Fox Bandits' Treasure Room

From Elwiki

This is an Event Map.

Fox Bandits' Treasure Room

Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Entry Requirements
  • Must be Level 10 or higher.
  • Have a Fox Bandit's Treasure Map in your inventory.
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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
Fox Bandit - Mars - Fox-Masked thieves trying to stop Elsword! They shouldn't be a problem as long as you quickly attack them.
  • Stick Attack: He will swing his stick at you.
Fox Bandit - Toto - One of the many thieves that used knives.
  • Knife Throw: They can attack from distances using their knives.
Fox Bandit - Bruce - One of Banthus's strongest thieves. You'd better watch out for his club!
  • Club Swing: A two hit combo swinging around his heavy club.
Fox Bandit - Little Bro - A thief who tries to attack you with his knife.
  • Dagger Combo: A quick short dagger combo.
  • Air Slash: Slash targets while jumping.
Fox Bandit - Big Bro - A thief that tries to punch you with its humongous fists.
  • Leaping Undercut: Jumps in the air and punches the ground.
  • Punch Combo: A two punch combo.
  • Uppercut: Moves forward and delivers and uppercut sending player flying.


Mini Boss
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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Fox Bandit - Banthus - The leader of the Fox Bandits, Banthus is trying to stop you finding their treasure! You won't let him get away with that, will you?
  • Swing: Banthus will swing his sword right at you.
  • Kick: Banthus kicks you with his leg.
  • Jumping Slash: Banthus jumps into the air and strikes with his huge sword.
  • Block: Banthus uses his sword to block your attack.


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Obstacles Image Obstacles Description
Nuclear - Fox Bandits' Nuclear! It will cause a huge explosion after it drops to the ground!
Falling Rock - Loose rocks will fall from the cave ceiling damaging those who might be underneath it.


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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Fox Bandit - Banthus - The leader of the Fox Bandits, Banthus is trying to stop you getting their treasure! You won't let him get away with that, will you?
  • Swing: Banthus will swing his sword right at you.
  • Kick: Banthus kicks you with his leg.
  • Jumping Slash: Banthus jumps into the air and strikes with his huge sword.
  • Block: Banthus uses his sword to block your attack.
  • Summon: After a period of time, Banthus will a clone to aid in battle.
Fox Bandit - Banthus (Clone) - The clone of Banthus! He will use element attack when he dies!
  • Swing: Banthus will swing his sword right at you.
  • Kick: Banthus kicks you with his leg.
  • Jumping Slash: Banthus jumps into the air and strikes with his huge sword.
  • Block: Banthus uses his sword to block your attack.
  • Element Attack: When Banthus dies, he will randomly use Dryad's Fury, Oryed's Fury, or Raul's Fury.
Stone Treasure Chest - Destroy it to get the Fox Bandit's treasure!
  • None


  • Elsword: I won't allow you to steal!
  • Aisha: Hmm… I sense magic inside the cave.
  • Rena: No mercy for the bandits!
  • Raven: Hmm.. What is that fox symbol on the wall?
  • Eve: I've looked at the cave's structure and I feel there might be a hidden room somewhere.
  • Chung: Stealing is bad!
  • Ara: I won't let you steal from the innocent!
  • Elesis: Darn bandits! I'll defeat them all!
  • Add: Hmph, compared to the vast knowledge in my head, gold and silvers are worthless!
  • Lu: Ciel! I'm tired, get me a nice cup of tea!
  • Ciel: They call this a treasure room? It doesn’t even have any recipes!
Image Item Name How to Obtain Effect
Growth Fruit Drop by Stone Treasure Chest Jump up to Lv. 70 and complete the 2nd Job Change for free.
Fox Bandit Mask Drop by Stone Treasure Chest or Craft by Ariel

Costume Face Accessory:

Physical Defense +10

Magical Defense +10

Action Speed +1%

Movement Speed +3%

Jump Speed +3%

Fox Bandit Beads Drop by Stone Treasure Chest or Craft by Ariel

Costume Face Accessory:

Physical Defense +10

Magical Defense +10

Critical +1%

MP Recovery Attacked +1%

MP Recovery Attacking +0.5%

Secret Storage Key Drop by Stone Treasure Chest The ticket for the next event map.
Growth Fruit Fragment Drop by Stone Treasure Chest Collect as many of these as you can and see what items you can trade it for through Ariel, or acquire Growth Fruit from Ariel's event quest.
Life Force Amplifier Fragment Drop by Stone Treasure Chest Collect 24 Life Force Amplifier Fragments and acquire Life Force Amplifier from Ariel's event quest.
Fox Bandit Mask Fragment Drop by mobs Bring 50 Fox Bandit Mask Fragment and 30 Fox Bandit Bead Fragment to Ariel and generate a Fox Bandit Mask.
Bring 30 Fox Bandit Mask Fragment and 50 Fox Bandit Bead Fragment to Ariel and generate a Fox Bandit Beads.
Fox Bandit Bead Fragment Drop by mobs
Life Force Amplifier Quest reward from Ariel. Bring Life Force Amplifier, Weak Life Force Crystal, and Strong Life Force to Ariel and generate a Mysterious Life Force.
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Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 狐狸盜賊團的寶物倉庫 Fox Bandit's Treasure Warehouse
China (Simplified Chinese) 狐狸盗贼团宝物仓库 Fox Bandit's Treasure Warehouse

  • Other
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~22
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Miscellaneous