[诺亚]EP.2 新的缘分

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[诺亚]EP.2 新的缘分


任务需求 任务 描述
  • 完成‘[村庄]遗迹的诅咒’史诗任务


  • 缇坦妮雅: 好,这里是通往月见山的道路。从这里就能看出植物的光线略有不同吧?
  • 缇坦妮雅: 这个山丘的顶部是一个充满着月亮气息的地方。如果你知道伊利亚布伦诺的话,这个山丘也是其中之一。
  • 诺亚: 我听说过,那是自然凝集着艾尔气息的地方。
  • 诺亚: 不过这也是我第一次知道居然有拥有特定属性的伊利亚布伦诺。
  • 缇坦妮雅: 好的。那么……我们分散开吧。
  • 诺亚: 什么?
  • 缇坦妮雅: 虽然刚才我很固执,但我的魔法能力很弱也是事实。如果你还要分心来照顾我的话,就没办法探索这个山丘了。
  • 缇坦妮雅: 所以,我觉得在这里分头行动的话,对找花来说应该更有效率。你似乎战斗力挺强的,不是吗?
  • 诺亚: 但是尤利娅拜托我保护你啊。
  • 缇坦妮雅: ……她太过担心了,其实我并不想获得太多的帮助。
  • 缇坦妮雅: 我使用的魔法很难一一进行控制。稍微不注意的话,你可能就会被卷入毒孢子或者藤蔓的攻击中了。
  • 诺亚: ……我明白你的意思了。如果我的同行反而会妨碍你的话,那就另当别论了。
  • 缇坦妮雅: 谢谢你的礼节,那就这样吧。
  • 武器: ……真奇怪,一般这种时候一起行动会不那么危险吧?
  • 诺亚: ……
  • 武器: 嘛,不过我不是很了解这里,所以也不太确定。
  • 诺亚: ……
  • 武器: 但不管怎么说也是和自己的妹妹年纪相仿的孩子啊,仅仅是因为看起来会打架,就这样放走了么?还真是麻木啊。
  • 诺亚: ……
  • 武器: 哼~
  • 武器: 啊?怎么又绕回来了?
  • 诺亚: 嗯?
  • 诺亚: ……没有人啊……
  • 诺亚: 呃,哎呀……
  • 武器: 你……!你!你能听得到我说话!对吧!
  • 诺亚: 上当了啊……独自行动反而放松了警惕……
  • 武器: 什么啊!为什么没有反应呢》!明明一直都听得到我说话啊!
  • 诺亚: 当然是因为太可疑了……
  • 武器: 我才不是奇怪的人!
  • 诺亚: 不是‘人’,而是‘武器’吧。
  • 武器: 虽然现在是这样,但原本可是人啊!
  • 武器: 听好了小鬼。我叫克拉摩尔,是七塔的学者。因为受到坏家伙的袭击,所以现在被困在武器里了。
  • 武器: 所以说,我才不是什么奇怪的人!
  • 诺亚: 那……
  • 克拉摩尔: 当然也不是去怪的武器!
  • 诺亚: 啊对……
  • 克拉摩尔: 真是的,既然觉得我可疑,干嘛还一直随身携带啊?你也真是个怪人。
  • 诺亚: 毕竟迄今为止也没发生过什么事,虽然现在稍微变得有点麻烦就是了。
  • 克拉摩尔: 那你之后可以回应我吗?
  • 诺亚: 我听说邪恶的自我武器会迷惑使用者,让他逐渐堕落,所以不能随意回应。
  • 克拉摩尔: ……臭小鬼,那叫魔剑好吗?魔剑可不是你这种小鬼能发现的,就算发现了你也举不起来。
  • 克拉摩尔: 又不是小孩子的玩具,站在魔剑的立场上好好想想好吗?比起迷惑你这样的小鬼~还不如做点别的大事。
  • 克拉摩尔: 要做就做大一点啊!比如说附着在一些无情的家伙身上……
  • (砰!)
  • 克拉摩尔: 诶!干嘛把我扔了!
  • 诺亚: 你话好多啊,我还是找找别的武器好了。
  • 克拉摩尔: 不是,你等等,真是个急性子的小鬼!你把我扔了的话,你要怎么越过山丘啊?不带武器,就仅凭你的赤手空拳吗!
  • 诺亚: 遗迹里除了你之外还有很多其他的武器,至少它们会比你安静一些吧。
  • 克拉摩尔: 不不等等,先别急……
  • 诺亚: 为什么我非得带着你不可呢?
