Coup de pied glissé : elle glisse en avant et utilise son couteau pour blesser les joueurs.
Pluie de flèches : elle prépare son arc et tire une salve de flèches vers le ciel, les flèches retombent sur les joueurs.
Focused Arrow: Quickly backlip backwards to gain distance between players. Concentrate a large amount of energy which manifest as a blackhole that sucks players in. Fire all that energy in a single shot, similar to the latter shots of Ace in the Hole. She will have Debuff Super Armor during the entirety of the attack.
Renfort : elle appelle du renfort et invoque d'autres Elfes noirs.
Note :
Le boss intermédiaire sera constamment en protection K.O. pendant toutes ses attaques.
Champignon rebondissant - Certains champignons luisants envoient les joueurs haut dans les airs.
Archers éloignés - Des Rôdeuses sentinelles seront alignées en arrière-plan prêtes à tirer des Pluies de flèches sur les joueurs.
Ravin - Being in the forest canopy, much the area below is an open space, falling down will result in a percent loss in HP.
Forginay (2x) - One of two large flowers located at the heart of the forest, its scent attracts its prey. Both flowers must be destroyed simultaneously or they will restore themselves back to half health.
Seed Spread: Fire seeds which will turn into smaller flowers scattered throughout the stage.
Venom Cloud: Seeds will expulse a toxin to poison players, dealing damage.
Nutrition: If a large number of seeds on a specific lane stay for a period of time, will regenerate a portion of its mother Forginay's HP.
Vine Whip: Whip its vines on both sides of itself.
Large Vine Whip: Whip with its larger vines on both sides of it. Slower but more powerful.
Root Bind: Drill its root into the ground on one side of it which will cause more roots to burst out of the ground, binding players.
Rage Mode: If the plant is allowed to be resurrected, it will come back larger and more powerful.
Couronne de fleurs démoniaqueCette couronne royale a été tressée avec de délicats sarments et des pétales de Forginay, la fleur démoniaque. Son parfum pur a un effet stimulant sur son porteur.