
From Elwiki
1-1 Arbre d'El

Les donjons sont au cœur d'Elsword. Les donjons se débloquent progressivement au fur et à mesure que vous montez en niveau, et ont un scénario associé lorsque vous les terminez. Les donjons peuvent être joués en solo ou avec un groupe de 4 joueurs (6 dans les raids) dans la plupart des cas.

Informations Basiques

Dungeon Selection Menu


Certains donjons ont plusieurs niveaux de difficulté. Par exemple, l'espace temps d'Henir est accessible en mode Normal ou Défi, tandis que Laboratoire des Debrians, Défense de la Tour d'Eldrit, Tour sanguinaire, Ténèbres éternelles, Caveau de la Flamme sanguinaire, Château funeste du Grand Spectre et Autel de la volonté sont accessibles en mode Normal et en mode Histoire. Tous les autres donjons n'ont pas de niveau de difficulté réglable.

Les donjons dont le niveau de difficulté est réglable présentent souvent des différences notables les uns par rapport aux autres. Les donjons avec une option Mode histoire verront leur difficulté et leurs conditions d'entrée considérablement réduites, et les limites de résurrection seront supprimées le cas échéant. Cependant, les titres et les accessoires légendaires ne peuvent être obtenus qu'en difficulté normale.


Tous les donjons possèdent un nombre requis de joueurs pour être joués.

Type De Donjon Donjons Nombre de joueurs requis
Normal Donjons Normaux 1 ~ 4
Corridor d'El 1
Ville d'Élyanod 1 ~ 3
Usine de ferrite désaffectée 3 ~ 4
Grotte du titan 3 ~ 6
Temple du serpent à deux têtes 1
Sanctuaire fantôme 1 ~ 2
Train de la capitale 4
Labyrinthe de Flégas 3 ~ 6
Métalcazar 3 ~ 6
Raid Tour sanguinaire 3 ~ 6
Ténèbres éternelles 3 ~ 6
Caveau de la Flamme sanguinaire 3 ~ 6
Château funeste du Grand Spectre 3 ~ 6
Autel de la volonté 3 ~ 6
Sunken Holy Ground/fr 3 ~ 4
Blooming Mineral Field/fr 3 ~ 4
Nightmare's Crib/fr 3 ~ 4
Birth of Origin/fr 3 ~ 4
Special Espace-temps d'Henir 1
Donjons Secrets 1 ~ 4
Donjons Héroiques 1 ~ 4
Siège d'Ereda 6
Thérorie De La Fusion d'Add 1
Salle Obscure 1
Seuil des Ténèbres 1 ~ 6
Espace-Temps Distordu - Sommet du mont Parman 3 ~ 6
Event Académie de Belder 1
Fête du sport de l'Académie de Belder 1
Concert de l'Académie de Belder 1
Pâtisserie 1
Concert d'inauguration d'ELSTAR 1
Séances d'autographes 1
CoursePpoursuite dans Elios 1 ~ 4
Défense dans la ville d'Elios 1
Guild Fantôme Famine 2 ~ 6
Moby bélier 2 ~ 6
Fléau Zombie 2 ~ 6

Party Matching System

Dungeons are best played with a party! While logged on to the game with your character, click the Dungeon button at the right side of the screen. This will open the dungeon selection interface which lets you choose a particular dungeon and its specifications, as well as initiate party matching.


The indicated number of players for a dungeon is the minimum number of players the party matching system requires before starting the dungeon instance.

Party's Leader

Party's leader is the person who can invite or expel players from the party. They are also the only eligible person to start a dungeon. By default, party's leader is the same person that the one initating the party. However they can decide to appoint leader to another person.

  • Note: this does not change the party's host. A host is the person who either initially made the party, or the one that displays as #1 in the Party List. Choosing the correct person to be the party's host is important in many dungeons, most notably raids, due to the connection being reliant on the host. Some skills and effects do not work properly sometimes if the user is not the host, for example Gemini. Should the host have long server response delay, it is recommended to remake the party, appointing the host to someone else. (KR: Party's Leader is also Party's Host)

Level Range

Your character must meet a dungeon's level requirements to enter through party matching. Being one level behind the minimum can be possible to access the dungeon with the item level being the only restriction.

