Counter Switch

From Elwiki
Attempt to counter the enemy's attack.
Reflects normal attacks and magical projectiles.
Dashes back if attacked with an attack that cannot be countered.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Give 30% Maximize upon successful counter for 3 seconds.


Class Level Required
Sakra Devanam 50

Skill Information

Mode Strike (Physical)  Self BuffCounterattack TimeSelf BuffCounterattack Time MP Usage Cooldown
Maximize Increase Duration
PvE 405% N/A 10 MP 2 Seconds
PvP 162%
PvE 405% 30% 3 Seconds 10 MP 2 Seconds
PvP 162%

Skill Traits

Reversed Counter SwitchHaste Counter Switch
Attribute EffectMP UsageCooldownAttribute EffectCooldown
MP Usage decreased to 0%
Cooldown increased to 200%
0 MP4 SecondsCooldown decreased to 50%1 Seconds

Tips and Details

  • Counter Switch can be used for Energy Conversion during any of your other skills, making it the cheapest and fastest option to do so.
  • Counter Switch is very similar to Elsword's Counter Attack, though you cannot extend it by holding the skill key. In return, you are able to block any attack, even ones you cannot counter, as long as they do not inflict Stun or similar conditions.
    • When close enough to an enemy upon reflecting a magical projectile like Aisha's fireballs, you will perform the normal melee counter attack as well.
    • Attacks that can neither be countered nor reflected, such as physical projectiles like Rose's bullets, will cause Ara to backflip away from the attack while in Super Armor.
    • Certain lingering attacks, like Veteran Commander's flame trails that stick around after some of his combos, are considered melee and will trigger the counter, though this will likely not hit the opponent.
  • Counter Switch will not activate on any attacks that hit you from behind.


  • The Chinese name of Counter Switch, 移花接木, is from a Chinese metaphor meaning to stealthily substitute one thing for another.


Date Changes
01/24/2013 12/18/2013
  • Counter Switch added.
11/07/2013 02/12/2014
  • SP requirement changed (Unlock 7 SP, Leveling 1 SP).
11/06/2014 04/29/2015
09/03/2015 02/17/2016
10/29/2015 03/16/2016
  • "Reversed" attribute enhanced.
  • Critical trait changed to Haste.
01/21/2016 -
  • Fixed issue where cannot counter Add's Z and X combo.
10/20/2016 -
  • Fixed issue where the skill didn't work when you or a party member is equipped with "Heroic - *** Pants", identified with "Party *** +*%".
01/25/2017 02/08/2017
  • Damage increased.
03/16/2017 -
04/27/2017 05/10/2017
  • Damage increased.
  • None
04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 이화접목 Breaking
South Korea (literal Chinese name) 移花接木 To stealthily substitute one thing for another
Japan 梨花接木 ??
China (Simplified Chinese) 移花接木 To stealthily substitute one thing for another
Germany Fließendes Wasser Flowing Water
Spain Agua fluyente Flowing Water
France Flux de l'eau Water Flow
Italy Acqua Corrente Flowing Water
Poland Rwąca Woda Teared Water
United Kingdom Flowing Water
Brazil Bloqueio Rápido Quick Guard