The Tongue of Elrios

Elsword QoL Changes 2/25

February 17th, 2021 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Korean Elsword Updates

QoL Update Details Part 1

Transcendence Slot Free

  1. You get the slot when you achieve transcendence

(Players already transcended get it too)

  1. Slot not sold in cash shop
  2. or in ED shot
  3. or show up in cube you get when reaching transcendence

Secret Dungeon

  1. New SD Quest(Per Character)
  2. Clear the new quest for weapon cube
  3. The weapon is +9! Cannot be dismantled
  4. Old SD quest cannot be accepted anymore
  5. Old SD quests already in progress can still be completed

Add Dungeon

  1. No more shard and disk drops
  2. No more shards in achievement
  3. No more Add dungeon quests
  4. Weapons obtained will come with +9!, full disks. The weapon cannot be dismantled.
  5. Name Change:

아포칼립스 Type – Void -> 아포칼립스 Type – Void (Proto)

Elrianode Armor/El Tear

  1. Only unique drops now
  2. Only unique from trade too
  3. New Elrianode Armor quest added (per character)
  4. ^Get new Elrianode Armor cube for clearing the new quest
  5. Armors come as +9!, Elite El Tears, Cannot be dismantled
  6. Old Quest removed
  7. New Elrianode Armor can share set effect with new one.
  8. El Tear Drop rates adjusted in Elrianode dungeons


  1. Elite Force skill upgrade item cost  500 -> 250
  2. Legendary Force and unique Force skill upgrade item exchange cost 1500 -> 750

Varnimyr Raid

  1. 2x Gauge fill rate
  2. Weekly Quest for reset item added

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73 Responses

  • Raid LP says:

    Void Weap +9 full Disks?????

    Nice Henir change though

    • Flare Kyn says:

      Eh, the current void weapon is worse than the Pruinaum weapon anyway. It’s just a tool to get the stronger weapons. Plus, it sounds like a new, stronger Apo-Void is coming out in the future, especially since the current one is being renamed to imply it’s just a prototype.

      • TheyAskedAName says:

        Worse than VoS? Wdym lol

        • Flare Kyn says:

          Well, turns out I was wrong about the Apo-Void thing, they literally just copied the weapon and made the new one undismantleable. As for what I mean about it being worse than VoS, I mean it it can literally do what Apo-Void can do, but better. It can even make up for most of the effects it’s missing compared to Apo-Void through Mystic Enchant if the player wants to, which it has more slots for than Apo-Void. The ones it can’t, it replaces with other effects that are equal, if not better (though this much is, honestly, debatable, but this alone wouldn’t outweigh the advantages it has over Apo-Void). And that’s not even mentioning the two extra Imprint slots it has over Apo-Void.

  • Labyou says:

    still not giving bankshare unlocked huh?

  • Sht says:

    Still waiting they remove REFORGE DURABILITY

  • E says:

    good part one, lets see if they actually fix the reforging hell and make changes to master road.
    (thank you as always 2na )

  • MarieWolf_94 says:

    lol you can practically smell the desperation KOG is emitting. better late than never i guess? but now it’s a matter of was these QoL too little too late

    • Katja Eclair says:

      Yeah, this doesn’t do jack shit about the CP gates (and lack of lower difficulty and/or story modes) that Rigomor/Pruinaum dungeons have.

      • Katja Eclair says:

        Hoping there’s something on that end in Part 2

        • Mostima says:

          This actually does fix the CP gates for Rigomor Dungeons, as this gear is designed so that you can be Rosso Raid Ready, which requires at Absolute Minimum 335k CP to do (95% of the Listed Required CP)
          13-1 (Sea of Ruin) and 13-2 (Abandoned Deep Sea Tunnel) Require Less CP than rosso to do, 13-1 requires 270k and 13-2 Requires 320k, as long as you break those thresholds you should be fine

      • Earlygame says:

        These also don’t fix the massive ED sinks they implemented. But it’s something I guess

      • MarieWolf_94 says:

        for Demon Realm, they either nerf the CP gates or remove the 24/7 bullshit debuff. it’s really because of the debuff that ppl struggle so much in Varnimyr and Rigomor since the debuff effectively halves your CP so, even if you do have exactly 130k CP (Dark Elves’ Outpost as an example), you actually only have the power of someone who is only at 115k CP. and, just like Elrianode, you can be over the CP requirements and still die stupidly fast or struggle to do damage because the mobs are way too op and tanky

