
From Elwiki
姓名 丝泰拉
身份 贝斯马保安队队长
出现地点 贝斯马村庄
年龄 26
声优 이지현 (Lee Ji-hyun)

~ 丝泰拉







EP.4 瓦利的行踪


EP.5 贝斯马的问题

不幸的是,保安队的搜查计划被蜥蜴人的起义给提前打断了。蜥蜴人突然变得狂暴这件事本身就充满着谜团,所有人都不理解为何蜥蜴人会突然狂暴并对村民进行攻击。由于这个事件的突然发生,Unfortunately, their search was preemptively halted as the Lizardman uprising started to peak its head. The event is still shrouded in mystery of why the Lizardmen began to attack out of nowhere as they've peacefully coexisted with humans up to this point. The problems plaguing Bethma are preventing many people from helping in the search for Wally. To get the villagers to help, Stella suggests going to the Dragon Road and recovering some of the Lizardmen's weapons.

When the El Search Party return with news of the Lizardmen calling out for Chacha Buch and Berauk, she and the party head over the Chacha Buch. After further investigations, Stella's hypothesis that the uprising was from a few rogue Lizardmen proved wrong and a greater problem was ahead. Things started to fit together for Stella once Chacha Buch pointed out that Kayak was the most likely culprit, having known to express his distrust of humans. Stella helps decode Kayak's whereabouts and urges the El Search Party to act quickly before Kayak's scheme could come to fruition.

Chapter 4: Wally's whereabouts

Once the problem with the Lizardmen was resolved, Stella once again put her efforts into searching for signs of Wally's whereabouts. Her search would lead to Richian, who had noticed that strange activities were occurring in his closed down mines.

Chapter 8: Bad Omens

Some time while the El Search Party was in Altera, Stella found Allegro passed out on his way to Bethma. She sent out a message to Hagus to call for the El Search Party. After Allegro explains the situation in Feita, Stella hands off the responsibility to the El Search Party.


"Hey, there! You've got something far better than expected. What about exchanging it with what I have?"

Stewardship Coin x1
Stewardship Coin x1 Trade Type
Trading List
Organic Apple x3 Magic Stone x3 Vigor Potion x3 El Tree Seed x2
Resurrection Stone Cube (3ea) N/A N/A N/A
Stewardship Coin x3
Stewardship Coin x3 Trade Type
Trading List
El Shard (Mystery) x3 Stamina Potion [Cobo] El Tree Fruit x2 Advanced Magic Stone x3
Stewardship Coin x5
Stewardship Coin x5 Trade Type
Trading List
Fire Orbs x5 Water Orbs x5 Nature Orbs x5 Wind Orbs x5
Light Orbs x5 Dark Orbs x5 N/A N/A
Stewardship Coin x10
Stewardship Coin x10 Trade Type
Trading List
[Cobo] Blessed Ventus' Wing (Elixir) x2 [Cobo] Blessed Denif's Ice Orb (Elixir) x2 [Cobo] Blessed Rosso's Blazing Ring (Elixir) x2 [Cobo] Blessed Blazing Bomb (Elixir) x2
[Cobo] Blessed Giant Potion (Elixir) x2 [Cobo] Blessed Giant Hand Potion (Elixir) x2 [Cobo] Blessed Tracker's Soul (Elixir) x2 [Cobo] Blessed Baby Fairy's Cradle (Elixir) x2
Stewardship Coin x20
Stewardship Coin x20 Trade Type
Trading List
Secret Dungeon Entry Permit x5 Heroic Invitation x3 N/A N/A

"Any business......?"


Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 스텔라 Stella
Japan ステラ Stella
Germany Solvej Solvey
Spain Silve
France Solène Solenn
Italy Linn
Poland Solvej Solvey

地区 主要NPC 辅助NPC
魔奇 罗尔夏格斯安娜净化的精灵 & 害羞的精灵 班德斯威廉噗鲁赛亚噗鲁
艾德 霍夫曼路易莎艾可兰帕德 班德斯威廉噗鲁瓦利
贝斯马 丝泰拉恰恰波可瑞奇杨汤姆 贝罗克卡亚克瓦利
厄泰拉 艾达阿德尔亚摩斯阿格特 纳斯德之王
沛塔 阿雷格伦特帕内 波尔德
拜德 普拉乌斯汉娜格雷尔诺伊尔巴内萨 珂露尔霍亚金
哈梅尔 范恩西欧霍雷托露西丹卡黛希 劳德劳斯阿巴拉兹黑波特莎莎
桑德斯 玫瑰安艾米里德芭布达波鲁 阿诺德兰卡莱诺托克塔卡鲁倍加克丽丝贝希摩斯
拉诺斯 亮太艾德尔 & 塞巴斯坦佩索普斯皮尔斯德因依格尼亚梅依 & 梅斯 葛洛莉亚暗月塞雷纳震 & 印伊芙利坦阿尔蒂亚斯卡莎莎
艾丽西昂 优诺 & 诺诺杜兰德雨果贝尔纳德特奥杜洛纳斯德鸟蕴含艾尔气息的树 德卡CODE-玛雅赫尔巴欧阿德里安 · 纳斯德索雷斯哈露妮娅
娜薇的想象空间 记忆之泉瞌睡虫比比安静的波可充满活力的乌琦 妮莎
罗兰西亚东部 盖亚船长
波鲁安北部 玛奥卡隆龚特尔前领主德博拉纳亚
波鲁安中部 盖亚娜薇的友人
艾丽阿诺德 炼金术精制器装备精制器饰品精制器依格尼亚阿尔蒂亚阿诺德兰特里普本图斯林汐
帕尼米尔 小元素精灵 珂露尔哨兵指挥官依迪斯尼非订领主罗索尼禄修帝巴尔根
旅行者 阿莉尔路莉尔卡密拉亚当斯格雷夫海伦美优 鲁托
杂项 其他NPC
库恩巴蓝布兰维尔欧文赛丽斯艾尔娣克劳德 · 梅森沃尔尼安特莉莱拉艾卡修露亚艾斯克格蕾丝发电机