  • 克拉摩尔: 那个……那个……嗯……
  • 诺亚: 好麻烦啊,还是就这样吧。
  • 克拉摩尔: 知道了,知道了!那我就如你所愿,安静一会吧!
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 154,800 Intermediate Hauberk Weapon Cube x1
EXP 43,876
AP 0
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 完成‘七塔的学者’史诗任务


  • 多露朗: 比~!
  • 诺亚: 呼,现在大概到半山腰了吧?
  • 克拉摩尔: 呃……好了吗?结束了吗?
  • 诺亚: 嗯……真是的,明明和怪物战斗的是我啊,你有什么好累的。
  • 克拉摩尔: 你还会累啊!在我生活过的地方,从来没有发生过与怪物战斗的事情。
  • 诺亚: 也是……毕竟艾丽阿诺德有警备队,一般的怪物可是进不来的。
  • 克拉摩尔: 对,所以我对怪物非常陌生,特别是从武器的视角来看,离怪物也太近了……小鬼,你没事吧?
  • 诺亚: 嘛……我习惯了。
  • 克拉摩尔: 啊哈……
  • 克拉摩尔: 不过,我可以问你一些简单的问题吗?因为我都不知道现在怎么样了,还挺不安的。
  • 诺亚: ……什么啊?如果不是什么麻烦的问题的话,我会回答你的。
  • 克拉摩尔: 现在是王国历多少年了?
  • 诺亚: ……你不是说你会安静的吗?
  • 克拉摩尔: 第一个问题就是麻烦的问题吗!就直说你知道的好了。反正爬山的过程中也没什么事情嘛?
  • 克拉摩尔: 既然已经爬到半山腰了,再下山去找新武器也挺麻烦的~不如好好接受有了个可以说话的人的现实吧。
  • 诺亚: 从一开始就打定主意到半山腰钱先好好待着吗……
  • 克拉摩尔: 你爬山的时候还能动动手动动脚的,而我除了对你嘀嘀咕咕,什么也做不了。
  • 克拉摩尔: 所以耍耍嘴皮子也没什么问题吧?虽然我现在没有嘴就是了。
  • 诺亚: 哈……要从很久远的过去说起了……
  • 克拉摩尔: 所以说……总的来说,原本稳定的艾尔因暴走而变得不稳定,最终发生了爆炸……
  • 克拉摩尔: 在那次爆炸中,伊莲娜王国也随之灭亡。现在已经是个古代王国了……
  • 克拉摩尔: 最近有些英雄们拯救了艾尔,被封印的艾丽阿诺德也随之苏醒……大概是这样的故事吧?
  • 克拉摩尔: 那么……粗略来算的话,我变成这样已经有千年的时间了吗?!
  • 诺亚: 千年?比想象中还要古老嘛?
  • 克拉摩尔: 啊……如果是过去了那么长的时间的话……艾丽阿诺德的七塔可能也已经消失很久了……
  • 克拉摩尔: 当我听说兰德尔家族在四处流浪的时候就猜到了几分……如今七塔的名声也随着伊莲娜王国,成为了遥远的过去了吗。
  • 诺亚: 或许吧,听说艾尔女神与领导者的存在都已经是一种传说了。
  • 克拉摩尔: ……毕竟随着岁月的流逝,这也并不奇怪。看来你还是相信我说的话的。
  • 诺亚: ……
  • 克拉摩尔: 嘶……怎么办呢?既然如此,想想该怎么过上千年之后的新生活吗……
  • 克拉摩尔: 如果有可以自由行动的肉体的话,我就可以知道那些家伙们在研究中做了什么了。
  • 诺亚: 家伙们?指的是把你变成武器的人吗?
  • 克拉摩尔: 嗯,就当做是这样吧。详细的事情太过黑暗沉重了,不是你这样的小鬼能知道的。
  • 诺亚: 新武器打造成什么样的设计比较好呢?听说附近的拉诺斯村庄有个手艺不错的矮人铁匠铺。
  • 克拉摩尔: 等等!因为你是我的搭档,所以破例告诉你好了。
  • 诺亚: 我什么时候变成你的搭档了。
  • 克拉摩尔: 嗯……我看看,该怎么解释呢……
  • 克拉摩尔: 我是一名七塔的学者。为了尽可能地减少魔力的损失,制作出了半永动型魔导具。
  • 克拉摩尔: 有一天,我收到了某些狂信徒集团的委托制作魔导具的设计图。但那是那些家伙们明面上的把戏……
  • 克拉摩尔: 在后脑勺被‘哐’的一下之后!我就变成了这个样子。明白了吗?所以我得找到教团,这样才能恢复我的身体。
  • 诺亚: 狂信徒?教团?难道是说赫尼尔教团吗?
