Guardian's Forest

From Elwiki

Guardian's Forest

The first area the El Search Party entered in the Demon Realm was a dense forest protected by the Dark Elves.

The first area the El Search Party entered in the Demon Realm was a dense forest protected by the Dark Elves.
Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Dungeon Layout

 Enviromental Debuff - Demon RealmEnviromental Debuff - Demon Realm

  • The El's power does not reach into this realm, Attack and HP will be reduced by 10%.
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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
Sentinel Chaser - A female dark elf soldier that specializes in traps and dagger based combat.
  • Triple Slash: Slash three times with her dagger.
  • Trap Set: Jump high into the air and throw knives into the ground. Stepping over these knives will hurt and stagger players.
  • Dive Strike: Warp on top of a player and dive straight down onto them.
Sentinel Ranger - A female dark elf soldier that specializes in ranged bow and arrow combat.
  • Arrow Shot: Ready her bow and fire an arrow forwards.
  • Backstep Shot: Take a backstep and ready an arrow shot.
  • Arched Shot: Fire a volley of three arrows in an arc aimed at a player.
  • Jump Shot: Jump into the air and fire a spread of three arrows downwards.
  • Arrow Rain: Charge a shot and fire it towards the sky, a volley of arrows will rain from above a player.
Venemous Plant - A native flower of the forest filled with cursed mist.
  • Vine Whip: Whip its vines on both sides of itself.
  • Toxin Release: If left unattended, the flower can release a cloud of cursed mist.
Vine Plant - A native flower of the forest filled with deadly poisons.
  • Vine Whip: Whip its vines on both sides of itself.
  • Poison Release: If left unattended, the flower can release a cloud of powerful poisonous mist.
Pollen Plant - A native flower of the forest filled with healing pollen.
  • Pollen Field: It can also release a pollen field which can heal it and mobs nearby.


Mini Boss
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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Sentinel Commander - A high ranking Dark Elf officer armed with her bow.
  • Arrow Shot: Ready her bow and fire an arrow forwards.
  • Backstep Shot: Take a backstep and ready an arrow shot.
  • Arched Shot: Fire an volley of three arrows in a parabolic arc aimed at a player.
  • Trapping Arrow: Fire a spread shot in an identical manor to Trapping Arrow - Fungus.
  • Slide Kick: Slide across the ground then slash players, if the slash hits, will follow up with Trapping Arrow.
  • Arrow Rain: Charge a shot and fire it towards the sky, a volley of arrows will rain from above a player.
  • Focused Arrow: Quickly backlip backwards to gain distance between players. Concentrate a large amount of energy which manifest as a blackhole that sucks players in. Fire all that energy in a single shot, similar to the latter shots of Ace in the Hole.
    She will have Hyper Armor during the entirety of the attack.
    Assuming there are no Dark Elves left, you can use a Shroom to propell to the higher ground to avoid easily,
    There's also a small time frame between her black hole and her arrow shot in which you can jump/I-frame to avoid, but Elves' arrows could impede you, should this be the case, you can Mana Break preemptively.
  • Summoning Call: Call for reinforcements, summoning other Dark Elves.


  • The boss will have Super Armor during all of its attacks.


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Obstacles Image Obstacles Description
Bounce Shroom - Certain glowing mushrooms will launch players high into the air.
Faraway Archers - Squads of Sentinel Rangers will line in the background, they'll fire multiple Arrow Rains down onto the foreground.
Pitfall - Being in the forest canopy, much the area below is an open space, falling down will result in a percent loss in HP.


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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Forginay - A large flower located at the heart of the forest, its scent attracts its prey. Two will be fought simultaneously, both flowers must be destroyed simultaneously or they will restore themselves back to half health.
  • Seed Spread: Fire seeds which will turn into smaller flowers scattered throughout the stage.
    • Venom Cloud: Seeds will expulse a toxin to poison players, dealing damage.
    • Nutrition: If a large number of seeds on a specific lane stay for a period of time, will regenerate a portion of its mother Forginay's HP.
  • Vine Whip: Whip its vines on both sides of itself.
  • Large Vine Whip: Whip with its larger vines on both sides of it. Slower but more powerful.
  • Root Bind: Drill its root into the ground on one side of it which will cause more roots to burst out of the ground, binding players.
  • Rage Mode: If the plant is allowed to be resurrected, it will come back larger and more powerful.


  • The boss has perpetual super armor.


  • Dark Elf: 누구냐!
  • Dark Elf: 적습!
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Demonic Vine Crown
Demonic Vine Crown

Face Accessory (Top):

Awakening Charge +10%

Awakening Time -30%

Physical Attack -5%

Magical Attack -5%

Physical/Magical Attack During Awakening +10%

  • During the development, this dungeon was initially called "다크엘프의 숲 (Dark Elves' Forest)".
  • Massive Nephilims can be seen throughout the dungeon, implying the one fought in Southern Gate was a lesser variant.
  • The name of the forest to the Dark Elves is, Varnitas Eldimyr, which in their language means, False Home.
Date Changes
06/28/2018 07/11/2018
  • Guardian's Forest added.
10/10/2019 -
  • CP Requirement increased from 120000 to 130000.
03/12/2020 04/08/2020
  • Difficulty decreased.
  • Normal and Refined Mystic Stone drop rate in dungeons increased.
  • Accessory drop rate increased.
07/04/2024 07/31/2024
  • Forginay’s Attack and Defense reduced.
  • Sentinel Commander’s HP, Attack, and Defense reduced.
  • Sentinel Ranger and Sentinel Chaser’s HP reduced.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 수호자의 숲 Forest of the Guardians
Japan 守護者の森 Forest of the Guardians
Germany Beschützerwald Forest of the Guardians
Spain Bosque de los Defensores Forest of the Guardians
France Forêt protectrice Protective Forest
Italy Foresta del Guardiano Forest of the Guardian
Poland Las Strażnika Forest of the Guardian
Brazil Floresta dos Guardiões Forest of the Guardians

  • Region 13~18
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous