The Tongue of Elrios

Final 3rd Job Update

February 7th, 2018 | Posted by 2nafishisgood in Elsword News | Korean Elsword Updates

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178 Responses

  • RedStriker says:


  • Godsthetics says:

    Hmmmm why is nobody streaming all the goodness yet ?. Also Rose gets a 4th line update on her own really?

  • Seiker says:

    So..the key to DiE’s 3rd job is APTX 4869 huh? Wonder how his in-game model will become.

  • Refss says:

    They kept Crimson Avenger 3 job simple while improving her ”maniac” look, that was spot on!! I was hoping for this not some kind of digimon transformation. hell yeah baby!

    Ps: They all look amazing, years ahead of the First 3 job line…..

    • croire says:

      ok CA is surprisingly not as bold a design choice as I thought it would be, I’m somewhat okay with it somewhat disappointed. except, why the heck is our fallen knight wearing Naruto shoe-sandals? I get why NW3rd would be more “barefooted” but CA? I thought it was cause her outfit is mostly ripped up, but the shoes and boots of previous job and thus are completely different. my main criticism would be that it’s not bold enough a drastic design but not ideally consistent enough of previous sleeker designs of CA line. but I’ll accept what we get since there’s like only a 0.00000000001% chance that KOG changes some designs because of fan complaints.
      also omgigawd, Eve looks fantastic in that pose. I’m tempted to change from Nemesis..

      • Refss says:

        Her top is on point I didn’t like the bra hanging from her 2 job, her 1 job is actually my favorite.

        The shoes…. yeah there is no point on them but still a good design and they look nice with all the Fatal Girl atmosphere also her boobs are finally well designed and not the bra hanging thing from 2 job.

        to be honest I like this design more than the Dark Knight one. Its a perfect balance between fan service and keeping the ”aura” of the character.

        • LuckyDucky says:

          I don’t like how they gave her stripper boobs. And poor Endy must be devastated. :(

          • Katja Eclair says:

            Devastated? More like gleeful to hurl more insults at her. I mean, just look at his posts.

          • Endgame says:

            The only thing that upsets me is that KOG is now trying to retcon Elesis into having bigger breasts than Aisha.

            You know Aisha is insecure enough as is.

          • Soren says:

            “The only thing that upsets me is that KOG is now trying to retcon Elesis into having bigger breasts than Aisha.”

            It has been said again and again… Aisha does not have by any measure larger breasts than Elesis! Perhaps DW’s new portrait has more breasts than base and 2nd job Elesis, but nothing more.

            Get your shit straight Endy, and perhaps think of getting some prescription glasses ‘cuz I don’t think you can see well…

          • Endgame says:

            We’ve been over this.

            Even ingame Aisha has boobs while Elesis just has mosquito bites.

          • Fudge says:

            Aisha’s outdated ingame model and all ingame characters are Super-Deformed, a style which the characters lack the details compare normal counterpart and proportions are either simplified or exaggerated.

          • Soren says:

            We have indeed been over this, in game models are not a valid source of knowledge for that.
            If they were valid, GrM’s sword would actually not be a huge! Ditto for Lu’s gauntlets! AND Lu’s size! AND Elsword’s height! AND MP’s size! AND IS’s hair being mirrored!

            You see now Endy? Using in game models for this purpose is meaningless because theres far too many inconsistencies. But if you want an in game model to reference. Wait for Els: Shadow of Luna to update in Elesis and then compare them, k?

          • Endgame says:

            “The models in the actual game which is the core of Elsword and everything else serving just to advertise the game doesn’t count!”

            …..Fucking seriously?

            Never mind that older official artwork was consistent with the game: Aisha has boobs and Elesis has mosquito bites, with Elesis having boobs being a very recent thing that didn’t start until the LN.

            I mean, really. Elesis was always small until recently. Even Grand Chase artwork showed her to be small compared to the other girls.

  • DatsMyFetish says:

    They don’t look that much different and i’m kinda ok with that

  • Endgame says:

    I’m not above copypasting to more relevant spots when they appear.

    IS: He’s wearing a black shirt. But….. that’s it.

    DW: Looks kinda weird. (Another new artist?!) But hey, Magical Makeup gets a skill cut-in now.

    NW: We’ve already let her feet dominate the news cycle. Nothing more to discuss.

    VC: An outfit closer to 1st Job with 2nd Job hair, but longer. *Yawn.*

    CBS: Nice ass. But….. really not seeing any difference other than the wings.

    TT: Is there anything different other than the jacket?

    Asura: Same thing but more boobs.

    CA: Ugh….. those implants don’t make you less repulsive, Evil Edgy Prostitute Elesis. And she’s wearing heels now. Because she didn’t look enough like a literal whore…..

    DE: He got….. younger? And less edgy? You disappoiint me KO- *Add transforms.* Oh, same thing longer hair. The usual. Gotcha.

    Diabla: Of COURSE they gave the slutty loli less clothes. And….. *Increases video quality.* IS SHE BAREFOOT?! What the fuck is up with all the foot fetish pandering?! Well, what could we expect? Loli cancer has completely infested this game and- *Lu transforms.* Oh my~. But….. why is her outfit “webbing” covering her cleavage? Come on…..

    Demonio: Edgelord, Lord of the Edge.

    Rose: Nice boobs.

    Apostasia: Oh look, he has a hole in his chest with a dark orb. Because edge.

    So basically…. similar outfits, longer hair.

    • Hopebot says:

      Hey, we can only hope for a modded Altar of Evil which becomes the bread and butter for her

    • Anon says:

      You forgot to mention Demonio is now barefoot and has blue feet.

      • Endgame says:

        Eh, I couldn’t see his toes in the video while I could certainly see Lu’s.

        …..Do women even have foot fetishes? I’ve never heard of it.

        • Anon says:

          There’s a fetish for everything. I have legit heard of people who have a shoe fetish. As in, just shoes. Sitting on the ground. Not being worn. At this point nothing surprises me.

          • Awanama says:

            Don’t forget there’s also tile fetish.

