Hello NEXON users,
Since the regulation on using resident registration numbers (KSSN) has been taking effect since August 18th, we are giving you a notice about ‘Regulation on collecting and using resident registration numbers’ in advance.
According to this regulation, resident registration numbers now cannot be used or collected except for the following cases:
- If it is a listed identification institution.
- When it is permitted by legislation.
- When it is unavoidable to provide a network service without collecting or using it and when it is officially notified by the KCC (Korea Communications Commission).
With this, for 6 months of guidance period, under a procedure that identification is compelled, NEXON KOREA will regulate using and collecting resident registration numbers and we will do our best to provide another safe way to identify by using I-PIN (Internet Personal Identification Number).
When collecting resident registration number ceases, you can no longer identify yourself with it. So we urge you to take notice of this notification so that you will not have any problems using our services.
Thank you.
Source: http://elsword.nexon.com/news/notice/view.aspx?NoticeArticleSN=89790