than right and is by the sole decision that they don’t want to do it right

        • JustAnotherStranger says:

          “Critical Hit Rate decreased to 0.
          11% chance of casting the buff Destruction (100% critical rate, critical damage increased by 50%) for 8 seconds when attacking”
          wow people can never stop looking back to the past. OOR is a shit PVE title in the current meta. in the current meta, you don’t really have time to do command to proc it out. and what? it’s only 8 seconds. for godsake. you can do only like 3~4 skills. and that’s all and you need to command again. back to Elysion. where boss will still show you sign where they will attack, but now command and active is a joke in PVE. except in new henir and shadow vein cave.
          meanwhile people doing special active killing the mob and boss, you just have to wait and do command to proc it then to use special active. Its already too late.
          now about drabaki Raid. it’s literally risky to use it. since drabaki can one shot you before you can react.
          Rosso raid, boss move and attack really quickly, are you sure you want to command the boss then use special active??? take example Rosso fight, it’s literally dangerous. if you get debuff, you have to wait for the debuff to wear off before you can attack him again.

          sum up: in normal dungeon run. people can just nuke everything with special active and be done with it
          Raid: dangerous to use
          new Henir : ok fine.
          shadow vein: somewhat fine.
          ->stop wasting your time and put effort in better title like pierce the heaven

  • Lr says:

    Pvp rank will be defined by1v1 only?

  • Sieg says:

    Diangelion nerfs AGAIN???

  • godlikeforce says:


  • RollingTroll says:

    Guess who’s not going to do pvp with Oz ever again… ?

  • RollingTroll says:

    Instead of nerfing, they should make other characters stronger. These are just deterring me from playing.

    • Imp says:

      The nerfs in PVP are very much needed.
      If you make other characters stronger, that doesn’t change the fact that they can oneshot others. It’ll just be a chain of who can get enough MP to oneshot the other first.
      Since they cannot buff characters’ HP pool and defense, a.k.a, they cannot buff how hard they can tank, especially since a lot of characters don’t have the option to tank in the first place.

      • MagicSpice says:

        That’s actually how S1 and Free Season PvP is….

        It’s a case of who can get MP and smite their opponent first. Any 300 MP pretty much oneshot in S1… and Free season has no PvP mods on damage so whatever the skill says it does is pretty much what you do.

        • Wavedashing says:

          Free season has never removed mods. The previous mods just become outdated. Think about it realistically and you’ll notice patterns where the game blatantly buffed damage across the board with no pvp modifiers on skills prior.

          The correlation people made was done by teenagers and followed by hearsay. It was never true.

    • xLunatix says:

      Make the characters stronger? That’s exactly what they did in the past and you know what happened? The population significantly declined because everyone was one shorting each other. We don’t need more op shit.

  • NegativeReview says:

    They killed my main KE

  • Vaff says:

    can they removed npcs already…
    or at least let us be able to disable them via game’s option

  • MagicSpice says:

    Oh, they’re finally getting around to some things we all wanted…

    -Item mode gone
    -weapon enhancements have less weight in PvP
    -Add dam is now back to ignoring defense (was like this when I started playing)
    -Force skills seem more worthwhile (if only slightly)

    And yeah, I did say that one issue with Oz was her control over MP (mainly hers, but MP burn is an issue in PvP anyway). Looks like KoG figured that out too (they even nerfed her darkballs, which I also said was a possible issue).

    This change is actually looking quite legit (except curse of chaos… it’s fine the way it was before except it should be 1% activation in PvP for both the reduction effects)

    • Human Race says:

      Men, the changes of curse of chaos are good. The title before can make some characters useless only for the 90% decrease and 5% (Multihit = High chance to activate it). The MP issue on OZ is only on PP, now with the new change on chocoballs the OZ can’t gain MP (The chocoballs the only nerf who need is putting a KD value, not decrease the MP gain).

  • Loda says:


  • Loda says:

    Can they just simply leave Catastrophe alone. No nerfs, No buffs, just leave him alone.

  • Dinu says:

    Remove Dead Heads Creeping Terror Stack . I want to cry. QwQ

  • Guest says:

    Oz didn’t deserve some of the nerfs.
    1. Gravity balls – (ever heard of high risk=high return?)
    We’re basically forced to use this because of how bad OzS command set is. Like.. x x v x z wasnt even needed in the game to begin with. Plasma balls are inefficient and gives a lot of mp.
    Oh, they also forgot something, Musket + blazing bullet’s mp gain, which by the way, doesnt knockdown
    2. PB – well.. basically.. Ozs are forced to use this one skill because its the only skill thats USEFUL. They better rework dark burst than nerf this one. Also, her mp burn isn’t even that strong compared to a Minerva with Plagued IV
    3. Energy discharge- why dont you give her fixed mp already .-. like AeS and Metamorphy.
    Better bring plasma cutter in pvp for beads now cuz 1 bead didnt justify my efforts.
    4. Hell stone is a joke now.

    The only nerfs that Oz deserve was Mod ruin and Hyperactive.
    Also, no hate on minerva

    • MagicSpice says:

      If you do a ton of multihit, plague IV is a threat on any class… not just Minerva

      The gravity balls don’t have much risk as you get refunded the MP you spent when you land hits from them… and the single hit ones can rack up special active damage fast. Only whiffing those is the real risk.