  • 克拉摩尔: 什么?你怎么知道?
  • 克拉摩尔: 难道……一千年之后,赫尼尔教团还依旧健在吗?
  • 诺亚: 还健在……虽然这个时代的人几乎都不知道有这种教团的存在。
  • 诺亚: 但我还是知道。在与艾尔一同摧毁了半个世界之后,那些家伙还在谋划着什么……
  • 诺亚: 我也在追踪着教团。
  • 克拉摩尔: ……教团到底对你做了什么啊?
  • 诺亚: ……
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 256,800 [Cobo] Pet: Wild Pocket Phoru x1
EXP 43,867
AP 0
任务需求 任务 描述
  • 完成‘千年以前的灵魂’史诗任务


  • 诺亚: 那些从觊觎巨大艾尔的家伙手里守护艾尔与艾尔女神的祭司,他们被称作领导者。
  • 诺亚: 我有一个即将巨型领导者即位仪式的……哥哥。
  • 克拉摩尔: ……
  • 诺亚: 但在即位仪式的前一天,哥哥被教团信徒杀害了。那家伙假扮成哥哥的样子,欺骗了大家。
  • 诺亚: 利用那种卑鄙、令人咬牙切齿的欺诈行为,让冒牌货登上了领导者的宝座。哪怕是成为了月亮领导者之后,这个阴谋也并没有被拆穿。
  • 诺亚: ……这就导致了艾尔大爆炸。
  • 克拉摩尔: 兰德尔小鬼说的就是这个啊,原来如此……
  • 诺亚: 一开始先是像台风一样的狂风,然后遇水亲盆儿戏啊,仿佛就像是天空破了个洞似的。就这样反复地骤然变化。
  • 诺亚: 因为我后来被封印了,所以实际情况不太清楚。那场灾祸经过了几个月后,大陆分裂成了两个。
  • 诺亚: 或许你记忆中的大陆的样子和现在截然不同。
  • 克拉摩尔: 那么大的灾祸……降临在艾里奥斯吗?
  • 诺亚: 这就是教团的‘丰功伟绩’。
  • 克拉摩尔: 真是难以置信,赫尼尔教团……虽然知道他们的精神不太正常,但怎么可以做出这种事情……
  • 克拉摩尔: ……你当时为什么要待在家里啊?灾祸到来的时候,周围都没有人能守护你。
  • 诺亚: 那天是举行共存的清点的日子,大家都在艾尔之塔上,除了因为教团的实验而身体虚弱的我……
  • 诺亚: ……不,这可不是能说的话……就当做你没听见吧。
  • 克拉摩尔: ……对不起,我问了不该问的问题。
  • 诺亚: 因为各种机缘巧合,我不但没死,还活了下来。如果当时我去了艾尔之塔的话,肯定会被爆炸卷走的。这奴知道是运气好还是运气不好……
  • 诺亚: 现在只有我还记得当时的事情。所以……我要复仇。
  • 克拉摩尔: Mm, revenge...? I agree they are despicable. A devil in disguise...! The Goddess will surely show her wrath!
  • 克拉摩尔: That works out for me as well. Let's find this flower and go look for the Order right away!
  • 诺亚: Alright. That's the reason I woke up, after all.
  • 诺亚: I'm glad you and I share the same goal. Once we find the Moonflower, lead me to the Order's headquarters.
  • 克拉摩尔: ...... Um.
  • 诺亚: Hm?
  • 克拉摩尔: Errr?
  • 诺亚: Eh?
  • 克拉摩尔: You don't... know? Where they are located?
  • 诺亚: The location I know... is not available now. You must know a place. I thought we could try there.
  • 克拉摩尔: Um... I don't. Actually. Know a place, that is. I told you, I'm from a thousand years ago, and I just woke up.
  • 克拉摩尔: I suppose their old place is somewhere in Elrianode, but since Elrianode was sealed for a long time...
  • 克拉摩尔: Their new headquarters obviously exists somewhere else. And how should I know where that is?
  • 诺亚: Sigh... You seemed to know what you were talking about...
