• English


File:DMRSkill2.png [Special Active: Strength]
Shoot orbs of darkness. The orb will transform into a special web.
Absorb 10 MP per second and deal continuous damage to enemies caught by the web for 3 seconds.
Allies within the web will be immobile but invincible.
(Can also be used midair)
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Damage is increased by 1.2 times.
Available for Memorize
  • This skill can be memorized by inputting the skill key during the Memorize Stance. (Stand still for 2 seconds while in MP recovery state)
  • Press V to activate the memorized skills in order.



Class Level Required
Dark Magician 35

Skill Information


Level Required Dark Web (Magical) MP Absorb
(Per Hit)
Dark Web Duration Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
35 999% 10 MP Per Enemy 3 Seconds 4 200 MP 24 Seconds
[Enhanced] 1198%


Level Required Dark Web (Magical)
35 320%
[Enhanced] 384%

Skill Information (09/11/2019 KR Patch)


Level Required Dark Web (Magical) Dark Web Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
MP Recovery Duration
35 -% 15% x3 3 Seconds 4 200 MP 14 Seconds
[Enhanced] 1122%


Level Required Dark Web (Magical) Dark Web
MP Recovery
35 -% 1.5% x3
[Enhanced] 405%

Skill Traits

Regenerating (1) Dark Web Regenerating (2) Dark Web
Attribute Effect MP Recovery Attribute Effect Cooldown
40% chance of regaining 60% of the MP Usage 120 50% chance of lowering cooldown to 70% 16.8 Seconds

Skill Traits (09/11/2019 KR Patch)

Heavy Dark Web Regenerating (2) Dark Web
Attribute Effect Cooldown Attribute Effect Cooldown
Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
16.8 Seconds 50% chance of lowering cooldown to 70% 9.8 Second

Total Damage

Mode Regular
PvE 4,792%
PvP 1,536%

Total Damage (09/11/2019 KR Patch)

Mode Regular
Normal Heavy
PvE 4,488% 6,462.72%
PvP 1,620% 2,332.8%

Tips and Details

  • The absorbed MP is also burned from enemies.
  • While the web lasts for 3 seconds, it deals a hit when it first forms, thus dealing damage and draining MP 4 times.
  • Due to you absorbing the enemies' MP simultaneously, the display will only show +10 MP due to them overlapping each other. You will still be gaining +10 MP for each enemy caught.
  • The bead of darkness will stop at walls and does not interact with enemies otherwise.
  • The Dark Web buff granted to allies is identical to the one given by Elrian Clock.
    • Due to the buff halting the movement and skill use of any allies in the web, be wary of accidentally interrupting your team from attacking.
    • Allies currently in invincibility from using their own special actives will not be interrupted, and if a skill has Super Armor it will continue regardless, though the ally will still be affected by the Dark Web buff in that case, and any button inputs needed will not work (such as extending Lightning Shower or firing shots during Death Sentence of Marbas)
    • Animations that are already occurring and can deal damage continuously will continue to deal damage when affected by Dark Web. As such, Oz Sorcerer's     command can deal far more damage than normal and [Mod] Ring of Darkness becomes incredibly powerful when both are timed correctly, and both Ruin and [Mod] Plasma Cutter's Super Armor vulnerability can be mitigated partially.


Date Changes
09/11/2019 -
  • Skill features changed.
  • Regenerating (1) trait changed to Heavy.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 다크 웹 Dark Web