      And yes, phantom breathing has a lot of potential MP burn. It’s not just Oz though, I feel all MP burn skills need to remove pathetic amounts in PvP or have stupidly long cooldowns…

      Energy discharge gives free MP on awakening… it’s pretty much meditate- Oz version. Both of those need to take a hit, but I do agree passive MP gain for Oz would be a better solution.

      Hell stone can still get multicast… up to 4 times if you actually use memorize.

      • thenerfthehorror says:

        plague IV multihit is indeed a threat
        especially if the multihits itself did mp burn
        and that’s blazing bullet

        before the nerf,
        gravity ball mp gain per hit = fireball mp gain per hit
        they shouldn’t nerf gravity ball mp gain, but fireball and starball should be revamped to be as fast as gravity ball spams

        the hell stone mentioned by guest is hell stone [mod] because the hell stone nerf mentioned in this page is hell stone [mod] and not hell stone [original]
        and hell stone [mod] is only 1 stone, not 3…

    • Abeyll says:

      Plasma balls inefficient ? Did you just NOTICE how much MP return you get from them ? Seriously ? It’s utterly disgusting and in need of a nerf. A major point about why Oz was litteral cancer is because she has unlimited amount of MP just by looping a few plasma balls and drain.
      Mod Hellstone is not a joke now, it shouldn’t have deal the damage amount of a strong 200/250MP moves in the first place. It will now deal normal damage.
      Phantom Breathing only useful skill ? No, there’s Mod Ruin and Ageing too. Also Phantom Breathing is still used as a nasty follow up to someone Manabreaking for an easy recatch.

      • Samii says:

        You never played Oz have you? Even with mp gain and drain, she still is vulnerable once she uses that Mana if she misses PB. plus she is slow as hell. Get out of here

  • Hidra says:

    Thanks KR… another nerf for Oz… I don’t care if they do nerf her over and over but why do they go so far on the nerfs!? Energy Discharge:

    MP Increase and Recovery rate
    – Awakening orb x1: 20
    – Awakening orb x2: 60
    – Awakening orb x3: 100

    Per second MP Recovery rate : +1
    Come on! just remove the passive already.
    [Mod]Hell Stone [PvP]
    Stone Fall(Magical) : 366% Multi hit (Awakening : 496% Multi hit)
    Stone Fall(Magical) : 237% Multi hit (Awakening : 321% Multi hit)
    Hellstone is basically the only dmg dealer skill she has in pvp… as for phantom breath… that thing is already useless, nerfing it more won’t do anything

    • Frost says:

      Yep. A HUGE nerf for most nerfed char ever. Because some braindead class carried crybabies was bitching too much about that they couldn’t beat 2-3 pro Oz players on Kr in 2v2… Mark my words – when those scrubs will find that they still can’t beat those guys in 2v2 they’ll start to cry about Oz being OP again and we’ll get another Oz nerf in next patches.

    • veteran says:

      To be fair, a lot of those nerfs were warranted for pvp at least. Also to be honest, she still kind of needs more nerfs than this to be ‘balanced’ in pvp.

    • Human Race says:

      Yep. The only problem of KR players is the defense style… Most of these players doesn’t have MP gain and elemental resistances, who are fundamental in a PvP. :l

  • NoNamesLeft says:

    For the titles coming back, is our progress saved or do we have to start all over again? Starting over is fine, but it would be good to know if we can start off from our last progress.

  • Notyouraveragrhero says:

    I really like this PvP comeback. But I hope 3v3 stays cause I really enjoy it. Its a fun treat to do the odd evening. Map deletion tilts me. Manos and Henir maps shouldn’t have existed. But I like the two sander maps. Specifically samder oasis with the 2 launch pads its a fun map and great for combos. I understand stand removing Garpai rock it is stupid for fighting specific clssses. Is colesium being removed? Like why…. I understand the one with a teleporter that map is kinda annoying at times. I.hope they are giving us new maps. I like map variety. Seems like moving back.into the realm of competitive stuff. But if el sword wants to.have e sports emtertainment quality. Games needs a graphic upgrade and some mechanics rebalance. Overall I’m excited. And as an FP.main kind of happy with the mp nerf (wish it was 6% instead of 8 makes fancy combos a bit harder now. Time to getana mint bubble gum ).

  • Frost says:

    And really – what kind of BS is that Curse of Chaos nerf? Just imagine you spend so much time/money to get it and it is getting such a huge nerf in one patch.

  • Human Race says:

    *Waiting the buff on maya title :l

  • Masou says:

    You stop asking for Aisha buffs and they do this ?


  • MikuKohinata says:

    Did you hear that guys, they are bringing the OoR and the rest of the titles back! TIME TO RAPE SCAR GUYS!!!

  • trainee35 says:

    Souless Ego still needs a buff. The 5% damage increase is way too low for the 50% hp and 33% mp loss.

    • MagicSpice says:

      yeah, when they got rid of skill levels, that title was dead…

      for all that HP and MP you’re giving up, that thing needs to double your attack stat or something… can’t even do a bravery move with it on unless you have a lot of Max MP….

  • MegaKMax says:

    Additional damage was underrated…

  • Welp: there goes my 55% red damage CC X_X….

  • bokos engrish says:

    cancer game merged my server w/ INT server. fucking lag every match… 2 sec interval in combos wtf fuck you kog

  • Samii says:

    Bitch more Oz haters. You don’t even know how hard it is to main one. All of us with common sense will be laughing when your braindead classes are nerfed since it’s “justified” to Nerf a already nerfed class

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