  • 克拉摩尔: Hey! That's because... you said you were chasing the Order! I just naturally assumed you'd know!
  • 克拉摩尔: Wait, didn't you also gain consciousness around the same time I did? How did you know so much about this time period?
  • 诺亚: I... never mind that!
  • 诺亚: Sigh... I thought something would change, but if this goes on, nothing will...
  • 诺亚: Am I not able to change anything on my own...?
  • 克拉摩尔: Hm... Hey, kid? It seems the Order from my time, and the Order from your time, are actually the same despite how much time has passed.
  • 克拉摩尔: Even the one that exists now. That's why you're still chasing them, right? Because you think they're the same group.
  • 诺亚: .......
  • 克拉摩尔: I'm trying to say that it's not too late. Even though their whereabouts are still unknown, you have me now.
  • 克拉摩尔: I may be useless now, but I might remember something useful along the way.
  • 克拉摩尔: Now that there's two of us, we should be two times more effective than before!
  • 诺亚: ... It's not that simple, is it?
  • 诺亚: But... You're right. Whether or not there's enough evidence to go by, this is still something I must do.
  • 克拉摩尔: Mmhm. Not that I have a choice in the matter, since I'm stuck with you, kid.
  • 诺亚: I can leave you here if you have a problem with that.
  • 克拉摩尔: ...Let's go, partner! To defeat Henir's Order!
  • 诺亚: Sigh...
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 374,100 Intermediate Leather Weapon Cube x1
EXP 43,867
AP 0
Hurried Steps
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Same Goal story quest

After meeting with Titania again, Noah hands over the flowers he collected. Titania's polite, yet cool behavior doesn't stir anything as Noah decides to move along.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • 诺亚: It was surprisingly easy to find these flowers. This should be enough, right?
  • 克拉摩尔: I think so, Kid. Considering how many people were at the camp, this should be enough when Titania brings her share.
  • 诺亚: ... My name is Noah.
  • 克拉摩尔: Yes? And I'm Clamor.
  • 诺亚: ... I'm not asking for an introduction. I mean, why are you calling me, kid?
  • 诺亚: I'm not a kid.
  • 克拉摩尔: The young are the only ones who don't want to look young.
  • 诺亚: ... You're not going to stop calling me kid.
  • 克拉摩尔: Oh, I see Titania coming this way. Is she alright? It looks like she's injured.
  • 缇坦妮雅: Finally. I was looking for you.
  • 诺亚: What happened? Your leg...
  • 缇坦妮雅: Oh... I made a wrong turn earlier. They struggled harder than I expected. I took care of it.
  • 缇坦妮雅: Now, please give me the flowers.
  • 诺亚: But you're injured... wouldn't it be better if I...
  • 缇坦妮雅: Oh, it's just a stain. I'm not injured. Don't worry about it.
  • 诺亚: .......
  • 诺亚: If you say so... Here you go.
  • 缇坦妮雅: Thank you so much. I wish I could reward you in some way... But as you know, I have patients to take care of.
  • 诺亚: It's fine, I don't want to be a bother.
  • 缇坦妮雅: You're leaving? Do you know where you're headed?
  • 诺亚: ... No, not yet.
  • 缇坦妮雅: I see. It was nice meeting you. I won't forget your assistance today. Goodbye.
  • 诺亚: .......
  • 克拉摩尔: ...Huh. Something seems odd about that one. Maybe we should follow her?
  • 诺亚: No. I doubt she'd want us to anyway.
  • 克拉摩尔: But we didn't say goodbye to that girl, Yuria. She might feel disappointed that you left so suddenly.
  • 诺亚: She has something more important to take care of. Her family is sick... And I don't like being around people anyway.
  • 克拉摩尔: For a kid, you sure sound like an old man sometimes. Don't you want to help them?
  • 诺亚: ... Let's go. We have no time to waste.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • 克拉摩尔: Kid.
  • 诺亚: Pant... pant... pant...
  • 克拉摩尔: Hey, you stubborn old kid. I'm not going to go away just because you pretend to not hear me.
  • 诺亚: ... Shut up...
  • 克拉摩尔: You've been walking without rest for a while now. I don't think you're built for this kind of exercise anyway. Why are you in such a hurry?
  • 克拉摩尔: I guess that doesn't matter. You should really take a rest. You're going to collapse at this rate.
  • 诺亚: I should be... fine. This is nothing new... And we will be late if we don't move now.