Required Combat Power

Your Combat Power must reach 95% of the dungeon's combat power requirement in order to enter. The current highest Combat Power requirement needed to access all content in the game is 6,650,000.

Starting a Dungeon

Pressing Start Dungeon or the F8 key will launch the party matching system. The system will try to create a party with up to 4 members of different classes who selected the same difficulty level. You may also choose Start with current members to go immediately into a dungeon by yourself or with your current party members. Note that you will not receive Heroes Assemble Buff if you choose this option.

Quest Marker

In the maps showing dungeon locations, the Q icon will appear over dungeons where you may accomplish tasks in order to complete a quest in your list. Let Q drive your adventure!

Heroes Assemble Buff

When using the party matching system, you will received a buff based on the final number of players in the party when the dungeon begins. This buff is maintained if you select Retry at the end of the dungeon, so long as you're in a party of 2 or more. If you are soloing, the buff will not carry over when retrying, and you must queue again in order to regain the solo heroes buff.

Heroes Assemble
Buff Level Effect
Lv. 1
  • Physical/Magical Attack increases by 18%
  • Defense and HP increases by 18%
Lv. 2
  • Physical/Magical Attack increases by 53%
  • Defense and HP increases by 25%
Lv. 3
  • Physical/Magical Attack increases by 88%
  • Defense and HP increases by 32%
Lv. 4
  • Physical/Magical Attack increases by 123%
  • Defense and HP increases by 39%

Applied Buff Level

Party Player Count Dungeon Player Limit
2 Players
(Ex: Spirit Sanctum)
3 Players
(Ex: Elrianode City)
4+ Players
(Ex: El Tower Defense)
4+ - - Lv. 1
3 - Lv. 1 Lv. 2
2 Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3
1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4

Party List System

Main Article: Party List System

On certain dungeons in the dungeon select window, a Find Party button will appear next to the queue button, allowing you to directly search for parties for that dungeon. This system can also be accessed from the Community tab menu, or the Tiny Spirit NPC. Parties that remain inactive for 60 minutes will automatically be removed from the listing. The option only applies to all dungeons in the follow regions, as well as the following special dungeons.

Normal Dungeon Regions Special Dungeons

Finding a Party

To find an active party, simply select Find Party in the dungeon select screen, or navigate the party system menu and sort by region or dungeon in order to see active parties. Additionally, you may select 'Available Party' to see parties that are currently not at maximum capacity. Upon selecting a party from the listing, you are given a list of players that are currently in that party, as well as the option to view their equipment and stats. To join a party, click Apply while having it selected. Keep in mind that you may only join at the discretion of the party leader, as they can decline your application if they choose to do so.

Creating a Party

In order to create a party, you must select Create Party from the party interface. From there you can set a name for your party, which is commonly used as a description to display information about the party to give applicants a clear idea of the type of party you're looking to assemble. Players who apply will show up in the 'Applicants' window, which shows their class, name, combat power, progress (for raids), and stats. You can select O to accept their application, or X to decline. Once you are ready to play and have finished assembling your party, click 'Stop Recruiting' in order to start the dungeon.

Normal Dungeons

The most common type of dungeons, which are essential for completing story quests and most side quests. Their difficulty increases with each region and can vary from dungeon to dungeon.

Secret Dungeons

Main Article: Secret Dungeon

Secret Dungeons are a special type of dungeon based on 7 different regions of Elrios, and can be entered by using 1 Secret Dungeon Entry Permit. These dungeons offer special materials and quests to enable you to obtain Secret Dungeon Equipment. Players must be at least level 70 to enter. Secret Dungeons scale their difficulty based on the highest level player in a party.

Dungeon Name Dungeon Name
Wally's Underground Laboratory Dragon Nest: Abyss
Transporting Tunnel: Contaminated Area Velder's Hallucination
Temple of Trials The Rage of Behemoth
Grand Cavern: The Source of Demonic Energy Deep-Sea Passage: Emergency Crisis

Special Dungeons

Special Dungeons are dungeons that offer unique gameplay mechanics separate from that of regular and secret dungeons. They are located in the Special tab of the dungeon select menu, and offer exclusive rewards and drops. Entry limitations may apply on some dungeons, requiring specific items or times of day in order to enter.