          • dd says:

            There still is. There is fetishes for people having fetishes. There is fetish for corrupting and twisting others into having fetishes they dislike. There is a fetish for dating and boning people you physically dislike.

    • Potato says:

      The artist for DW is the same artist though

    • LuckyDucky says:

      You’re excited for those blue loli feet to step all over you, aren’t you Endy? ;3

      • Soren says:

        He probably is deep down inside, but covers it up in his senseless and hateful rants lmfao.

        • Endgame says:

          Has honesty really become such a foreign concept that when you actually meet someone who doesn’t hold anything back and speaks without a filter, you have to assume he’s hiding something?

          Just because the most homophobic Republicans keep on getting caught in gay sex scandals doesn’t mean everyone who says they hate something actually participates in it. After all, they’re Republicans. Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of the Republican Party.

        • Aazog says:

          That.. is a stupid comment. I dont like the lolicon pandering with Lu so I must be a closet lolicon???

          • Endgame says:

            That line of reasoning gets especially dumb when you take it to its logical conclusion and assume that the opposite is true as well. That saying you love something means you hate it.

            Basically, you can take no one at their word and must always assume they feel the opposite of what they say. Man, Martin Luther King Jr. sure did love segregation.

    • ??? says:

      Really? I honestly think that VC, IS, TT, and DIE are pretty good designs. CA’s isn’t that bad either tbh, Though I thought she’d have more of a split personality instead of going full on Insane. Personally I’m sad that VC didn’t take a page from (whatever the 3rd job for Mastermind was) and TT and DL and have a full on coat cape. but i guess it’s not really necessary.
      Of course you’d be pissed about Diabla though haha. At least for Diabla It seems when you awaken you change into the Older Curvier Lu.

      And the rest… well their average. Apostasia: going full on grim Reaper Ok, Magical girl Aisha: W.E Night Watcher Interesting choice but meh. Asura: Besides that Full on halo she has when she awakens, nothing special. Eve: Meh. Rose: Freyja Line Nothing changed like at all. and IMO Optimus should’ve been here instead of this new class.

    • Rolling Troll says:

      I actually liked some of these.

      I think its a problem with the NA community on why 3rd job looks bad. If KoG changes characters too much, Na is dissatisfied. Too little and its :”NO durr CHaNgE HUrR”
      Since even with a balance NA is dissatisfied. No matter how hard they try, it’ll always be: . . .

      • Endgame says:

        NA is actually dissatisfied with something instead of being worthless KOG apologists and defending shit like stamina, cash shop only skill notes, etc.?

        Eh, better late than never.

  • Coki91 says:

    NICE! Finally something i can talk about to my Mom (Thats a lot , trust me)

    Els : Nothing impressive , just what was expected but he really looks mature
    Aisha : Who gives a fucking shit about her?
    Rena : They fixed the legs?… idk and i dont care
    Raven : He didnt change , just got a New Outfit wich is REALLY GOOD FOR LOTS OF REASONS . Also i don’t see any new Red Hair Spot , ¿he gain control of the Nasod Hand?
    Eve : This makes me i want to marry one , Looks really good and also Powerful
    Chung : :noice:
    Ara : You wont give her a sock , Don’t you KoG? . Everything else is just good and idk what’s that before her . In awakening is the same thing + Larger Ears (damn furros)
    Elesis : Im happy that i married her ( DONT JUDGE ME !)
    Add : Ok… the MAIN SHOW , They actually figured out how most epic his evolution would be and DID . I have no words with his design , Really 20/10 coul’dnt be better both in awakening and normal
    Lu/Ciel : Both looks really epic and trustworthy to their history . Still no permament adult Lu is sad but their transformations really fits their position in the demon Realm (i suppose…)
    Rose FR : Who cares? you wont even see her hair while spaming jump in pvp
    Rose OP : Perfection , that’s all i have for her (gonna marry soonly as possible)

    Personally only way to KoG’s redemption for this mostly pitiful 3rd Changes would have been an entire release of 4th job path . But is just saying .

  • Flow says:

    ADD is a shota LMAO

  • Fluff says:

    Disappointed in Asura’s design. Looks almost exactly the same.

  • Yeet says:

    Both Asura and DiE look super good now! The rest looks pretty much the same. I’ll wait till we get info on gameplay before I make my judgement though, really hope DiE gets bettter PvE stuff.

    • Yeet says:

      Also, I think the game will just die after this comes out. It was nice while it lasted bois.

      • Endgame says:


        All the people who came back for 3rd Jobs are going to leave after getting a reminder of why they left Elsword to begin with and some people who were sticking around are going to leave with them.

        3rd Jobs aren’t that interesting gameplaywise and all the current content was already cleared with 2nd Jobs…..

        Meanwhile, the other kMMOs (Maple Story, Closers, Vindictus.) are coming out with new characters. (Or new weapons for already existing characters in Vindictus’ case, which is basically like a new class ala Grand Chase.)

        • RedStriker says:


          Just because they come up with the 3rd jobs, doesn’t mean that’s the only thing they’ll have in-store for Els. I’m sure they can expand a bit in many other areas of the game. Plus, I’m guessing they’ll release a Drabaki Phase 2 or even an entirely new raid boss altogether.

          We still got the ERP system, so they could always just release new PvE content (although they probably need to change things up and not just hand out OP weaps). Not to mention that we also got the new Guild PvP stuff and we might get some more people to come back to PvP with the new PvP mode option + it’s easier to get star rank (w/ equal rewards too based on rank)

          I just think we need to stop being so cynical here, and give Els a chance before you start doubting…y’know what I mean?

          • LuckyDucky says:

            Endy isn’t wrong. KOG does face an uphill battle to keep interest in the game alive.

            Unless Endy is rich. Then he will fund the servers so he can be with his waifus Elesis and Lu forever. :3

          • Anon says:

            Endgame quit the game ages ago, from what I’ve heard. I’m convinced he’s only even still here to be pessimistic about nearly every single update. He even gets a lot of shit wrong, like Elesis still being overpowered and being “Elbrat 2.0” as he calls it, even though she’s been nerfed pretty hard and functions quite differently from her brother.

