[Solstice Zephyr]
Solstice Zephyr : June Rose
Summer solstice, I will give you the biggest rose in the garden.
Costume Face Accessory (Top):
Physical Attack +30 Magical Attack +30 Physical Defense +10 Magical Defense +10
Action Speed +1% Maximize +1%
Solstice Zephyr : Scattering Petals
Summer solstice, I will catch the petals scattered by the western wind.
Costume Accessory (Top):
Physical Attack +30 Magical Attack +30 Physical Defense +10 Magical Defense +10
MP Recovery Attacking +2% Maximize +1%
Solstice Zephyr : Fragrant Scent
Summer solstice, I will carry you the fragrant scent delivered by the western wind.
Costume Accessory (Bottom):
Physical Attack +30 Magical Attack +30 Physical Defense +10 Magical Defense +10
Movement Speed +2% HP Increase +2%