        • Mostima says:

          Its really not that difficult for a F2P Player to get the adapt required to be somewhat effective in the non Raid Varnimyr Dungeons, however with my 17% Adapt in 13-3 or 13-4 im often middle of the pack in terms of damage (im using a +10 Void with +8 Rigomor top bottom and shoes and a +9 Gloves).
          I’m not saying the demon realm debuff isnt annoying to deal with, but rather it’s not AS difficult to work around as it used to be, that being said, the Debuff’s entire purpose is artificial difficult due to the players being strong af

          • MarieWolf_94 says:

            the fact of the matter is they already bumped up CP from about 50k to 120k+ upon unlocking Varnimyr and it gets stupidly higher w/ each dungeon that follows. the debuff wasnt at all necessary. if they wanted to make the game a challenge if the characters are oh-so-op as you claim, they couldve made enemies tankier, added new mechanics to the bosses, new mechanics to the dungeons themselves…there are many ways to up the difficulty without barring the way for F2P/casual players to progress. they did this for Atlas Station and Elysion, even Elrianode to some extent, so why couldnt they do this for the Demon Realm?

    • Labyou says:

      they need player so they forced to make this qol

    • Flare Kyn says:

      Don’t they always release QoL stuff like this when new stuff is coming out, though?

  • Katja Eclair says:

    Of course the transcendence slot is free right after I bought two for Noah. Of course it is.

    Henir upgrade costs are looking pretty sweet, though.

  • BillyBob says:

    damn lol Kog got desperate, haven’t played in so long quitted after getting the foj, does that mean the game is dying even more?

    • MarieWolf_94 says:

      idk if i’d say dying, but the playerbase is dwindling as time goes by…so now KOG is getting desperate by adding cutesy shit and actually GOOD QoL updates in hopes of winning everyone over again. like, for example, they finally updated SD gear so theyre actually good now…after the playerbase has been demanding it since it first came out how many years ago? theyre genuinely trying to make RNG slightly less bullshit is another example. i give them an A for effort for trying, but at this point it’s like either you actually listen to us and adjust the CP requirements for Elrianode onwards, or just pull the plug on Elsword. i really would hate to see Elsword go, but this game is basically a horse w/ a lame leg and the best thing to do is put it out of its misery

      • Flare Kyn says:

        I honestly don’t think it’s desperation that’s causing this. They usually release QoL improvements when new stuff is on the way, like new weapons or armor.

        • MarieWolf_94 says:

          well yes, but the QoL changes back in the day were mostly balance patches and smaller changes to help balance for what is to come. lately theyve been pumping out QoL patches out their a$$ in a breakneck pace and actually giving the playerbase what theyve been asking for for months or even years now. not that KOG hasnt listened to the playerbase before, but theyve been doing iy more often and more frequently lately

  • Soren says:

    God tier changes, KoG’s been on a roll lately with these change~

    Looking forward to the second part!

    Also for everyone thinking “They’re getting desperate!”, so to you good changes means desperation…? That’s a pretty pessimistic view on things lol

    • Trix says:

      Ikr apparently if they game is trying to get better it means they’re getting desperate and the game is dying. I love these changes that keep making the game better. Haters will hate I suppose. Also CP gates in current higher dungeons aren’t bad cuz if you can’t do well in the current area you’re at then why df you trying to go to an even more difficult area.

    • Labyou says:

      actually im thinking the same they try to make it good but in strange times.. i mean after noah release many ppl quitting which led to think ppl kog is desperate. but if u look at kog history they right tho

    • MarieWolf_94 says:

      ofc good changes are good changes and it doesnt necessarily mean a game is dying. but, in the case of Elsword, all these good QoL changes ARE desperation. ever since Varnimyr (and, for some, even as early as Atlas Station) the playerbase has been gradually dwindling because casual players literally cannot proceed because the CP requirements are ridiculous. on top of that, arena, Ereda and Henir (again, for some not everybody) are no fun anymore either. so, if cant proceed in the story, Henir is broken (and basically pointless to run at this point because no more Henir gear) and PvP is unfair and unbalanced asf, what is there to do in Elsword? just sit and twindle your thumbs while fishing in the hot springs, adjusting your El House for the umpteenth time, gardeninh in the Guild House? oh! maybe do some guild expeditions! oh, thats right, thats kinda broken too… hope your guild is big and active~