            Also how he refers to Scar as being so easy, or as he puts it “Easier than Banthus” even though this has never been the case to anyone who is within proper item level range to fight the boss. Unlike Banthus, Scar spams super armor almost constantly and midway through the fight uses a black hole of death attack that can only be avoided via mana break or by running away, something a first time player wouldn’t know. He then proceeds to become much more aggressive and spams even more super armor.

            The point is, while Endgame is certainly entitled to his opinions, you would be better off getting your “facts” from people who actually play the game.

          • Endgame says:

            When Elesis deviates from Elbrat, those skills are straight up better than Elbrat’s. Dodge & Slash before the nerfs was a much better tool than lolRoll. And remember how broken Iron Body – Strong was before they nerfed it by turning it into a clone of Elbrat’s version? And damn straight CA is straight up better than IS even if Sword Shield is the only thing she copied. She is a better version of Elbrat. Hence, Elbrat 2.0.

            Who the fuck hasn’t learned to mana break by level 76+? Scar’s black hole is a complete non-issue. And it’s his bread and butter.

            And bosses that are always super armor are easier to kill than those that do not since you can just spam any skill with impunity without worrying about knocking the boss down or the boss getting knocked away and missing hits.

            Not to mention Scar’s attacks are too slow and widely telegraphed. There’s a reason they were more than willing to make you fight 2 Rans and Scars in Henrir but only 1 Karis.

          • dd says:

            I stopped awhile ago too. Too much work when you have to actually work to pay your bills. Spend my time lurking since it requires less dedication. As for Scar, despite super armor and other stuff, the character still feels more like mashing skills until you see everyone back off. Much of the main story bosses are like that to a certain degree since its rather annoying to make a boss that moves around and fights like a player.

        • Anon says:

          For some reason it’s not letting me reply to the lower comment so I’m clicking a higher comment to reply here, but there are quite a few inaccuracies in what you said. I shall quote you specifically one at a time and reply to each quote individually.

          “remember how broken Iron Body – Strong was before they nerfed it by turning it into a clone of Elbrat’s version?” I admit that it was quite powerful, but it wasn’t overpowered if you played it smart. First of all, if you toggled it while on the ground, you would simply get KD’d, which means you can just run for 5 seconds and it ends up being a waste. If she wasn’t already better than you at catching, she basically just wasted her MP. The only time it ever really felt overpowered was if it toggled in the air, which was a rare event anyway. In PvE the strongest thing about it was temporary damage immunity, which plenty of other skills are capable of on different characters anyway.

          “And damn straight CA is straight up better than IS even if Sword Shield is the only thing she copied.” She functions entirely differently from IS. The only thing that makes her “better” is the player behind the screen. I would actually argue that with the right setup, not even including gear, IS has a much higher damage potential, has much better combo utility, and can do damage at a much more constant rate.

          “And bosses that are always super armor are easier to kill than those that do not since you can just spam any skill with impunity without worrying about knocking the boss down or the boss getting knocked away and missing hits.” Except that’s not true. You cannot just spam any skill with impunity as the very nature of Super Armor is that there is no hitstun. You will inevitably take hits (Big shocker, not every skill makes you immune to damage, and those that do tend to have long cooldowns) which will result in more harm to you than good. Meanwhile, although the boss won’t get knocked down, there is a rather large risk that you will.

          “Not to mention Scar’s attacks are too slow and widely telegraphed. There’s a reason they were more than willing to make you fight 2 Rans and Scars in Henrir but only 1 Karis.” Some of his attacks are slow and widely telegraphed, but those are also his highest damage attacks. He spends most of his time swinging his sword down at the ground and teleporting at you very quickly. In super armor. Also, you do fight 2 Karis’s at the same time in Henir. You only fight one Final Karis, but that’s just because of the nature of the boss fight, attacking a central core rather than her herself. The normal Karis fight is vs 2 Karis’s.

      • RedStriker says:

        @Yeet why do you gotta be so skeptical tho? You can’t just say it will “die” without showing any evidence or supporting facts! :/

        • Refss says:

          people say the game will ”die” since ever…. is just dumb people who quited and can’t get over it so they need to play the ”white knight” trying to say the game will die to scare new players so they don’t get frustrate like them…

          It’s ilogical just ignore them…

          some kids never grow up.

          • LuckyDucky says:

            And you’re one of the kids.

            I’ve been playing NA and KR off and on for years. The bars have been steadily shrinking. :x

          • Anon says:

            Elsword is a game that will die, eventually. Every game will. It’s not a matter of if, but rather when and why. That said, I have been hearing people talk about how every single update is “One last desperate move by KoG” or how “The game probably won’t survive another summer” for years now.

            The game is likely to never return to “The glory days” or be as popular as it once was, but I have serious doubts the game is anywhere near getting killed off. To the contrary, quite the opposite seems to be the case. They have been expanding the game to light novels, an anime (which ends on sequel bait, implying heavily they plan to make more), I even hear rumors floating around of a PS4 version in the works, though I am suspicious of that bit.

            The game is probably fine. It might not be as popular as it was, but it’s still breathing. There will always be the side of any community that want to bitch and moan about everything and get paranoid, but they have the right to, and perhaps one day they will end up being right. But for now, it’s a much healthier mindset not to let it get to you and just enjoy the game while it lasts.

          • Endgame says:

            1. Grand Chase. It was killed off by KOG themselves when it still had life in it left.

            2. Fighters Club and Aima were straight up bombs, Ultimate Race never got off the ground, and it’s questionable is KurtzPel will ever amount to anything. KOG has to be bleeding money after all their failures.

            3. Elsword has had multiple instances where the playerbase has seen mass ragequits in the Korean version. (ST Revamp and Rose.) If anything it’s a surprise the game is still even up. The playerbase (Especially the Koreans from what 2nafish has shown us.) have permanently turned negative on the game. So….. that’s not healthy.

            4. “All MMOs die”. Yeah….. that’s not exactly the case.

