What are Boss Drops?

Boss drops, as obvious as it is, are drops that drop from specific bosses. Some people are lucky and may find these highly sought untradables within a single digit number of runs. On the other hand, some people aren't lucky and farm the same dungeon for over a week before actually finding it.

You can tell an item's rarity by their name color.
White: Normal
Yellow: Rare
Violet: Elite
Beige: Unique

Here are some tips on farming these accessories and special equipment:

  • It has been confirmed that Fever increases the drop rate of items.
  • This one is another myth but on Minibosses, if you kill the other mobs before it, chances of the boss drop to drop becomes greater. This has worked a lot, but it can still drop without killing all the other mobs. (This is myth is only on the Minibosses, not with Main bosses.)
  • Lastly, keep in mind that item drops are extremely rare, and not all of us can get that special weapon within a day. Keep your spirits up and keep hunting.
  • Interestingly enough, it is possible for a boss item to drop twice in the same run, though needless to say, this happens very rarely.

Characteristics of a Boss Drop:

  • Boss drops are always untradable. (You can tell if an item is untradable if you see red letters underneath the item's stats and price.)
  • You can make them tradable by buying that purple footprint stamp from the Cash Shop for 1.9k won NX each. You can only ever use 5 stamps on one item.
  • It should be noted that in some versions of Elsword, the Boss Drops come presealed when obtained.
    • After the Equipment Revamp, the equipment, when obtained, will come sealed and unidentified stat.
  • Like any sealable item that is not tied to an ID, you can freely transfer Boss Drops between characters via the bank. However, 1 seal count will be consumed.
  • They are always of Elite rarity.
  • Every dungeon has one of these special drops, some more than others.
  • There are some special boss drops that can be worn by all characters (*Common Class), or have a specific version with different attack/defense for each character (**X Class).
  • Difficulty of the dungeon does not matter unless stated (the difficulty stating is due to minibosses appearing only on higher difficulties).
    • ?-?a. Any difficulty/Top path.
    • ?-?b. Hard difficulty or higher/Bottom path.
    • ?-?c. Very Hard difficulty/Bottom path.

List of Boss Drops


Calabouço Imagem Nome Personagem Stats

Colar de Bender


Defesa Física/Mágica +20

Chance de Crítico +1%


Dente de Cachorro de Aço

Acessório de Rosto (Baixo):

Defesa Física/Mágica +30

Máximo HP +1%

Derrubado por : Poporu Gigante (Invocado pelo Bender)


Boneco de Poporu

Arma de lv8:

Ataque Físico +1237

Ataque Mágico +1093

Chance de Crítico +60

Velocidade de Ataque +60

Derrubado por : Poporu Gigante (Invocado pelo Bender)


William's Leather Suspenders

Parte de Cima de lv6:

Defesa Física +71

Defesa Mágica +56

Esquiva +34

Velocidade de Ataque +17


Cauda de Macaco Rei

Acessório (Parte de Baixo):

Ataque Mágico/Físico +15

Velocidade de Movimento +4%

Derrubado pelo Mini Chefe "Macaco Rei"


Lâmina Antiga

Arma de lv8:

Ataque Físico +1237

Ataque Mágico +1093

Chance de Crítico +60

Velocidade de Ataque +60

Os artigos em azul escuro requerem tradução, pois ainda estão em inglês.