  • 克拉摩尔: Nothing new...? Never mind that. You really need to take a break. Your walk is becoming steadily more unstable.
  • 克拉摩尔: I told you we should have visited the camp!
  • 诺亚: And I'm telling you, I'm fine! Who are you to tell me I'm not!
  • 克拉摩尔: It's obvious that you're not! You can't even grip the handle properly anymore. Just find a shade and take a breather, won't you?!
  • 克拉摩尔: If you don't, I'm just going to keep talking. Unlike you, I can't get tired because I don't actually have a mouth!
  • 诺亚: Why did I decide to remove the seal for this...
  • 克拉摩尔: Your eyes start drooping... you feel more and more relaxed as you hear the rustling leaves... The tree calls to you, inviting you under its shade...
  • 诺亚: You always do whatever you want. Are you sure you're not a demonic weapon?
  • 克拉摩尔: Yes, I'm so wonderfully evil, that I care about your health and well-being. Where would you find such a fantastical weapon?
  • 诺亚: ...How are you so calm? Didn't you wake up into an unfamiliar world as well? Everyone you knew is gone.
  • 诺亚: Aren't you worried? Scared? Nervous?
  • 克拉摩尔: .......
  • 克拉摩尔: ... Of course. I'm only mortal. I'm worried... nervous too. I can't help but think, why me? I also have a lot of regrets.
  • 克拉摩尔: If only I could go back in time, I would make a different decision. I get that.
  • 克拉摩尔: But you can't stay worried all the time. That's depressing, and keeps you on edge far too long.
  • 克拉摩尔: Everything bad seems like it's your fault, and any positive feedback just sounds like empty compliments.
  • 诺亚: .......
  • 克拉摩尔: From my experience, it's best to focus on something else when you feel like this. And for me, that's learning about this brand new world I've woken up to.
  • 克拉摩尔: I'm sorry if I bothered you with my enthusiasm. But, you know what they say, if you can't avoid it, enjoy it, right?
  • 克拉摩尔: I thought, rather than focusing on being lost in an unknown world, I should be excited about the second chance at life I've obtained
  • 诺亚: ... I wasn't bothered.
  • 克拉摩尔: That's good. Anyway, I'm surprised to find you're so insecure! I was having fun teasing you, because you were acting all stuck-up.
  • 诺亚: I did not!
  • 克拉摩尔: Mm hm. If you say so. You can cry in my arms if it gets too overwhelming. I understand.
  • (CLANG)
  • 诺亚: I'm going somewhere quiet where I can rest alone.
  • 克拉摩尔: Hey, wait a minute.
  • 克拉摩尔: Heeeey! Take me with you! What am I supposed to do if you leave me by myself!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 51,959 Intermediate Shining Weapon Cube x1 N/A
ED 505,500 Intermediate Shining Armor Cube x1 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Familiar Dream
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Hurried Steps story quest

Exhausted after being on the move, Noah dreams about Harque when he falls asleep. It's a dream he had several times already.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Harque: Noah. Noah?
  • Harque: You were sweating a lot as you were sleeping. I'm sorry, did you wait? My lessons ended late. I should have told you...
  • Young 诺亚: I'm ok... I didn't wait that long.
  • Harque: You're not upset I'm late...? I'm sorry. I'll make sure to be on time next time.
  • Young 诺亚: No! I was just... sad. You're always late because of your training. I know there's no helping it...
  • Young 诺亚: Why didn't the Goddess fix the El completely? If she's omnipotent, why does she make it so that we need the El Lady and the El Masters?
  • Harque: ...I believe it's because the Goddess wishes us, humans, to make a better world for ourselves.
  • Harque: The Primal El led to envy, dispute, and divide. However... now that the El is unstable, everyone is finally helping each other, making up for each other's weaknesses.
  • Harque: In order to have the will to create a better world than the complete world we were given.
  • Young 诺亚: ...I don't think I have that kind of will...
  • Harque: Huhu, what are you saying? You waited this long to wait for me, didn't you?
  • Young 诺亚: This is nothing. It's nothing special!
  • Harque: But I'm happy you waited for me, Noah. You don't need special qualifications to lend someone a hand.
  • Harque: You just need the desire to help. Anyone can do it. Even you, Noah.
  • Young 诺亚: ... Ok.
  • Young 诺亚: ... It's ok even if you're late Harque. I can wait for you.
  • Harque: Huhu, thank you. But I won't be going back. You forgot that I died.