            EverQuest is still getting expansions, the most recent one being released last December.

            No, not EverQuest 2. EverQuest 1. So it goes without saying EverQuest 2 is still getting supported as well.

            And how many of the big name old school MMOs have died? Ragnarok Online is still alive and getting new updates. Sudden Attack (despite the floptastic sequel they lost tons of money on.) DFO, and Maple Story (despite the floptastic sequel) are still Nexon Korea’s top games and still getting updates. Mabinogi is still getting updates and had the one successful kMMO sequel. World of Warcraft is still the biggest MMO worldwide…..

            Really, it’s just Grand Chase. And KOG killed it themselves because, according to them, they didn’t feel like updating the game anymore. That’s it.

            So Elsword COULD last until the end of human civilization. But we all know KOG will give up on it one day, or run out of money.

          • dd says:

            I used to play Mabinogi, and that game is really dead on the other servers. Can’t find a single player on Mari.

          • RedStriker says:


            If KOG wanted to give up on Els, they wouldn’t have wasted so much on 3RD JOBS. Cuz I bet it took a shitload of money for them to do that, lol. Not to mention that they’re also making money from the 3rd job tickets in the item mall. So it seems like they want Els to stick around for a long time. I’d say that Els will probably stay here for a good 3+ years, before they try to shift things to Kurtzpel.

            But, speculating that it will just simply die out for no reason isn’t really valid. Literally almost all of your reasons as to why Els will die, are all just speculations and assumptions. Until we wait and see how things go, we can’t just assume the fate of the game when we don’t know what will happen. Especially since its so early and 3rd paths just came out! So give Els some hope? :/

          • Endgame says:

            They just released Uno a few months before Level Up! announced Grand Chase was shutting down. (That’s right. KOG didn’t even break the news, the Brazilian publisher did. Because Grand Chase was HUGE in Brazil and it was important to them.)

            So just releasing 3rd Jobs isn’t exactly saying anything. Especially considering how half-assed they are from a gameplay standpoint. (A few passives and variations of already existing skills that don’t even necessarily get new animations?)

          • RedStriker says:

            “So just releasing 3rd Jobs isn’t exactly saying anything. Especially considering how half-assed they are from a gameplay standpoint. (A few passives and variations of already existing skills that don’t even necessarily get new animations?)”

            – Dude. You’re ignoring all the key evidence here. It’s not just 3rd jobs (and either way, cut them some slack smh). Look at the Elsword Cafe they have in KR! Look at all the work and money they put into doing all of the 3rd Jobs! On top of that, they made a new raid (which will probably get a PHASE 2) AND made PvP slightly fairer and interesting (Guild PvP, change PvP modes, and easier Star rank + rewards by rank). So now with all of that, you’re seriously telling me that Els won’t last or that KOG will give up on it soon? I think Els is here to stay for a couple more years (at least 5).

            And like I said earlier, let’s not forget that they gave a reception for 3rd Jobs, 1st Path….which was huge news for everyone and it grabbed a lot of attention! Do you see the number of views on the YT vids? I mean, it’s still pretty significant if you don’t think it’s not that impressive. And they could also release new PvE content, new characters, or ENTIRELY new concepts/content to the game. Who knows, maybe they’ll add new stuff for the endgame players that have ERP?

            Els still has a lot of things going for them and it’s pretty meaningless and irrelevant to compare them to other games that have different circumstances and an entirely different playerbase. Just giving my 2 cents, tho.

      • thatguy says:

        if the population does pick up it might but i doubt it will end so soon after an update especially when it usually bring players back for at least a month or so

        • Endgame says:

          KR Elsword’s ranking crashed as soon as Apostasia hit and there was nothing left to look forward to.

          I expect a similar trend here.

          But of course, all KOG has to do is release a new character and people go apeshit.

  • Endgame says:

    And here are the names:

    IS: Immortal
    DW: Metamorphi
    NW: Twilight
    VC: Nova Imperator
    CBS: Code Sariel
    TT: Centurion
    Asura: Dara (But you know how it is with Ara class names. There’s going to be a debate over what it’s supposed to be and then NA gets a different name.)
    CA: Bloody Queen (No, really.)
    DE: Mad Paradox
    Lu & Ciel: Diangelion
    Freyja: Minerva
    Optimus: Prime Operator (The “Operator” is unnecessary to be quite frank…..)
    Apostasia: Herrscher

  • RedStriker says:

    And what’s up with the reoccurring “roman empire” themes to these names? It either has something to do with some sort of ruler or position in an army or empire…

    “Empire Sword”, “Knight Emperor”, “Herrscher” (means ruler/monarch in German), “Bloody Queen”, “Centurion”, and Nova “Imperator”….

  • zetgeist says:

    DW+ and asura+ actually look good for what they’re trying to be. utterly amazing, even if the artist for this batch is a bit excessive about leg length.

    …but dw+ should have gotten the centimetres they stole from OS’ chest.

    CBS+ doesn’t look much different, does she. beamwings and redistribution of her black and white balance. oh, and fancier mech-ears.

    I’ve already called out my issue with NW+, and the only good lu was in the last batch, so I have noone further I
    care about enough to comment on. since this is officially over with, hopefully the art will flow, since by now that’s the main value of elsword, generating art.

  • Anii says:

    Seriously Aisha looks so fucking gorgeous and good lmao. As a girl I’m fangirling rn. Sadly CBS doesn’t look really different from b4 :(

  • RedStriker says:

    >They name 3rd Job IS ” Immortal ”
    >DiE is able to time travel and looks like a young boy now for his 3rd job and can now possibly live forever
    >Calls it ” Mad Paradox ”
    > GG.

    I really like the fact that they made Add look younger, just for the sake of making it known that he is affected by the time traveling. It adds a nice touch! Creative indeed! :)

    • RedStriker says:

      1:08 although its gunna be funny cuz the in-game model will probably be the shortest out of everyone! He’s going to probably look like Lu now! xD

      • Anon says:

        The in game model won’t be any different. They stopped having different job advancements be different heights ages ago.

