Anubis Set

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Missing content: [Strength of Anubis] set information.
  • English

Set List

Image Name Description Stats
[Anubis Set]
Anubis Hair Hair that has been imbued with the power of Anubis, God of the Afterlife. Costume Hair:

Physical Attack +5
Magical Attack +5
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Action Speed +1%
Movement Speed +1%
Jump Speed +1%

Anubis Hair (A)
Anubis Top Piece This top piece has been imbued with the power of Anubis, God of the Afterlife. Costume Top:

Physical Attack +5
Magical Attack +5

Awakening Charge Speed +2%
HP Increase +2%

Anubis Top Piece (A)
Anubis Bottom Piece This bottom piece has been imbued with the power of Anubis, God of the Afterlife. Costume Bottom:

Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Awakening Duration +2.25%
MP Recovery Attacked +1%

Anubis Bottom Piece (A)
Anubis Gloves These gloves have been imbued with the power of Anubis, God of the Afterlife. Costume Gloves:

Physical Attack +5
Magical Attack +5

MP Recovery Attacking +1%
MP Recovery Attacked +1%

Anubis Gloves (A)
Anubis Shoes These shoes have been imbued with the power of Anubis, God of the Afterlife. Costume Shoes:

Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%

Anubis Shoes (A)
Strength of Anubis (Elsword) (-/A) Sword imbued with the Strength of Anubis.
I'll show you true power! -Elsword
Costume Weapon:

Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20

Critical +1%

Wisdom of Anubis (Aisha) (-/A) Staff imbued with the Wisdom of Anubis.
You're not very wise to fight me! -Aisha
Agility of Anubis (Rena) (-/A) Bow imbued with the Agility of Anubis.
One shot, one kill! -Rena
Ferocity of Anubis (Raven) (-/A) Blade imbued with the Ferocity of Anubis.
Eye for an eye. -Raven
Authority of Anubis (Eve) (-/A) Drone imbued with the Authority of Anubis.
I'm the Queen of Nasod, I am unstoppable. -Eve
Chaos of Anubis (Chung) (-/A) Cannon imbued with the Chaos of Anubis.
This will bring Chaos. -Chung
Justice of Anubis (Ara) (-/A) Spear imbued with the Justice of Anubis.
My brother will come back, I believe in him. -Ara
Destruction of Anubis (Elesis) (-/A) Claymore imbued with the Destruction of Anubis.
Nothing will stand in my path. -Elesis
Judgment of Anubis (Add) (-/A) Dynamo imbued with the Judgment of Anubis.
Judgment is upon you. -Add
Darkness of Anubis (Lu) (-/A) Claw imbued with the Darkness of Anubis.
I'll show you true Darkness! -Lu
Speed of Anubis (Ciel) (-/A) Gunblade imbued with the Speed of Anubis.
You won't see me coming! -Ciel
[Strength of Anubis]
Anubis Helm Costume Face Accessory (Middle):

Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Physical Defense +5
Magical Defense +5

MP Recovery Attacking +0.5%
Awakening Charge Speed +1%
Awakening Duration +1.5%

Anubis Tail Costume Accessory (Bottom):

Physical Attack +5
Magical Attack +5
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15

MP Recovery Attacked +0.5%
Movement Speed +1%
Jump Speed +1%

Anubis Mini Costume Accessory (Support Unit):

Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Critical +1%
Additional Damage +1%
Damage Reduction +1%

Anubis Ears (-/A) Head Ornament made to look like the Ears of Anubis. Costume Face Accessory (Top):

Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Action Speed +1%
Resistance to All Attributes +10

Set Effects

Type [Anubis] [Strength of Anubis]
2 Piece Effect
  • Resistance to Light Attributes +50
  • HP Increase +10%
  • MP Recovery Attacking +1%
  • Action Speed +2%
3 Piece Effect
  • HP increase +5%
  • Critical +2%
  • Additional Damage +2%
5 Piece Effect
  • Critical +2%
  • Action Speed +1%


Set Appearance

Accessory Set Appearance


  • Anubis Ears (A) is not released on the Chinese server.
  • Strength of Anubis accessories are released as Chinese Zodiac Accessory Set in the Taiwanese server.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
Japan アヌビス Anubis

Equipment Sets
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