  • Young 诺亚: ... Harque... Harque?
  • Harque: You didn't remember the real me.
  • Young 诺亚: No... No! I did not forget. It wasn't like that... Don't go! You can't go!
  • 克拉摩尔: ...ah, ...Noah!
  • 克拉摩尔: Noah? Wake up!
  • 诺亚: ... Harque... Mmm...
  • 克拉摩尔: Are you awake? I was going to let you sleep in, but you seemed to be having a nightmare.
  • 诺亚: Yeah... It's been a while since...
  • 诺亚: Wait a second, how are you right next to me? I thought I left you over there!
  • 克拉摩尔: Ha! I moved here all by myself!
  • 诺亚: You can move on your own? Then why didn't you, all this time?
  • 克拉摩尔: It's not that I didn't, rather I couldn't. I think the problem was that I was trying to move a human body, when I should have tried moving as an artifact.
  • 克拉摩尔: When I tried different methods, I was able to move, albeit just a little. I really can't move much, since I am a weapon, mind you.
  • 克拉摩尔: But! At least you can't threaten to throw me away or leave me behind!
  • 克拉摩尔: You're stuck with me until I get my body back.
  • 诺亚: So now you're even more annoying than before...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Magic Stone x10 N/A
ED 0 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x10 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Each Other's Story
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Familiar Dream story quest

Noah and Clamor share what they were wondering about each other's story.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • 诺亚: Come to think of it, didn't you say the Order requested you create an artifact? What did they want you to create?
  • 克拉摩尔: Artificial spirits. More precisely, a blueprint to create an incubator to allow creation of multipurpose artificial spirits. I know, it's a mouthful.
  • 克拉摩尔: Artificial spirits are, at the core, aggregation of magic. They cannot maintain the shape on their own, so they end up scattering. So, you give them a capsule as a 'body'.
  • 克拉摩尔: If you connect that to a device and give orders, they can move on their own. It's mindless, repetitive work, but the device was created to help out where it's tricky or even dangerous for humans to implement.
  • 克拉摩尔: It's like me, actually. An artifact that can be used semi-permanently. Kind of ironic that I'm stuck in a capsule made for an artificial spirit.
  • 诺亚: It sounds like a tool that exploits spirits.
  • 克拉摩尔: It's really not. Artificial spirits are not actually living beings. For example, you may consider fire spirits as a living being, but not fire itself.
  • 克拉摩尔: Artificial spirit is just a name to help an average person understand better. It's actually closer to elemental magic with the addition of implementing spirits' behavioral patterns.
  • 诺亚: I still don't understand. How does this all work?
  • 克拉摩尔: Mm... In one of my earlier successes... There was an auto-sweeping broom using the artificial spirit of wind.
  • 诺亚: ... It's rather plain, considering the grandiose theory behind it. What about others?
  • 克拉摩尔: A lamp that lights itself when someone approaches.
  • 诺亚: Do your own chores!
  • 克拉摩尔: Sigh... The three greatest innovation in technology is lightness, diversity, and high-performance. Of course YOU wouldn't understand, kid.
  • 诺亚: You just made it because you're too lazy to do them yourself. I bet the floor was the only thing clean in your house.
  • 克拉摩尔: You say it as if you're seen it yourself... You're right. A task of cleaning or turning on the lights is nothing special for an average individual.
  • 克拉摩尔: But what if you're missing an arm or a leg? Those ordinary chores would become exponentially more difficult.
  • 克拉摩尔: Even those without disabilities would find these tasks hard to accomplish if you are very young, or very old. I bet you couldn't do certain things when you were younger and shorter, hm?
  • 诺亚: Well... Yes...
  • 克拉摩尔: When I was younger, there was a fire every two months or so. It usually started because someone made a mistake when lighting a lamp.
  • 克拉摩尔: Those mistakes were often made by those who were old with shaking arms, or children who had a hard time reaching the lamps.
  • 克拉摩尔: So I thought, if there are so many accidents that happen, trying to light a lamp, why not remove the process completely and let magic handle it?
  • 诺亚: ...I never thought of it like that... To fix things that way.
  • 克拉摩尔: Of course, these tasks are easy with magic or servants, but not everyone is blessed like that.
  • 克拉摩尔: Everyone selects tools according to their needs. The wider the selection of tools, the more convenience there is for the people.
  • 克拉摩尔: As a magitech scholar, it is my job to solve even the most trivial problems. Well, at least, that's one aspect of it. Do you get it now?