        • RedStriker says:

          awww, well that makes no sense…

          Like how is Base Elsword the same height as KE or RM (and now IM lol)? Like…why make an 18 year old have the same height as he did, 5 years ago (according to the lore)?

          I think they should have different heights again to change things up

          • Anon says:

            I miss it too, but I can understand the practical reasons why they did what they did. It’s much better for gameplay to not have to worry about all the different sized hitboxes for different classes.

          • Endgame says:

            There really isn’t a real reason to do it from a gameplay standpoint given that:

            -No one should be doing PVP before 2nd Job.


            -PVP has become about spamming skills that are going to hit anyway. Plenty of homing skills going around in this day and age.

  • thatguy says:

    IS: Not much has changed as from longer hair and a black cornwell

    DW: i was kinda expecting something like this

    NW: impratical design for an assassin but its alright i guess

    VC: ponytail but it overall feels the same imo

    CBS:shes in one of her cbs win poses but meh

    TT: chung won third jobs in general

    Asura: she kinda looks like something out of fate

    CA: I hated how CA looked otherwise but this is a better improvement she looks better than her 2nd job in my eyes

    DE: Dimension walker is that you dafuq you doing in this game *add transform* safe design

    Diabla & Demonio: someone at kog is hype for code vein

    Rose: Freyja i was expecting you to turn into fap material and you didnt let me down and optimus looks less like a mechanic and more like a model

    Apostasia: where did his legs go

    in summary most of this were kinda obvious tbh

  • PlatinumRose says:

    well my precdict become true
    well as FPS Breaker Main i didnt disappointed

  • QWQ says:

    Hmmm the way VC and CrA look is acttualy nice but dat ponytail doe naw leme see if they did something good with his Overheat

  • Frost says:

    IS – not much changes, but not bad

    DW – not much changes. A bit longer hairs, stars in hairs and color when awakening looks like good idea. Ugly accordion skirt. I prefer DW’s design – more clear.

    NW – my main… Why they done this to you…

    VC – looks same but with a bit worse hairs.

    CBS – one of few designs, that turn up good. Opened shoulders, tight black trousers, more natural hairs.

    TT – copypaste.

    Asura – somewhy she reminds me a bit more Aspara then Asura now. And yet not much changes. Longer skirt, more rags. I was expecting both her eyes become red and hairs with white stripes in Ara form. And what happened with her spear? Its not a spear already – its a giant flnged mace! Bad.

    CrA – good design – except three things. Irrelevant footfetish (again), big heels. And… broken fcking proportions! Check closely, where her legs actually grows from – because you may not notice how wierd long her legs behind all those stripes, belts.

    DiE – reminds tokyo ghoul, but anyway – I like that design

    LuCiel – yep – reminds me of Code Vein too. Don’t like it – oversaturated, tasteless, cringe

    Roses – nothing special, nothing new.

    Apo – another disign that I like. But… After that they MUST give him passive, that at least visually turns Ain’s sword into scythe.

  • SkyVR says:

    Uhhhh, I feel like Assura’s 3rd Job has skipped torso day a bit too much.

  • Rokujou says:

    Elboy going full Kirito.

    Add going full Kaneki.

    • dd says:

      Feels more like Elboy is trying to be more Gilgamesh with all them swords. Just isn’t working out since he’s not a complete asshole.

      As for Add, feels less like Kaneki. Kaneki doesn’t look young at one point, then gets bigger with awakening beads. Feels more like a cultivator from a manhua. Wonder if he’ll go full Dalu Douluo and start having those moments.

  • J K says:

    >They turned add into a shota :x (I fucking hate shotas, thank god they’re not common in anime) . Good thing I picked mastermind for add.
    >The designs for AP and Diabla/Demonio are shit and the worst among third path classes. Wtf is that pose Ain is making and why is his legs too long.

    • Endgame says:

      Shotas aren’t common, but lolis are. And what are lolis if not female shotas with more pandery elements?

      …..Yeah, the anime industry has gone down the toilet.

      • Soren says:

        Its bad enough that you diss on the game, but now anime? Are you what is known as a ‘hater’? ‘Cuz you seem to do a look of hatin’.

        • Endgame says:

          Anime keeps on focusing on whichever Japanese demographic is the most willing to throw money away on overpriced merchandise instead of aiming for universal appeal. Even though the two most successful Japanese franchises, Mario and Pokémon, manage that quite well. Pokémon even has the sole anime series that still airs on American television outside of Adult Swim.

          The end result is that the industry is imploding on its self. Especially when the current trend is, well….. pedo shit. The same pedo shit that inspired KOG to come up with Lu.

          So yeah. I’m hating on modern anime.

  • MagicSpice says:

    Copypasted from another youtube vid I saw but….

    My thoughts:

    IS- those shoulders makes him look slightly feminine… trying to be the next trap from Assassination Classroom buddy?
    DW- cute… but i legit expected better. do enjoy the long twintails though
    NW- (not shown) Hey, you! Do you have a foot fetish?! Then this job is perfect for you!
    VC- Wut changed… does he have more fire or something?
    CBS- She has wings too… so is all the Eves getting hopped up on Red Bull now?
    TT (not shown)- Wears a suit to work but still looks like he evolved from Pikachung to Raichung
    AS- MILLENNIAL FOX RIPOFF! Now with more legs….
    CrA- Boy… someone played too much Yandere Simulator… Practically looks like the daughter of the last job and Ayano
    DiE- Insert Henir Fanatic reference here
    DB/DM- Ciel didn’t change and Lu pretty much went from blue to black… So goodbye Azula flames, hello Riku’s Dark Firaga?
    FJ (or whatever it’s abriviated)- Bewbed ja just got new hotpants… okay….
    OP- Felt like Eve was the dressup doll too much and now looks like a Runway Model
    AP- So forgot about this guy, even then he looks like he’s trying to be the cocoon boss from 11-6… Or is that what we really fought?

  • dd says:

    Is it just me or does it seem like Elsword and Elesis are missing an awakening form like the other classes?