      • MarieWolf_94 says:

        my lord the typos…
        * if you cant proceed
        * gardening

      • MrsLewd says:

        quick run down
        its kinda desperate, but think about that these changes come from nexon, which is in kr….i think the game is doing fine there? didnt check lately
        mmhhh, i wouldnt say casual players more as lazy people who wont learn good ways to spend time, which the devs should really make better tutorials for….
        henir is broken….? how so
        also, the rewards for it are reeeaaally good, the remove a big part of rng from stuff
        pvp is a clusterfk, but it always has been since S2
        in a comment further below i told you whats there to do.
        fishing u can do overnight while you sleep, el house i never touched cause its not my type of tea, again, farm u can do overnight.
        you do realise that guild expedition brings whales and beginners together? which then lets beginners raise their cp rapidly due to advice etc? you just gotta go for the guild openly advertising guild expedition else you obviously wont get any expeditions

      • Flare Kyn says:

        “Henir is pointless to run because no more Henir gear”

        *Glave’s Exchange list and Upgrades menu have entered the chat*

    • lmao says:

      kog fanboy? lol

    • Rxved says:

      Uhh it aint dying its dead bruh XD im kidding but the game is nowhere near its used to be thats for sure

  • Earlygame says:

    These changes aren’t bad but like… they only make stuff that was already easy to get even easier. I’m thankful but at the same time they didn’t change how hard it’s to get to Berthe raid, I hope next part changes how Enhancing works

    I doubt they will though

  • Xamy says:

    Some REALLY good changes, it’s pretty late but it’s good…
    We still need more tbh

  • Raven Vet says:

    This do be looking desperate. Very fishy

  • Myon says:

    So apparently good changes means desperation

    With the implementation with something like the Party Collection, which heavily encourages alting (Or atleast char grooming), there needed to be a bit of a nerf towards the excessive grinding, in order to better fit the multi-alting mold (Just 800 runs for a single decent title was already kinda overkill)

    And also, KR are fine with heavy farming, but NA people are a bunch of attention deficit brats that cannot do a dungeon further than 5 times without bitching about no drops (SORTA invoked since KR gets more freebies, still annoying ass brats a bunch of times)

    • Labyou says:

      actually kr ppl is bitching about no drop too but u didnt know.. korean are pretty toxic -korean friends

      • Myon says:

        Wasn’t rly talking necessarily about rare Drops, more like anything resembling Henir frags, Pepsiman Wep frisbees rly (Not rly rare drops, but it does take a while to build up)

        Tho huh, interesting, though not really surprising, Drop Rates after Elysion REALLY went to absolute shit

    • MarieWolf_94 says:

      for some that are quitting, yes, it’s the farming and i can agree ppl are brats that just expect things to fall on their laps (MMORPGs, hell RPGs in general, require grinding…if you dont like it then this isnt the game genre for you). however, the MAIN, TRUE reason everyone is leaving is because of the sudden difficulty curve shooting up after Lanox and, on top of it, it being near impossible to proceed w/ Varnimyr and Rigomor without either being a hardcore tryhard or a whale. they have been adjusting the characters’ power and buffs as well as adjusting the RNG to finish your Elrianode gear set-up faster (even giving away freebie El Tears and other important items during events), which is awesome, but all the casual players see are the high CP #s still being plastered all over Varnimyr and Rigomor barring their way. not everybody has the time and/or money to be getting their CP to over triple the CP requirement (and, yes, you indeed need double or at least triple the asked for CP to do any amount of actual damage in the Demon Realm because of the stupid debuff). they either lower the CP requirements for the Demon Realm or remove the damn debuff, but they wont do that! why? because theyre greedy! they know ppl spend money to raise their gear enhancements and stuff to go above and beyond the CP requirement because ppl are aware of the crippling debuff making their CP borderline half of where theyre actually at

      • Luc says:

        I’m quit because they’re keep messing with the character like every 2month though, this is rarely happened in mmorpg, even though other mmorpg also doing balance char, but not as often as this game.
        i will not say they’re balancing/adjusting because they’re doing it based on pvp player and from jealousy player like ‘oh! he’s so strong, nerf that char’ something like that.
        i more interested if they doing it based on professional people that actually testing all the characters.
        i can’t even remember how many times they’re messing character balance, most fatal balance that i can remember is siege mode which can trigger crazy amount of damage non stop after they’re nerf that char to the ground.