Henir's Time and Space

Main Article: Henir's Time and Space

Dimensional time and space where a genius magician is serving an eternal punishment.
This dungeon mode allows you to fight the major bosses in Elsword in a boss rush style.
Through this mode, you can collect Time and Space Fragments, which can be exchanged at Glave for rare items and upgradeable Force Skills.

Heroic Mode

Main Article: Heroic Mode

Heroic Mode is a gameplay mode where normal dungeons between Velder and Elysion (excluding Solace's Fortress and Halted Sun's Memory) can be played with a significantly harder difficulty for players at the level cap. Mobs receive significantly increased attack, defense, health among other boosts. These dungeons offer powerful materials as drops and quest rewards. Players must be at least level 99 to enter.

Ereda Island

Main Article: Ereda Island

Ereda Island is a strategic battle mode where you win by destroying enemy's base quicker than your opponents.
A place where the 'Red Knights' of Velder and 'Guardian Knights' of Hamel fight till their heart's content.
It was said that they both compete to promote unity and development, but in actual fact they compete because of the hidden artifacts in the island and both kingdoms fight for it.
The island battle was hidden with a mysterious force but now the mysterious land known as Ereda Island has appeared in the eyes of everyone.
A strategic battle mode where you win by destroying Guardian Tower quicker than your opponents.

Add's Energy Fusion Theory

Main Article: Add's Energy Fusion Theory

In an attempt to create the ultimate weapon, Add's greatest experiment backfired, unleashing a rogue entity empowered by the weapon's strength. You must battle through a series of increasingly powerful enemies imbued with Void Energy, in order to locate Apocalypse Type - Void, and defeat it. If you are lucky, you may even discover the ultimate weapon itself, but be quick, enemies will grow stronger the longer you take!
Add's Energy Fusion Theory is a single player exclusive dungeon.

Dimension of Sinister Intent

Main Article: Dimension of Sinister Intent

Dimension of Sinister Intent is a single player exclusive dungeon where you face off against powerful enemies that function similarly to Epic NPCs. You must battle through 30 stages of increasingly challenging battles for rewards, which can be used to obtain unique accessories.

Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak

Main Article: Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak

Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak is an 8-player giant boss battle against Drabaki, who has been affected by Henir. Sent forth by an unknown entity, the El Search Party must team up and enter the Gate of Time, in order to take down Drabaki. Those who are strong enough to take it down, have a chance to obtain rare and powerful rewards, including a Legendary Force Skill.

Gate of Darkness

Main Article: Gate of Darkness

Gate of Darkness is a defense-type dungeon where you fight demons while defending a certain structure. Successfully defending the structure will grant you a powerful buff, as well as rewards that allow you to craft new consumables and upgrade Dimension of Sinister Intent accessories.

Event Dungeons

Event Dungeons are usually part of a limited time event, that are later incorporated as semi-permanent additions to the game. Entry passes are required to play these dungeons, which are distributed through the mail during their initial release, or purchased through the Item Mall. You may also freely enter these dungeons once per day without the need for an entry pass.

Below is a list of the currently accessible event dungeons.

Current Event Cycle

Dungeon Name Dungeon Name
Velder Academy Library Velder Academy Athletic Meet
Velder Academy Concert Dessert Cafe
ELSTAR Showcase ELSTAR Signing Event
Elrios City Run Elrios City Defense

For a list of previous event maps that are no longer accessible, see Old Event Maps.

Guild Dungeons

Guild Dungeons are multiplayer minigames that can be played with fellow members of your guild. You can receive Guild Coins as a reward once a day per character from each dungeon.

Dungeon Name
Hungry Ghost
Bump Bump Moby!
The Great Zombie Invasion

Tips and details

  • If you retry a dungeon while dead, you will be resurrected in the next dungeon with full MP, but 0 HP.
  • Raid dungeons cannot be entered within 1 hour before a scheduled server maintenance, as the buttons will be greyed out.


  • Prior to the 06/04/2013 Hunting Fields update, you could only enter a dungeon while in the respective rest area for that region. For example, to play a Bethma dungeon, you had to be in the Bethma Mountains rest area to do so.
    • Additionally, after completing a dungeon, you would be placed in a lounge area, which was identical to the boss room of that dungeon. These Lounges served as an instanced rest area for your party in between dungeon runs, and were all inhabited by Helen.