    • Anon says:

      Aisha, Rena, Raven, Eve, LuCiel, and Rose all also lack Awakening forms. Aisha’s alternate portrait is Magical Makeup, and LuCiel’s alternate portraits are Altar of Evil for Lu and Transcendence for Ciel.

      Mad Paradox’s alternate design (Add) also doesn’t always appear while he’s awakened, so it’s technically not entirely an awakening form and is more of an RNG buff that is sometimes activated by awakening.

  • MagicSpice says:

    Not sure if mentioned, but a few streams are going on about the game…

    don’t know what the 2nd passive is for DW, but the first…. Magical Makeup gets to BROKEN levels… more so with awakening…

    If you awaken, then use makeup, it’s MP cost is cut in half, along with all skills doing 10% more damage under it, and cooldowns getting a raw 30% reduction (which probably stacks with the 20% from energetic), and she gets 100 more max MP…

    also her hyper is a transform skill where it overlaps makeup (you can go from makeup to hyper, but not the other way around) where you get the makeup effects for 60 seconds and all staff hits cause multihit heart explosions that IGNORE DEFENSE….

    as for force skills, impact hammer gets more range (might be able to hit enemies behind you), screw driver pretty much became screw driver driller (but is a mid air skill that drills toward the ground), and impact zone is a multihit AoE staff slam to the ground (so if you can’t wall rape something, this might do more damage).

    i don’t know full details, but from what i can see, she already got the better buffs among the aisha… possibly to the point of needing NERFS

    and i still haven’t seen what the other classes could do yet….

    • MagicSpice says:

      forgot to mention too, but her transformation hyper can also be canceled at anytime before the 60 seconds is up. it just wears off if you let the timer go out, but if you manually cancel it, it pretty much fires off a huge lazer for a few seconds dealing damage, THEN canceling the transformation

  • Stormquake says:

    DiE managed to partially contain his edge!


    • MagicSpice says:

      the feels on his HA though….

      that came totally out of nowhere and may have something to do with why he seems to have regressed in age outside of DP mode…

  • MagicSpice says:

    Gotta also point out that 3rd Ain seems SERIOUSLY Bleach inspired….

    Gonna try to spread this from Zero’s stream just cause too


  • Rolling Troll says:

    You guys must have horrid eges if you can’t see obvious changes.

    • Rolling Troll says:


      • Endgame says:

        We can see the changes.

        It’s just that longer hair aside, most of them aren’t significant enough. They’re still wearing similar outfits. In some cases, the exact same fucking outfit. (CC, Dom, and now BQ. Although at least they bothered to make BQ’s tattered and damaged. Even if it IS the same prostitute outfit.)

        • Lolme says:

          And some of them lose their shoes

          • Endgame says:

            NW and Demonio actually got significant differences in addition to going barefoot, though.

            Only Diabla has a similar outfit (Similar but noticeably smaller. The class showing the most skin in the game is a fucking loli…..) but went barefoot.

          • Lolme says:

            I hate when lu became adult only in skill kog why u do this

          • Endgame says:

            KOG does not want us to have nice things.

        • BAJAJA says:

          Herr’s body outside of Henir mode’s starting to break …. then there’s his HA form that’s just …. not him at all

        • Anon says:

          It’s not really so different from 1st job to 2nd job, or in some cases from Base class to 1st job. Expecting wildly different outfits is a tad unrealistic considering they are trying to stick to one specific theme for each job path. A difference in magnitude from say Sword Taker to Veteran Commander is generally avoided, because they are trying to keep to the same general theme and also have them recognizable as the same person. As such, the difference is more along the lines of Weapon Taker to Veteran Commander. Not hugely different, but enough that you can see that time has passed.

          • Endgame says:

            Most 1st Jobs to 2nd Jobs had significantly different outfits. No one would have expected Dark Magician Aisha to start showing skin. Or scientist Eve to change into an elegant queen outfit.

            So yes, we had expectations. And a few 3rd Jobs (AS, Apsara, ES, Ishtar, Metamorphy, Twilight, newer Altar of Evil) DID deliver. Making the ones that didn’t look that much worse.

            You know they fucked up when they made me say something positive about an Elesis class.

          • Endgame says:

            Granted, Rune Master IS a significant change from Rune Slayer, but….. the outfit looks more like a summer promo than a job advancement.

        • J K says:

          Altar of Evil Lu’s outfit looks like shit smh
          Same goes for her loli form
          Demonio looks like his clothing got torn in battle and he got a horrendous hair cut

  • Frost says:

    Btw… Can anyone explain to me “deep lore” of NW’s new weird HA? I mean… She summons forest from nowhere and there is lots of Renas that looks like shadows from Hall of El… Where from she got that power? Why? There is no hint or skill in her arsenal that looks even close to that – wdf. Imo that HA looks so alien and weird like NW’s new design…

    • MagicSpice says:

      i don’t understand it either, but if i had to take a guess, erendil is causing spirits to appear or something…

      Rena is part of an assassin group according to the lore of this job route so maybe it has something to do with calling her fallen comrades or something?

    • kekstar says:

      “As if answering to Rena’s troubles, Eldrasil’s will flowed into Rena through the Spirit Realm that had been restored from the restoration of El.

      As Rena accepted the Eldrasil’s will to protect the world, she gains the knowledge and experience of former Night Watchers before her.”