  • 诺亚: ... I heard something similar. That the Goddess gave us the will to cover each other's weaknesses in order to create a complete world.
  • 诺亚: What you made, it somehow reminded me of it. It may have nothing to do with each other but...
  • 克拉摩尔: You're right. Covering flaws and enhancing strengths is the foundation in the field of magitech.
  • 克拉摩尔: It's really a perfect way to describe it. Who told you?
  • 诺亚: ...Someone I respect the most.
  • 克拉摩尔: How about you respect me for inventing devices that help many people?
  • 诺亚: ... Why did the Order need a device like that? Surely, they weren't thinking about the betterment of humanity.
  • 克拉摩尔: Changing the topic, I see? I'm so proud of you. You're taking to my lessons like a duck to water.
  • 诺亚: You're ridiculous.
  • 克拉摩尔: Mm, well... The Order said they were going to use the invention for good. On the surface.
  • 诺亚: On the surface...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • 克拉摩尔: So, tell me... about Harque.
  • 诺亚: ...Why do you ask?
  • 克拉摩尔: Just curious. I swear it's not because a kid was desperately crying out his name.
  • 诺亚: Ugh... You can just say you've heard me.
  • 克拉摩尔: You said Harque was the candidate for the Moon Master, right? Do El Masters usually come from the same family?
  • 诺亚: Not always. A family that produces the El Master gains great influence, so other families are also desperate to train their own candidates.
  • 诺亚: But, abilities are, in large part, inherited. And families that already produced El Masters have the know-how, so certain families often end up producing multiple El Masters.
  • 克拉摩尔: Great influence to the family with the El Master? I can only imagine how desperate people became to have El Masters appointed from their own families with a system like that.
  • 诺亚: ...I heard the appointments were not always made... justly.
  • 诺亚: But... Harque was different. He was aware of his own limits, but trained harder than anyone, researching endlessly to overcome his weakness.
  • 诺亚: The Moon Master needs to use both the power of the Moon, and the power of Darkness. For someone like Harque... who had a low tolerance to the dark element, it wasn't an easy challenge.
  • 诺亚: But he went through excruciating hardship to train, and passed the trials to become the next Moon Master. There was no one like him before.
  • 克拉摩尔: .......
  • 诺亚: If it weren't for the Order... If the Order did not take away his life and opportunity, he would have been the greatest Master there ever was. He was... someone like that.
  • 克拉摩尔: He was a hard worker. He sounds amazing.
  • 诺亚: Yeah. And... he was a great brother.
  • 诺亚: He told me to help others. He believed that I could.
  • 诺亚: ... I don't think I could have been the kind of person to meet his expectations, even without the Order ruining my life.
  • 克拉摩尔: Why do you think that?
  • 诺亚: I'm not a hard worker like Harque, nor was I born with the abilities. There's a limit to what I can do, no matter how hard I try.
  • 诺亚: I wanted to be someone who could support him by his side... But even that is a dream that can no longer be achieved.
  • 诺亚: I was lucky I could help Yuria this time. Even that was a failure when I did it the first time...
  • 克拉摩尔: First time? Failure?
  • 诺亚: ...Never mind, I was thinking about something else.
  • 克拉摩尔: Hm... Alright. To me, it sounds like you're demeaning yourself.
  • 克拉摩尔: You're thinking too much. What you did, was a great help to those at the camp. Have some confidence!
  • 诺亚: It's just a few flowers...
  • 克拉摩尔: It may not have been a big deal for you, but it was just what they needed. That's all there is to it.
  • 诺亚: ... That was enough rest. Let's go.
  • 克拉摩尔: I'll let you go this time, kid. Since you're so embarrassed.
  • 诺亚: I'm telling you... I'm not a kid.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 51,959 Magic Stone x10 N/A
ED 649,800 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Second Life
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Each Other's Story story quest

A question that has risen from Noah's words and behavior. When Clamor finally asks the question, Noah relays what has happened to him.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • 克拉摩尔: .......
  • 诺亚: We're almost there.
  • 克拉摩尔: .......
  • 诺亚: ... Hey?
  • 克拉摩尔: .......
  • 诺亚: Cla... Clamor! Say something!
  • 克拉摩尔: ...Mm?
  • 克拉摩尔: Wha? I must have fallen asleep.
  • 诺亚: You scared me!
  • 克拉摩尔: You're telling me. I didn't think I'd need to sleep in this body.