      • MrsLewd says:

        funn you say that, 430k cp diang and i carry in varni and rigo easily
        i feel like you never bothered going for an adaptation focused set?
        also you say that the cp requirements murder the community, i say its the unclear ways of getting to the cp(especially the tutorials…yikes)
        do dailies on 1 char each day, takes like 1-2 hours, then u can slowly gather up gear etc, look up guides and other stuff whenever you can, get into guilds and i dont inactive ones
        take part in giveaways etc if you can fit it into your time schedule
        like, you sure love complaining about stuff you seem to have never actuallly bothered learning
        -Your MommyMari

        • MarieWolf_94 says:

          i have literally no motivation for this bloody game. unless it has since been changed, the only place that gives you Adaptation is ElRes and thats really annoying to level up as well…not to mention, iirc, that only raises your Adaptation 7% and ppl say you should aim for 10%+ or was it 20%+? idk

  • theluiz says:

    now let’s hope job advancement quests get deleted and we can auto evolve, except Master Class

    • Nisha says:

      and what’s wrong about it? i mean, its exactly oposite, except master class those jc quest are not realy long and annoying. while master class quest is bullshit long, i mean, its 71 run to get master class itself and even more to evolve the skill. if something about jc should be chorten, IT IS master class quest.

      • Katja Eclair says:

        I’m pretty sure Master Class quests are as insufferably long as they are to get people to just buy the quest clear items from the cash shop to skip that.

    • MarieWolf_94 says:

      supposedly job change quests arent as bad as they use to be, except 3rd and Master ofc. what they SHOULD do is add an item to skip Master quest like they have for all the other job changes

      • Katja Eclair says:

        Nowhere near as bad, I remember helping a friend get IS’s 5 drops for 5 hours plus

      • MrsLewd says:

        i mean, 3rd job quest takes like 30 minutes with a carry, without one it takes an hour to 1:30 (thanks hennon for 0 spatial reaper possibility)
        especially now with all the celestias in the el city getting 300 kills each its stuuuupid easy

        for master class quest, yes they made it like that so people have to buy it….but do u really need it? most master class skills are borderline useless and the artifact is something you will only need later, at which point u got master class already purely from rigo daily grind etc

        • Labyou says:

          masterclass is a thing in synergy

        • Flare Kyn says:

          Synergy plus Artifact passives. It even unlocks a third Force Passive slot once you’ve maxed out your Artifact, which can be super helpful. That being said, there’s no harm in waiting until you raise your CP more to get it, or you can do what I did with my Immortal and get someone to carry you through the Master Road portion.

          • Flare Kyn says:

            Oh, wait, getting carried won’t work for Ara and Laby. Forgot Gaia was one player only.

            Honestly, I think that’s stupid, but oh well.

      • Flare Kyn says:

        There is an item to skip it, though. There’s been one since Master Class’s release.

  • Kekew says:

    where balance patch

  • Flare Kyn says:

    “Transcendence Slot Free” Thank god. But what about players who bought it in the past? Including those who bought it via the ED Shop?

    “Type – Void (Proto)” What?! That means… A NEW APOCALYPSE TYPE-VOID IS COMING OUT?!

    I’m glad they’re dropping the cost to upgrade Force Skills and doubling the gauge fill rate of raids. The weekly reset item is cool, too, but I’d rather they make the raid rewards daily instead of weekly.

  • bobbyrhode says:

    Well from some digging I’ve been doing lately about this changes it seems like people are pissed in kr even some whales are dismantling their gears etc lol

  • Pornflakes says:

    I like eggs

  • AnonIsMyFriend says:

    If they did something about the terrible enhancement system they had in place, these changes would never be necessary in the first place. The henir changes are a nice update though.

  • SuperDazzle says:

    How about free once a month class changes, that would get me to come back to this game ;o

  • curious says:

    When will this patch come to NA and INT?

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