      I suppose those are the previous Night Watchers. But how Rena summons a weird forest out of nowhere? idk

    • Croire says:

      I think the translated background story says that Rena inherits the spirits/abilities of past NWs, so maybe that HA is her summoning those. Or maybe it’s just some nature-shadow clone thingy she’s doing cause she’s assasin class now

  • Croire says:

    Ok so looked over half of the third paths and skills I care about, my impressions for ones Ive seen:

    Add -So is Mad Paradox the same Add from the previously erased timeline of Time Trouble?? What’s with the becoming younger thing then awaken form is DE with longer hair tho. kinda wish most the third jobs had a different awakening form
    Elsword- DAMN IMMORTAL GILGAMESH, I FREAKING LOVE IT. If anyone else knows about Gil’s background in history/Fate series, you’ll know that he feared death in his demi-god/mortal life and kept searching for an elixir to extend his life, so Immortal title here is really meta to me xD also Blade roller combo is so damn cool. for design I prefer the IS costume, which showed bare shoulder arms, Im not such a fan of the bare collar bone shirt
    Aisha- Metamorphy is such a cute nickname for a sophisticated word lol. So this is what KOG thinks the next evolution of a Magical Girl is, THE MAGICAL IDOL WITCH REIGNS SUPREME. Im unsure what to think still, Oz sorcerer is looking more and more appealing, but I still have to give a try.
    Rena- Twlight i̶ ̶h̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶s̶p̶a̶r̶k̶l̶y̶ ̶v̶a̶m̶p̶i̶r̶e̶s̶ oh wait, not that Twilight. sorry, couldnt resist a joke. In naming sense tho, it matches up with Daybreaker tho not Anemos. Im really darn tempted to job change to Twilight now, Anemos isnt living up to the hype I had, and is in desperate need of overall job revamp instead of just increasing the damn atk stat. That hoodie-cloak is freaking awesome. I wonder, when will KOG next give us free job change tickets? if only it was xmas.logically, it seems to make sense to give out job change tickets after third paths are released, so that KOG can see which character classes could use more improvement when they see the prominence of certain classes over others. Or just hold a poll. Yo know, anything to make us feel relieved that theyre actually listening to user feedback.
    Ara- 大羅>>er, how does this translate? Anyways, priestess Ara seems to make enogh sense, it’s nice to know Eun makes a equal partners contract with Ara here. Design wise, I think Apsara Ara has the best streamlined design. It’ll take some getting used to for this design I think, still havent been able to see her skills and combos in action, b/c cant find the damn name on uploads
    Code Sariel- anyone get reminded of the Sariel pet from GC days? anyways, Eve’s pose and design is the best of all third paths besides Twilight I think , skills are different enough from the original versions too, now THAT’S what I look for in a so-called force change skill.
    Rose- Minerva/Prime Operator – I like Freyja/Minerva, but I like Yandere girls, yandere obsessions, and “corrupted” class designs even more, so I might switch to Black Massacre when I get the chance.
    Bloody Queen – Finally here at my main sadist avenger. Name wise, it’s a suitable name, I love it. Already gave my input in design, but after looking at the three-D model, I think the hair is okay. I really wished there was a unique awaken form design like Flame lord tho. Skill wise, I think KOG got too damn lazy with Ejection “Buster” [it doesnt even travel far…wtf], Brandish Breaker is slightly bigger and more vertical, but I hoped for force change for other skills like Burning Phantom…., Bloody cutter travels far and multiple discs now, so that’s efficient I guess. No longer suitable for regular bossing tho, overall design wise, not the most impressive visuals Ive seen so far for any of the job classes. Even Anemos’s Crescent Kick force change looks better. Not too impressed with some of the third job skill visuals and changes tbh, some arent visually drastic enough/function differently enough to be something impressive looking, but some are pretty decent. Her new combos however are freaking awesome and much needed combo openers. The >>XX in particular is superbly enough compensation for me for losing Rushing Sword a while back, and finally gives Elesis something more regularly viable ground combo starter than Chaser Sword. The >>^XZ is another great aerial combo necessity but it needs to be abit faster, atm, it’s more of a fancy hybrid of Little Specter’s >>ZX and Grand Master’s >>XZ, but slower. Overall, Bloody Queen’s combos are much needed utilities, and design wise/skill wise, could still use some improvements on the drawing board. Tho I could say the latter for at least half the third jobs we have.

    • BAJAJA says:

      got this from elwiki
      Mad Paradox is no longer a physical being. Instead, he is now an enigma in time and space with a fluctuating appearance, explaining his child-like default appearance.
      The in-game model for Mad Paradox still retains the same size, despite his child-like appearance.
      His younger body is still affected by the time travel disease on one eye, despite him only receiving it during his time as Time Tracer.

  • Endgame says:

    You know what I just realized? The dumbest thing about Twilight being barefoot is that she should know better.

    This is a class who specializes in leaving a bunch of traps behind for enemies to step on.

    She should know better than anyone else the importance of protecting one’s feet since that’s her whole MO.

    What happens if she steps on one of her own traps because she forgot about it?

  • MagicSpice says:

    Tell me if i’m wrong here, but with DW’s new hyper, she gets extra hits (one per staff swing) that do 1559% per hit that ignores all defense in PvE…..

    given that a ZZZ loop is roughly 2 seconds long with some decent attack speed (about 20%), that allows her to do about 4500%-4800% damage with the extra hits alone per loop… which is around strength skill damage…

    more so, this buff lasts a while so you can indeed rack up over 100,000% damage from the hyper if you staff combo a lot… and then the laser adds even more damage….

    so yeah… not surprised if she gets nerfed cause Max Paradox already did about a day after release (his passive was absurdly strong)

  • Endgame says:

    So apparently MP’s backstory involves him eventually finding his mother, his mother disapproving of his trying to destroy the universe bullshit, losing his shit, deleting his memories of the incident because he can’t handle it, then resuming the search for his mother, finding her again, endless loop.

    And his HA involves an image of Mommy.


    Mad Paradox? More like Mommy Problems!

    So, yeah. Is this going to kill his appeal with the tryhard edgy teenagers he was originally meant to pander to? Is this a subtle jab at them, suggesting they have parental issues?

    • BAJAJA says:

      dunno, although ,,, It’s obvious his mom would disapprove of his rampage. Considering DIE was mentally broken, this broke MP to even worse.

    • Wanderer says:

      … Umm, Endgame. I’m curious about this “backstory” of yours. Where did you get this information from? The wiki, forums or Zero (or was it 2na? I don’t remember from which livestream was it) didn’t state anything about Add finding his mother and deleting his memories or sort? Just about him splitting atoms of his existence or something.

      >Implied that all people that play DiE is edgy-wannabes (not a far-fetched thought, but certainly is not the case)

      Nothing wrong with loving your mommy though.