  • 克拉摩尔: Actually. it was as if I was slowly losing consciousness. I thought I was dying again.
  • 诺亚: Don't say something like that. I was wondering why you were so quiet...
  • 克拉摩尔: Anyway, where are we? Why are we here?
  • 诺亚: Somewhere a so-called scholar like you, can make use of your knowledge.
  • 诺亚: It's swarming with monsters unlike last time, so I don't think anyone's been here yet. Maybe we can find something.
  • 克拉摩尔: .......
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png Guard: CLICK, CLACK...
  • 克拉摩尔: A golem? Something special hiding in this place?
  • 诺亚: It's a sentry guarding the manor that is now in ruins.
  • 克拉摩尔: I was thinking... Kid, how do you know all this? You're acting like you've experienced this before.
  • 诺亚: ... You're not wrong. I know because I've done it before.
  • 诺亚: Last time I didn't find anything because it was after someone else already stopped by.
  • 克拉摩尔: What... Didn't you wake up around the same time as I did?
  • 诺亚: .......
  • 诺亚: When I woke up in the temple for the first time, I missed every opportunity because everything was unfamiliar and terrifying. I couldn't save Yuria, nor the camp... and I didn't meet you.
  • 诺亚: I wandered for a long time without any information, until one day when I thought I should investigate this place. But when I came, it was too late, and I couldn't find anything.
  • 诺亚: I think this time, I was able to meet you and Yuria because I didn't miss the opportunity. So maybe I can learn more from this place as well.
  • 克拉摩尔: Are you... saying you've experienced all this before? You're living the same timeline twice?
  • 诺亚: It's fine if you don't believe me. I don't understand what's going on either. Maybe I lost my mind.
  • 诺亚: One thing's for certain... 'This' time is not the same as 'last' time.
  • 诺亚: Just like how I've saved Yuria by facing the monsters without hesitating... I might arrive at a better outcome sooner.
  • 克拉摩尔: .......
  • 诺亚: As I said, you don't have to believe me. If you don't, I'd rather you don't force yourself.
  • 克拉摩尔: ... Suppose what you say is true. How did it end the first time?
  • 诺亚: ...... I managed to take revenge, technically.
  • 克拉摩尔:' Technically' you say.......
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • 诺亚: What happened to the sentry?
  • 克拉摩尔: It stopped operating. Good job. You seemed to have more trouble than you did with the monsters... Are you alright?
  • 诺亚: Yeah. Last time, it was already dealt with, by someone else. I was able to predict how the monsters would fight because I encountered them before.
  • 诺亚: This is the manor. The door was open last time, but it's closed this time.
  • 诺亚: ...... Ugh, it won't budge like it's stuck. How did the person before me open it?
  • 克拉摩尔: ...Kid? Can you check the floor in front of the door for me? I see something, but it's covered with moss.
  • 诺亚: Hold on...
  • 诺亚: ... How's this? This symbol... I saw similar symbols in the manor. Is this an ancient scripture?
  • 克拉摩尔: Lift me up so I can take a look. Hm...
  • 克拉摩尔: It's sealed using magic. Someone was trying to stop whatever it is inside from getting out.
  • 克拉摩尔: It won't be easy to open without the necessary password whether you're inside or out.
  • 诺亚: But someone definitely managed to get in last time.
  • 克拉摩尔: You said the door was open, right? Then... It's probably not through using the password like they were supposed to.
  • (...... ......CLAK!)
  • 诺亚: How did you do that?
  • 克拉摩尔: The spell was loosened. It was old, and something disturbed it, so it was easier to break it, than trying to solve it.
  • 克拉摩尔: But I broke the spell, so the door won't function properly anymore. Good thing we defeated all those monsters on the way.
  • 诺亚: Is it supposed to be that easy?
  • 克拉摩尔: How about a thank you for this genius magician?
  • 诺亚: ... Come to think of it, Yuria said strange things happened to the ruins when the Large El was restored. Is that when this spell was disturbed as well?
  • 克拉摩尔: Hello? A simple thank you would suffice??
  • 诺亚: Let's go inside. I hope we manage to find something useful this time.
  • 克拉摩尔: Sigh, I should have known not to ask for simple courtesy with this kid.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 51,959 Intermediate Combat Weapon Cube x1 N/A
ED 804,900 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

  • 地区1~6
  • 地区7~12
  • 地区13~18
  • 地区19
  • 娜薇
  • 诺亚
  • 其他