    • J K says:

      “Mommy Problems” lmao

      Dominator add is probably the only add that isn’t what you would call “edgy” though.

      • MagicSpice says:

        actually, Dominator did calculations that led to Diabolic’s but was smart enough to notice it was gonna fail…

        so then Dominator said, “eh fuck it, i’ll make my own world then” and pretty much used his abilities to create “his own digital universe”

        so the others are edgy while dom route is having a god complex…

  • Endgame says:

    So….. there’s zero fanart of Iblis Lu. Loli OR adult.


    I mean, the Lu fanart hasn’t gone away, (There’s still new Noblesse pictures coming out. Because barely legal Lu is too old. But teenage Lu is just fine and dandy…..) even if it is getting buried by the other characters right now. (ELESIS GROWING BOOBS OUT OF NOWHERE DIDN’T FIX HER MANFACE PEOPLE!)

    But….. it’s not just that no one’s drawing sexy Adult Lu with her new outfit that gives lots of breast exposure including the underboob this game has been lacking. (What the fuck is wrong with these people?!) No. They’re not drawing Iblis period.

    …..And there’s still a severe shortage of Ishtar fanart. (Seriously. Almost as much Noblesse fanart has come out since Ishtar’s launch.)

    What the fuck does this community have against Adult Lu?!

  • Croire says:

    What the heck is up with Bloody Queen’s Ejection Buster Force change tho????
    It’s a small slash, that can’t seem to be charged. how is this better in any way than regular EB?

  • J K says:

    I can’t decide which of these characters (3rd path) is the edgiest:
    Elesis, Add, luciel, or Ain

    • Endgame says:

      Definitely Elesis.

      Add actually got less edgy than his 2nd Job, and Lu being loli dilutes the edge. Ciel is attached to Lu so he gets weighed down by her.

      Ain is a Grade A edgelord though.

      Buuuuuuut Elesis is still in her prostitute outfit, although it’s torn up. Still firing blood at her enemies. Now wearing open toe high heels to increase the literal whore appeal. With a torn up outfit and boob tattoos.

      Plus, come on. “Bloody Queen”. Or should I say….. xXxBlOoDyQuEeNxXx

      AND she still has that god damn psychotic evil laughter.

      …..Yeah, Edgesis is the edgiest edgelord in all of Elrios + the Demon Realm.

      Just another reason in the long list why Elesis is the worst thing to happen to this game.

      • d0m0a says:

        Anybody told you that every time you writes something, you’re committing cyberterrorism against KoG?

        • Endgame says:

          No, because that would be insane and idiotic.

          • Soren says:

            Endy, what did Elsword ever do to you to deserve such avid hate?

          • Endgame says:

            You’re asking for an awfully large list…..

            Well, can I just leave it at Elsword was the one F2P game I’ve invested money into only for the game to turn to shit in addition to having to put up with KOG NA’s shitty practices?

          • J K says:

            The fact that your hatred for Elesis surpasses my hatred for yaoi and fujoshis (one of the worst aspects of anime and its fandom) is disturbing.

          • BAJAJA says:

            hell, it even surpasses my hate for Rabid Shippers

          • Endgame says:

            Well, Elesis being allowed to get away with her bullshit, and is even celebrated as a hero in-universe just serves to strengthen my hate. It continues to fester.

            Every other time a video game character makes me feel unbridled rage, s/he ends up getting what s/he deserves in the end. (Killing Arvis with Seliph in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War felt so good…..)

            But what has Elesis actually done to warrant such praise? She left her post to go chase some blue guy who lost to a 7-10 year old girl for years. Neglecting her brother and her kingdom. So when she does finally show up again too late for even a Mary Sue of her level to save Velder, people just….. let her back into her command post? No one’s willing to call her out on her negligence?

            What the fuck did she even do during all those years? She didn’t stop shit as far as the demon invasion was concerned given Fahrmann was destroyed after she left. Feita was already completely taken over when Elbrat and pals arrived. (And Ara was there too. Ara did more to fight the demons than Elesis.) Hamel was almost completely ravaged despite the Red Knights being deployed there. (The game didn’t do a good job of portraying it, but Chung does say that the demons more or less destroyed most of the kingdom with Helputt being the one thing keeping them from reaching the capital. And then Ran corrupted him and Hamel only remains because Elesis and pals showed up just in time…..) So she basically let TWO kingdoms fall because of her absence.

            Here we have a bitch who runs away from home to chase after Steroids McGee and is held to no accountability whatsoever despite letting her kingdom be taken over by demons. Her job is secure, even though she fucked up tremendously. (Made all the worse because cutscenes, the anime, the LN, the official manwha which has apparently been silently canceled, etc. don’t hold back in displaying how powerful Elesis is, meaning she really could have singlehandedly saved thousands of lives.)

            The Velder citizens should be pissed at her. But no. She’s still the Knight Captain of Velder’s elite soldiers. Because everybody loves Elesue. Except the demons. Oh, but they’re the bad guys and you’re not supposed to sympathize with them.

            Elesis is emblematic of KOG’s terrible writing. And everything else that’s gone wrong with Elsword.

          • Cursed says:

            Well, if you put it in that perspective..

  • Endgame says:

    Hmm….. it appears Aisha has been possessed by a Kirby final boss.

    • MagicSpice says:

      that looks more like sailor moon meets precure (or pretty cure as some of them are called).

      just don’t call it fucking “glitter squad” like netflix did… even among magical girl names, that’s a really bad one

  • MagicSpice says:

    So, nothing on the fact that Ain’s 3rd is now missing limbs and pretty much looks like a dark, yet humanized Yggdrasil sprouting from the ground?

    that’s the only thing i kinda don’t like about his design cause “Ainzen” seems like he’s becoming the one boss from 11-6…

  • Croire says:

    So who wishes that Ejection Buster was Force changed into something like Zero’s Rekkouha or Tenshouha? I know I do.

  • Croire says:

    Seperate question’apparently we cant change class after 3rd path advancement is finalized?
    is this true?

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